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法藏P.2185号敦煌写卷是《净土盂兰盆经》的唯一抄本,也是该经存世的唯一孤本。该经旨在奉劝民众造盂兰盆并于七月十五日供奉佛僧,为现在、七世父母追福。这部中土僧人撰述的佛典是佛教孝道观中国化、世俗化的典范,其取材甚广,除借鉴《盂兰盆经》外,还征引了一些当时流行的佛经及佛经注疏。本经的编纂既为唐五代官方、寺院与民间耗费巨资造盂兰盆及供奉物品提供了佛典支持,也为盂兰盆斋会范文的制作新增了素材。同时,为盛行于晚唐五代的目连变文中目连母堕饿鬼地狱故事的书写添加了母题。唐玄宗开元十九年(731)八月以前,这部佛典远播日本,与《盂兰盆经》《报恩奉盆经》等,同是日本各大寺院举办盂兰盆斋会时的常讲经目。  相似文献   
This article seeks to demonstrate and analyze the cultural and emotional work surrogate mothers collectively engage in on the largest surrogacy support website, http://www.surromomsonline.com . Surrogate mothers’ online stories and discussions frame contract surrogacy as a “labor of love.” Women often describe their surrogacy as a “journey” of shared love; they hope for a lasting relationship with the couple they carry for. This article explores how the language of love, learned and internalized through online communication with other surrogates, creates both a cultural conceptualization of surrogacy and a ground for action. Love and altruistic giving are consistent with close interpersonal rather than market relationships; surrogates hope for a long‐term friendship with their couple. Surrogacy journeys, however, not infrequently end in disappointment; surrogates feel betrayed when couples cut ties. As a result of collective learning, surrogates’ discussions increasingly articulate the position that love, even when unreciprocated, can lead to repeated giving; love is noble and ennobling. Surrogates find appreciation and support in their online surrogacy community where they agree that giving life is a moral good. This stance has contributed to a renewed enthusiasm to bear children for others.  相似文献   
What follows is a response from far away to a city, its citizens and professional colleagues ravaged by a series of devastating earthquakes and aftershocks in 2010. It was an attempt to offer stories that could be easily circulated around professional circles and the populace. These might be considered to be ‘teaching tales’, which the author hoped would implicate community responses to what could be regarded as individual problems.  相似文献   

The idea of a ‘love of humanity’, though largely absent from social work literature, is a potent concept for challenging the dominant discourses of individual material wealth, greed and power. It can be associated with the postmodern agenda of emancipation from oppressive discourses of professional ‘expertise’. Love, or a ‘love of humanity’, has the same intent as formulations of social work grounded in postmodern critical theory, but it uses a different language. It uses a language of lived experience and personal commitment - a language that appeals to our hearts -a language passionate about, and incorporating, human rights and social justice.  相似文献   

We dedicate this first issue of 2002 to Cindy Hepfer and share a few well-chosen words to honor her for her years of editorial leadership. Serials Review 2002; 28:1–3.  相似文献   
孝悌是"仁"的根本和基础。北宋思想家张载对"孝悌"思想作了重要发展:首先,把天地当作父母,把所有的人和万物都当作兄弟和朋友;其次,把孝悌由一种品德提升为一种精神修养。张载对传统孝悌思想的发展具有深刻的启示:提升道德修养和精神境界需要从孝悌开始,同时需要具备感恩和移情能力。  相似文献   
冰心是表现“母爱、童心、大自然”“三爱”为一体的集大成者,其作品中却独少爱情题材,这一现象在评论界极少得到关注。而冰心作品中爱情题材缺失并非偶然现象,它与中国传统文化心态的制约、个人人生体验的缺乏、作家思维定势的拘囿和读者期待视野的影响等方面密切相关。  相似文献   
魏韶华 《东方论坛》2006,14(6):43-48
作为一位有着明确文化意识的小说家,老舍创造了一种独特的小说类型文化寓意小说。所谓“文化寓意小说”,是指以小说的形式明确传达某种文化思想的小说,小说中的人物大都带有某种明确或较明确的文化指代性,甚至有的人物就是某种文化的代表和符号。这类小说寄寓着老舍对新国民人格的理想,这一人格的核心是办事认真、国家意识和独立精神等。  相似文献   
<红楼梦>开篇就宣称此书是"大旨谈情",脂砚斋也在批语中明确指出,<红楼梦>主要是写"情"的,是"一篇尽情文字".<红楼梦>中的"情",主要是指"儿女之情",作者的目的就是"要将儿女之情发泄一二","儿女之情"是"情情"与"情不情"的统一."情情",是指"谁对我有情,我即对谁有情."是对爱情的专一,情之所钟,一往情深;"情不情"是指对所有人和物都付诸真情,是一种博爱精神.<红楼梦>中的"情"又是一种悲情,揭示的是作者"情"的破灭、审美理想幻灭的悲剧.  相似文献   
阿加莎·克里斯蒂作品中悬念设置的主要技巧和方法:一是倒置设悬;二是连环设悬;三是隐形人设悬以及运用哑谜、切隔、反常、危局等方法来故布疑阵,营造氛围。由此说明成功设置悬念能给读者提供多层面的审美参与,成功的侦探小说可以承担起文学的多种审美功能。  相似文献   
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