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AIDS education started very early in Zimbabwe and is now compulsory in all schools. This evaluation documents the development of the primary and secondary school AIDS Action Programme from 1991 to 1998. Six programme aspects were evaluated: programme start-up, planning and management, development of syllabi and materials, teacher training, research, monitoring and evaluation, and co-ordination. The Programme drew on resources from within the existing educational system. Due to broad-based consultation and participation, it was supported by Government and partners. Flexible management ensured implementation of mid-course corrections. It was concluded that school AIDS programmes should stress participatory teaching and learning methods and life-skills training. Curriculum writers and teachers needed training and supervision in participatory techniques. Cluster workshops between district and school levels were needed to strengthen the cascade model of teacher training that had been adopted. Systematic research, monitoring and evaluation were essential, including follow-ups to baseline surveys. The Zimbabwean programme was well-designed, relatively inexpensive and replicable.  相似文献   
In this paper, with the use of linear regressions to investigate how relationship dissolution affects sexual attitudes and behaviors, the authors address the stereotype that newly single people seek multiple sexual partners. Although the newly single people surveyed did obtain new sexual partners, the rate at which they acquired new partners did not support the stereotype. Specifically, men with custody of their children seemed oriented toward finding a steady partner. Additionally, men and women with low incomes reported relatively high rates of partner acquisition after relationship dissolution. The high rates reported by disadvantaged groups may be more directly related to familial instability accompanying poverty than to cultural characteristics associated with income or race. We argue that a life stage model with categorical stages in a rigid, anachronistic progression provides insufficient means to gain an understanding of newly single people.  相似文献   
用现代眼光来看,教育的根本目的与人类文化的终极指归具有同趋性,即在于改善人的生存状态,提高人的生活质量,满足人的多重需要,促进人的自由、全面、和谐的发展,进而推动人类社会的不断进步。语文教育的人性复归,已成为历史的文化的必然。它具有鲜明的人文性与内涵的丰厚性,是一种集人类文化之精华、千方百计唤起人性、培养人性、传播人性、促进人性成长的教育,这样的教育充满了哲学的、美学的意义。  相似文献   
基督教和佛教都是高度伦理化的宗教 ,伦理思想是其宗教教义的重要内容。从伦理之来源、道德依据、行为规范、人性论、社会意义等方面对基督教和佛教的伦理观进行了比较 ,分析二者伦理观之同异 ,从而阐扬了两教的伦理价值。  相似文献   
近年来我国住宅建设日趋兴盛,住宅成为居民新的消费热点,住宅设计进入新的发展阶段,本文比较与研究已建住宅的优点与不足,探讨住宅户型设计在现阶段的重要性,设计原则及应关注的问题。  相似文献   
李清照与安娜·阿赫玛托娃是不同国家的两个伟大的女诗人,她们的生活经历迥异,创作道路相似。她们的经历是时代和心灵历程的记录,是精神宝库的财富。  相似文献   
从"终身体育"视角谈高职体育素质教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职学校体育是终身体育前期阶段的一种特殊形态。为此,要从体育改革基本理念的三个方面,即终身体育观、体育与健康素质教育观和育人为本的课程设计观出发,构建符合素质教育要求的高职体育课程及教材体系。  相似文献   
船作为维系人与自然———水的中介 ,成了沈从文作品中人物活动的舞台 ,它因此被赋予了“生命” ,从船的命运沉浮中我们可以窥见人的命运的兴衰。为作家提供了接触人事的直接工具和窥探人类命运的微型窗口。  相似文献   
晚唐诗人李商隐,文名早就,诗人也渴望以己之才兴家展志,实现自己的生命价值。然而终于“贤士失志”,志业一一终成画饼。加之早年家境影响下最初忧生意识的积淀,使得李商隐少年自许的骄傲逐渐退居一旁,生命意识开始潜滋暗长。间或从幽隐的心之角落,伸出敏感的手指,敲响了伤逝忧生的悲哀钟声。  相似文献   
文章通过分析铁凝的小说《哦,香雪》、《棉花垛》、《永远有多远》、《秀色》、《安德列的晚上》、《树下》等对人的“存在”的发现和追问,试图寻找这位女性作家作品里的某些欠缺,而对其作品所展示的艺术表现力和概括力也予以充分肯定。  相似文献   
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