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We consider the square contingency tables which arise when the same method of classification is applied twice. The hypothesis of marginal homogeneity is then relevant! and can be tested by various methods Models are discussed which contain marginal homogeneity as a special case. They include a class based on univariate and bivariate Dirichlet distributions. The question of ordered categories is briefly discussed. Applications are made to data on unaided distance vision.  相似文献   
A contingency table of the mc form provides a convenient summary of data when c individuals in a matched set9 each belonging to a different one of c classifications, are identified as belonging to one of m categories, A study in which matched sets (c=3) of 1 case, 1 hospital control, and 1 neighborhood control are classified into one of m=4 occupational categories would be an example, Independence in the cxm tables for each of the matched sets implies symmetry in the summary mc table with consequent marginal homogeneity. Adaptation of the Mantel-Haenszel procedure for testing independence to the case of many cxm tables so as to yield a chi square with (cl)(ml) degrees of freedom (DF) provides a test of marginal homogeneity in the summary mc table. This can be viewed as a test of symmetry directed against alternatives which would make for marginal inhomogeneity and can differ  相似文献   
Following the extension from linear mixed models to additive mixed models, extension from generalized linear mixed models to generalized additive mixed models is made, Algorithms are developed to compute the MLE's of the nonlinear effects and the covariance structures based on the penalized marginal likelihood. Convergence of the algorithms and selection of the smooth param¬eters are discussed.  相似文献   
For square contingency tables with ordered categories, there may be some cases that one wants to analyze them by considering collapsed tables with some adjacent categories combined in the original table. This paper proposes three kinds of new models which have the structure of point-symmetry (PS), quasi point-symmetry and marginal point-symmetry for collapsed square tables. This paper also gives a decomposition of the PS model for collapsed square tables. The father's and his daughter's occupational mobility data are analyzed using new models.  相似文献   
Manufacturers want to assess the quality andreliability of their products. Specifically, they want to knowthe exact number of failures from the sales transacted duringa particular month. Information available today is sometimesincomplete as many companies analyze their failure data simplycomparing sales for a total month from a particular departmentwith the total number of claims registered for that given month.This information—called marginal count data—is, thus,incomplete as it does not give the exact number of failures ofthe specific products that were sold in a particular month. Inthis paper we discuss nonparametric estimation of the mean numbersof failures for repairable products and the failure probabilitiesfor nonrepairable products. We present a nonhomogeneous Poissonprocess model for repairable products and a multinomial modeland its Poisson approximation for nonrepairable products. A numericalexample is given and a simulation is carried out to evaluatethe proposed methods of estimating failure probabilities undera number of possible situations.  相似文献   
收入分配不合理是制约当前中国经济发展的主要因素之一。本文分析了现阶段我国收入分配不合理的表现及原因,并提出了相应的政策举措。  相似文献   
张媚玲  邹念琴 《民族学刊》2018,9(4):39-49, 108-111
关于泰-傣诸族群的问题,国内外学者已有了百余年的研究,主要侧重于环东南沿海直至与云南、东南亚相连接区域,且国别区隔明显。对于滇藏缅印交角地区泰-傣诸族群的研究,尚未得见系统、整体性的成果面世。本文拟围绕涉及该交角区泰-傣诸族群的族源、迁徙流动及族际关系等三个方面的零散研究进行梳理并加以评述,以期从整体联动性的视野对泰-傣诸族群在滇藏缅印交角区的研究空间做进一步深入拓展,同时,针对后续研究提出建议:族源问题有待进一步廓清;以地缘政治及文明交汇区域为整体历史背景的长时段探究有待开启;相关文献资料的搜集、翻译和整理有待深化;小尺度地域空间的微观研究有待推进;开展多学科交叉的综合研究。  相似文献   

Objective: To report on college student opinions about the scope of college sexual misconduct (CSM), suggested university sanctions, and treatment of students found responsible of CSM.

Participants: In all, 23?US undergraduate students (14 females and 9 males) with a mean age of 20 years.

Methods: Students participated either in female, male, or mixed-sex focus groups that facilitated the discussion of factors related to CSM.

Results: Students provided in-depth feedback on the climate on US college campuses and factors related to CSM. They agreed upon CSM risk factors and context characteristics, but raised different male and female issues across sex groups. They further provided resolute suggestions for the solution of CSM, experienced treatment barriers, and limited victim reporting.

Conclusion: Student focus groups provide important information about the scope of CSM and offer valuable suggestions for the solution of the problem that may be crucial for the development of successful sexual assault interventions.  相似文献   

The higher rates of disease and death associated with male gender have been widely documented, yet little is being done in the college health setting to address men's health issues. Many of men's health risks are related to social isolation and prohibitions on showing weakness. The authors describe the Virginia Tech University experience with 3 Man Alive groups that were developed to (a) create a supportive social structure for male college students who may otherwise be socially isolated, (b) model healthy expression of emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness, and joy; (c) create a safe space for men to discuss sensitive issues, such as relationships with significant others, sexuality, and substance abuse.  相似文献   
This article examines the use of focus groups (FGs) as a way of gathering pupils’ views on the implementation of new curricula. We provide illustrations of creative activities, which were especially designed for a case‐study research project exploring the views of 11‐year‐old pupils in English schools adopting an innovative approach to the Year 7 curriculum. We argue that combining FGs with creative methods encourages pupils to take an active role in interviews, enriches the quality of the data being collected and enhances the place of FGs as important tools in eliciting pupils’ voices for both research and curriculum planning purposes.  相似文献   
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