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李朝时期,朝鲜使臣频繁出使明朝,由于其另一身份为精通汉学的文人,因此与同样深受中国影响的域外文人进行了文学交流:李安讷同孔闻謤的诗歌酬唱,体现了中朝两国的文化认同;金尚宪与吴大斌的惺惺相惜,体现了文人间的友好情谊;李醉光与安南使者冯克宽、琉球使者蔡坚的文学往来,体现了朝鲜文学在安南等国的影响.朝鲜使臣在出使明朝的过程中,以文学为裁体,同域外文人进行了广泛的文化交流.  相似文献   
研究中国古代城市文学的文学史意义在于,从空间视角重新认识和研究古代文学,充分发掘和利用长期以来被忽略的城市文学资源。有助于建构起时空并置、更加完整和系统的中国古代文学史。此外,研究中国古代城市文学还可以为当代文学史研究提供一个广阔的历史视野与意蕴深厚的历史文本。  相似文献   
评鲍德里亚的"消费社会理论"   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
鲍德里亚系统提出了"消费社会"的理论。他企图对唯物史观进行"颠覆"是错误的。但是不能简单地认为他是资本主义制度的辩护士。鲍德里亚不懂得马克思从根本上颠覆了国民经济学和唯心主义历史观的两种"幻象",从而奠定了生产和劳动对于人类社会存在与发展的基础性地位;不懂得消费与生产的现实辩证关系,片面地离开生产探讨消费的新特征,甚至主张用消费取代生产。消费异化是劳动异化的表现。技术救赎不可能解决当代人类面临的重大社会问题。  相似文献   
本文对黎族文学从多层面加以论述。  相似文献   
本文针对当前出版的几部有影响的《中国文学史》将元散曲置于元杂剧章节后,又无视散曲、杂剧的音乐特征及其知识的做法,有意在教学中将元散曲移置元杂剧前,使其前后相承,并对其音乐属性——宫调曲牌、声韵等有关知识作了简明比较介绍,从而更全面的认识和把握了散曲性质,又使杂剧提前介入曲学知识,收到省时简明的教学效果。  相似文献   
穆木天思想和创作在中国现代文学中是一个十分复杂的现象,其核心体现了与“边缘文化”相联系的左翼文学的精神特征,与30年代左翼文学的灵魂——鲁迅有着一致的精神趋向。以鲁迅为代表的左翼文学体现了中国现代文学的“先锋性”,在这个问题上,穆木天的文艺思想既有重要的价值,又存在着局限性,这种局限是与他的“日本体验”内在相关的。  相似文献   
新时期以来,儿童文学理论研究走向了多元化,理论研究的多元化集中在两个层次上:一是儿童文学的功能性研究;二是儿童文学接受主体的研究。  相似文献   
The 1998 Korean Survey of Family Income and Expenditures was used to examine the overall consumption and saving behavior of Korean baby boomers and compared the differences in consumption and saving behavior between older and younger boomers. The t -test results indicated that the younger boomers allocated a significantly higher percentage of their expenditures on food away from home, household appliances, transportation and communication than did the older boomers, whereas the older boomers spent higher amounts and allocated larger budget shares on their children's education than did the younger boomers. The results of Ordinary Least-Squares (OLS) regression analysis showed that, holding other factors constant, older boomers not only spent significantly more in the total consumption expenditures and education expenditures, but older boomers also saved significantly less than did younger boomers.  相似文献   
In the ten-year period from 1990 to 1999, children's consumption has increased dramatically in proportion to family income. In 85% of urban families, children's average consumption is equal to one third or more of the family's income. Resources are being directed to children's food and dietary supplements, toys, travel, computers and other electronic equipment, and educational resources. Children perceive that they have a significant influence on the family's financial decision-making. Problems related to children's consumption include indulgence in unnecessary or harmful purchases, and conspicuous consumption that cannot be sustained by the family's income. While some child-focused spending is viewed as enriching development, other expenditures may harm the family's economic well-being and foster an overly materialistic outlook among children.  相似文献   
明中叶以后 ,以公安三袁为主力的公安派高举“性灵”大旗 ,开创了与“复古”论调大相径庭的一代风气 ,影响甚大。而公安三袁中尤以袁宏道为重 ,袁宏道的文学思想表现在三个方面 :一、识时通变的文学发展观 ;二、“独抒性灵”的创作主张 ;三、“本色轻淡”的艺术趣味。  相似文献   
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