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Heightened integration with the US coupled with the rise of an indigenous movement have challenged and strained long-held images regarding the US and the indigenous within Mexico. As a result, Mexico finds itself facing the difficult task of re-evaluating and reconstructing its national identity. This paper explores the traditional images of the US and the Indian shaping national identity in Mexico and the challenges posed today by neo-liberalism and neo-indigenismo. It sets out a range of current issues, explores the linkages and contradictions, and examines the state of national reform. Fundamentally, the paper strives to raise important theoretical questions and hence set the stage for further research into these issues.  相似文献   
国际 2 1世纪教育委员会的报告《教育———财富蕴藏其中》中提出面对未来社会的发展的 4种基本要求———学会认知、学会做事、学会共处、学会生存。这说明 ,在现代教育中 ,必须以学生发展为中心 ,开展研究性学习。我国实施的研究性学习就是改变我国传统的以教师为中心的教学模式 ,突出学生在学习中的主导地位。从贯彻素质教育的宗旨出发 ,在学科教学中渗透研究性学习 ,是培养学生综合能力的一种尝试和实践。  相似文献   
本文通过对数学和自然科学发展史的考察,认为数学美在科学家的科学实践活动中,发挥着重要的动力作用和方法论功能。即数学美为科学探索提供持久的内在动力;为科学发现提供武器和导引;为科学成果提供选择和评价的标准。  相似文献   
Topics in Microbial Risk Assessment: Dynamic Flow Tree Process   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Microbial risk assessment is emerging as a new discipline in risk assessment. A systematic approach to microbial risk assessment is presented that employs data analysis for developing parsimonious models and accounts formally for the variability and uncertainty of model inputs using analysis of variance and Monte Carlo simulation. The purpose of the paper is to raise and examine issues in conducting microbial risk assessments. The enteric pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7 was selected as an example for this study due to its significance to public health. The framework for our work is consistent with the risk assessment components described by the National Research Council in 1983 (hazard identification; exposure assessment; dose-response assessment; and risk characterization). Exposure assessment focuses on hamburgers, cooked a range of temperatures from rare to well done, the latter typical for fast food restaurants. Features of the model include predictive microbiology components that account for random stochastic growth and death of organisms in hamburger. For dose-response modeling, Shigella data from human feeding studies were used as a surrogate for E. coli O157:H7. Risks were calculated using a threshold model and an alternative nonthreshold model. The 95% probability intervals for risk of illness for product cooked to a given internal temperature spanned five orders of magnitude for these models. The existence of even a small threshold has a dramatic impact on the estimated risk.  相似文献   
Risk,Media, and Stigma at Rocky Flats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flynn  James  Peters  Ellen  Mertz  C. K.  Slovic  Paul 《Risk analysis》1998,18(6):715-727
Public responses to nuclear technologies are often strongly negative. Events, such as accidents or evidence of unsafe conditions at nuclear facilities, receive extensive and dramatic coverage by the news media. These news stories affect public perceptions of nuclear risks and the geographic areas near nuclear facilities. One result of these perceptions, avoidance behavior, is a form of technological stigma that leads to losses in property values near nuclear facilities. The social amplification of risk is a conceptual framework that attempts to explain how stigma is created through media transmission of information about hazardous places and public perceptions and decisions. This paper examines stigma associated with the U.S. Department of Energy's Rocky Flats facility, a major production plant in the nation's nuclear weapons complex, located near Denver, Colorado. This study, based upon newspaper analyses and a survey of Denver area residents, finds that the social amplification theory provides a reasonable framework for understanding the events and public responses that took place in regard to Rocky Flats during a 6-year period, beginning with an FBI raid of the facility in 1989.  相似文献   
Fishbein and Ajzen's Reasoned Action model was used to predict intention to blow the whistle. Accounting students attending an Israeli university and accountant practitioners were used as the subjects for the study. It was hypothesized that attitudes and social norms would directly explain intention, while professional obligation, locus of control and professional socialization would modify the criterion variable through attitudes and social norms. Findings showed that social norms directly influenced intent to blow the whistle among both samples, as hypothesized. However, locus of control and professional socialization also directly influenced intent, rather than modifying the criterion variable. Suggestions for further research are included.  相似文献   
1986年以来在四川盆地西北部采集到205种草菌,其中包括省内新记录种60种,国内新记录种4种。根据G.C.Ainsworth等(1973)的分类系统分类并命名。所有标本保藏在四川锦阳农业专科学校真菌标本室。  相似文献   
本文推广了的结果,主要研究了一类Ismail-May算子线性组合的同时逼近问题,在一致通近意义下,给出了逼近的正定理、逆定理及非最优逼近阶的特征刻划.  相似文献   
本文用Winkler法测定隆线溞(Caphnia carinata king)不同龄期个体的耗氧量及二幼龄个体在不同温度下的耗氧量。测得幼龄与成龄两阶段,其耗氧量分别以4.88×10~(-2)与1.695×10~(-1)的速率随体重增加而增大,耗氧率则分别随体重的增加而逐渐降低;在常温下,隆线溞耗氧量Y与温度X呈Y=3.69×10~(-3)×1.07~x的指数函数关系,由此得到,17℃—19℃是隆线搔生长速率快而耗氧量较小的最适人工培养温度。  相似文献   
郑洲 《民族学刊》2023,14(1):75-86, 148
社会治理共同体视域下推进我国民族互嵌式社区治理共同体建设,既是促进各民族相互嵌入的基本着力点,也是落实民族工作“重在基层”的重要体现。本文通过对郑家庄典型社区进行调查研究,将民族互嵌式社区的系统建构与社会治理共同体建设相结合、相融通,见微知著,研究和探讨多民族社区治理的普遍规律,在共同体叙事中探寻我国民族互嵌式社区治理共同体建构的内在机理与框架体系。郑家庄通过系统推进“居住互嵌、组织互嵌、经济互嵌、文化互嵌与心理互嵌”,探索建构民族互嵌式社区生活共同体、组织共同体、经济共同体、文化共同体与情感共同体,为多民族社区实现“建设人人有责、人人尽责、人人享有的社会治理共同体”目标提供了实践样本。  相似文献   
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