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漂泊流浪是一个永恒的文学母题。中国新文学中的知识分子题材小说,特别是知识分子形象塑造得比较鲜明的小说,几乎都写到了知识分子的漂泊流浪,展现了他们生活的困顿和灵魂的不安定。他们总有欲求,是最不安分的,同时又总感到失落,在行动上总是漂泊的,在精神上总是流浪的,在心理上总是具有无根的感觉。于是灵魂到处流浪,精神无所寄托。这也正是知识分子独具的性格特征和精神心理。一部知识分子的形象史,就是知识分子漂泊流浪和寻找精神家园的历史。  相似文献   
女性发展在社会进步过程中具有十分重要的地位。新中国成立以来,虽然在女性发展方面取得了很大成就,但与人的全面发展还有一定距离。立足当代中国实际,充分调动社会、女性、男性三方面的力量才能从根本上解决女性发展过程中存在的问题,真正实现自由、全面发展,从而进一步推进社会主义和谐社会的建设进程。  相似文献   
高校教师被社会大众广泛的视为知识分子,然而作为其中一部份的体育教师,却明显缺乏"知识分子"角色的自我认知这样一种身份意识,通过分析其原因,指出主要原因在于一些体育教师人文意识、创造意识、独立意识、社会参与意识、理性批判意识等方面的不足,提出了唤醒"知识分子"身份意识的具体策略。  相似文献   
皖籍知识分子在新文化运动中是极具代表性的先进群体。随着《新青年》的创刊,在陈独秀的周围迅速地结集了以皖籍进步青年知识分子为主的作者队伍。而那些非皖籍的撰稿者们,无一不是与陈独秀关系熟稔或是有过一定的交往。地域情结固然是促成他们聚集的首要因素,但是共同的思想基点才是他们相互之间得以合作和联络的情感纽带和内在动因。  相似文献   
俄罗斯文学由之前的默默无闻到19世纪成为世界文坛的一朵奇芭,这种跳跃式的发展与俄罗斯19世纪特殊的政治文化境遇有密切的关系.民族意识的觉醒、东正教的影响及"文学成为唯一的讲坛"等作为外因,普希金对俄罗斯文学的开拓、文学批评与文学创作的良性互动、文坛前辈对后辈不遗余力的提携、文学传媒发挥的文学阵地作用、俄罗斯知识分子的殉道精神等作为内因,共同作用使俄罗斯文学在19世纪创造了难以复制的辉煌.  相似文献   
汉文小说的创作贯穿了朝鲜朝500年的历史,当时的文人士大夫在小说中塑造了大量的女性形象。从当时汉文小说的创作群来看,都是男性作家,这为男性目光中的女性形像提供了一个很好的文本。深入解读小说文本中的女性形象可以发现,男性作家笔下女性形象构建的深层动因主要是对具有传统美德特质女性形象的恪守,对传统女性形象的写真以及难舍玉洁冰清。  相似文献   
黄盈盈  王文卿  潘绥铭 《社会》2011,31(5):114-132
农民工的“性”问题日益受到社会的关注。本文基于北京地区四个工地136位民工的访谈,以工地男民工“谈小姐”为切入点,将“谈小姐”视为男民工日常生活中的言说实践,以扎根理论的视角来探究“谈话”这种日常活动的建构意义。本文并不停留于男民工对“小姐”形象(谈论的客体)的构建,而是更进一步地探讨:(1)在“谈小姐”的言说实践过程中男民工如何构建出自身的阶层地位、社会性别与性文化;(2)分析阶层、社会性别、性这三者的关系。通过这种主体建构的呈现,本文试图揭示男民工如何寻找自己在这个社会中的定位,以及寻找现实生活中积极的生存策略。  相似文献   

Objective: This campaign sought to (a) increase awareness of sexual health and chlamydia testing; (b) motivate students, particularly sexually active men who do not pursue regular sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, to get tested; and (c) improve the capacity of the student health center to provide free chlamydia testing and treatment for all students. Participants: Students enrolled at a 4-year public research university (N = 333). Methods: Collaborative partnerships formed the foundation of a campus marketing and testing campaign, with treatment for students testing positive for chlamydia. Results: A total of 333 students were tested over 5 consecutive Mondays, showing a chlamydia incidence of 9.6%. The incidence for females and males were 8.6% and 10.8%, respectively. Conclusions: The campaign was effective in reaching men, an at-risk population not traditionally emphasized in STI testing.  相似文献   
This paper identifies the stages of gay male relationships through a qualitative analysis of the interviews of 12 gay men within the context of the Sternberg ( 1986 ) three component model of love. Four stages were identified: Confrontation with sexuality: Preparing for intimacy, Exploration of Sexuality: Engaging with passion, Experimentation with Relationships: Uniting intimacy and passion, and Formation of Committed Relationships: Integrating passion, intimacy, and commitment. Confrontation with Sexuality was a necessary first step before forming intimate relationships, as it provided a context for the second stage of Exploration of Sexuality, where passion could be explored. Once sexuality had been explored, Experimentation with Relationships was the next stage which involved uniting passion with intimacy, often including a period of experimenting with the types of relationships that are usually explored much earlier for heterosexuals. Finally, the fourth stage of Formation of Committed Relationships was identified which involved the integration of passion, intimacy, and commitment. The therapeutic implications of these results are elaborated by an analysis of these stages in clinical cases.  相似文献   
This article considers how women in a gendered profession, engineering, construct their professional identity in response to workplace interpersonal interactions that marginalize it. Using data from interviews with women engineers, it also explores how these interactions influence the engineers' sense of self and belonging in engineering. The interpersonal interactions place professional identity on the periphery and can overly validate gender identity. I discuss two types of identity construction strategies employed by the participants in response to these marginalizing interactions: impression management tactics and coping strategies. Although the data demonstrate that participants may be left feeling devalued or ambivalent towards their identity or fit in engineering, some interactions are more validating and offer a sense of belonging. This article also reflects on how the engineers' actions may, in fact, represent forces for change in the gendered culture of engineering.  相似文献   
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