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Increasingly around the industrialized world, labour markets rely upon the paid work of women, many of whom have dependents. Such changing patterns of paid work by women — and by men — are located within work/care regimes that are more or less hostile to the needs of paid workers who care for others. This article sets out a model of work/care regimes and locates the Australian case within international and historical contexts. In Australia, the unchanging normative male worker archetype dominates institutions of work and care, while the cultures of motherhood and fatherhood remain stoically resistant to renovation. In the meantime, the behaviour of working women runs ahead of these unchanging cultures and institutions, creating a policy interest in ‘reconciling’ work and care, but a failure to provide it. The reasons for this failure are outlined.  相似文献   
作者运用理论分析和实证分析相结合的方法对佛山市经济发展的实践予以深刻剖视后指出:佛山市经济建设处在从物质投入主导型向科技进步主导塑转变的转折点上,在跨世纪的经济发展与经济竞争中,佛山市必须实行科技兴市的新发展战略,作者对佛山市科技兴市战略的涵义,目标,条件作了深入分析,并进而设计了科技兴市战略的运行机制和政策落点。  相似文献   
论述孔子思想理念中所要构建的君子人格体系,分析君子人格的构成要素及内在联系,提出培育以“仁”为核心、以“礼”为表现形式、以“忠孝”为基本要求、以“信义智勇”为补充的君子人格,并阐明培养君子人格的历史意义和对现代社会的启示。  相似文献   
为了提升城市户外广告环境品质,改进规划工作的不足,提出以公共政策为导向的户外广告规划研究方法。在《深圳市户外广告设置指引》的编制实践中,通过多视角的目标建构、"规范"加"规划"的导控策略以及"手册式"的成果表达手段,取得了良好的实践效果。因此提出:为了提高户外广告规划成果的可操作性,增强实施实效性,必须正确认识户外广告的双重属性,将规划工作从传统的技术导向转变为以公共政策导向,做到导控中的因势"利导"与"力导"。  相似文献   
综述了参与’99湖南岳阳两湖屈原与楚文化学术研讨会的专家学者的主要研究成果,介绍了有关世纪之交屈原研究的回顾与展望方面的成果。  相似文献   
冯雪峰是“修正主义文艺”批判运动第一阶段( 1956~ 1962)主要的批判对象.作 为唯一的参加过长征的左翼文艺理论家,冯雪峰于1957年遭遇清算,除了他那不合时宜的革命 现实主义理论的启蒙倾向,还有一个重要的原因,就是19世纪30年代已然形成、长期以来没 能解决的宗派主义从中作祟.  相似文献   
We interpret gradients in population dynamics of the gray-sided vole from the southwestern part of the island of Hokkaido to its northeastern part within the framework of a phenomenological model involving the relative length of summer and winter. In Hokkaido, as in other northern regions, both spring and fall is considered as short transition periods between the two main seasons — summer (the primary breeding season) and winter (the non-reproductive or secondary breeding season). We show that the geographic transition in dynamics may be understood as the combined consequence of different patterns of density-dependence during summer and winter, and geographically varying season lengths. Differences are shown to exist between summer and winter with respect to strength of density-dependence. Direct density-dependence, in particular, is stronger during winter than during summer. A model is presented to show how relative lengths of seasons can induce both stable and periodically fluctuating population dynamics. The results are compared and contrasted with what is otherwise known about the gradient in rodent dynamics in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   
近年来,有些院校在工业设计专业的新教学计划中提出了“课程环”的构想。这样的教学模式试图把先前自成一体的课程有机地融解在数个相对的小系统中,进而形成以课题设计为中心的大系统。而过去的“三段式”教学模式则是以各门独立课程为中心的。在“三段式”教育下,有的学生几乎每门功课都优秀却做不出好设计来,更有甚者不懂设计程序而无法完成完整的设计。这种教学模式存在诸多弊端。  相似文献   
男女两性协调发展在构建和谐社会中有十分重要的意义,两性协调发展可促进经济、社会协调发展,有利于人的全面发展,同时女性发展得到重视,有助于从根本上提高民族素质,推动三大文明建设。但实际生活中,实现男女平等、协调发展既面临传统与现实的挑战,又面临经济全球化、城市化、工业化进程带来的机遇。本文在分析这些情况的基础上,提出解决男女协调发展的途径。  相似文献   
劳动就业是我国经济社会发展过程中面临的战略性问题。构建江西城乡劳动力市场体系,必须立足江西实际,加强宏观指导,转变政府职能,注重制度创新,增加市场弹性,培育劳动力市场价格形成机制,健全和完善各项经济社会政策,以促进江西经济社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   
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