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Compositional tables represent a continuous counterpart to well-known contingency tables. Their cells contain quantitatively expressed relative contributions of a whole, carrying exclusively relative information and are popularly represented in proportions or percentages. The resulting factors, corresponding to rows and columns of the table, can be inspected similarly as with contingency tables, e.g. for their mutual independent behaviour. The nature of compositional tables requires a specific geometrical treatment, represented by the Aitchison geometry on the simplex. The properties of the Aitchison geometry allow a decomposition of the original table into its independent and interactive parts. Moreover, the specific case of 2×2 compositional tables allows the construction of easily interpretable orthonormal coordinates (resulting from the isometric logratio transformation) for the original table and its decompositions. Consequently, for a sample of compositional tables both explorative statistical analysis like graphical inspection of the independent and interactive parts or any statistical inference (odds-ratio-like testing of independence) can be performed. Theoretical advancements of the presented approach are demonstrated using two economic applications. 相似文献
Karl Gerald van den Boogaart Juan José Egozcue Vera Pawlowsky‐Glahn 《Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics》2014,56(2):171-194
A Bayes linear space is a linear space of equivalence classes of proportional σ‐finite measures, including probability measures. Measures are identified with their density functions. Addition is given by Bayes' rule and substraction by Radon–Nikodym derivatives. The present contribution shows the subspace of square‐log‐integrable densities to be a Hilbert space, which can include probability and infinite measures, measures on the whole real line or discrete measures. It extends the ideas from the Hilbert space of densities on a finite support towards Hilbert spaces on general measure spaces. It is also a generalisation of the Euclidean structure of the simplex, the sample space of random compositions. In this framework, basic notions of mathematical statistics get a simple algebraic interpretation. A key tool is the centred‐log‐ratio transformation, a generalization of that used in compositional data analysis, which maps the Hilbert space of measures into a subspace of square‐integrable functions. As a consequence of this structure, distances between densities, orthonormal bases, and Fourier series representing measures become available. As an application, Fourier series of normal distributions and distances between them are derived, and an example related to grain size distributions is presented. The geometry of the sample space of random compositions, known as Aitchison geometry of the simplex, is obtained as a particular case of the Hilbert space when the measures have discrete and finite support. 相似文献
吴照明 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2005,7(4):47-50
元好问的论诗绝句,主张“诚”为诗的本原,提倡诗歌的“风雅”传统,提倡刚健质朴、慷慨豪壮的诗风,主张诗歌应该是内心情感的自然流露,具有积极意义。艺术上,意境交融,形象丰富、动静结合,风格多样化,在论诗绝句发展史上,创造了辉煌成就。 相似文献
方典昌 《淮海工学院学报(社会科学版)》2010,8(7):31-33
柏拉图从个人正义开始,通过理性的归纳,把人们引导到对国家正义的认识上,提出个人的正义就是做自己该做的事,国家的正义就是和谐与秩序。国家的正义表现为智慧、勇敢、节制,与三种美德相对应的分别是统治者、护卫者和生产者,三个阶层各安其分、各尽其责。但是现实社会并不如"理想国"那样理想,当代社会的正义是复杂的,甚至是以"畸形"的方式呈现出来。因此,为了保证正义的有效实现,保证公共利益的良序发展,就必须加强教育并建立和完善相关的制度。 相似文献
丁磊 《淮海工学院学报(社会科学版)》2010,8(5):132-134
欠发达地区经济落后的一个重要原因是城乡市场分割,由于欠发达地区资本稀缺,要想解决城乡市场问题也是发展中的一个难点。要从欠发达地区城乡市场分割的形成原因中寻找解决的途径和办法,分析城乡一体化建设的难点,打破城乡市场中存在的各种障碍,探讨城乡一体化建设的具体措施,促进城乡市场一体化建设。 相似文献
沈文凡教授等所著《名家讲解唐诗三百首》是《唐诗三百首》全新的注本。“全新”是指在文学总集注本中有意识地发掘具体某一作品的“接受小史”研究。以文学总集中“诗人创作者为主体的影响史研究”,这是迄今为止学界的中国古代文学作品接受史研究所未及的,是文学接受史研究的模式与事例的创新。“接受小史”,“是指后代诗人从创作上继承、借鉴三百首中名篇的情况。这是‘名诗’和‘名句’传播和被接受的过程”。模式或事例创新,体现在“作为创作者的接受影响和摹仿借用”。是揭示《唐诗三百首》中的名篇、名句对后代作家的影响史,以及后代作家对《唐诗三百首》中的名篇、名句的“摹仿借用”。本书有两个方面尤其值得注意:一是揭示后代作家“摹仿借用”唐诗名篇的影响史:二是揭示后代作家“摹仿借用”唐诗名句的影响史。 相似文献
赵翼为清中叶著名文士,近年学界对其研究逐渐走向深入。但是,一些研究论著在文献的征引及诠释上,也出现个别偏颇,笔者偶有发现,试辨正一二。 相似文献
樊忠梨 《牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》2010,(6):37-38
鱼玄机的诗作具有锤炼语句、频繁用典等特色。但她的诗作思想却是尚质实的,真实抒写了女性因思念及被弃而内心凄楚的情怀。诗作中大量运用铺陈手法,巧妙措辞,表现了丰富的生活内容。 相似文献
人类要想更好地生存必须发展,而发展离不开科学技术的支撑,科学技术突飞猛进为人类带来了实实在在的利益,同时也带来许多负面影响。因此,坚持以科学发展观为指导,正确认识和处理科学技术发展与社会和谐之间的关系。 相似文献
把南宁市建设成为中国—东盟开放合作的区域性国际城市是南宁市城市发展的目标之一。通过对南宁市区域性国际城市建设的现状和存在问题的分析,借鉴吸收国内发达城市的经验,提出南宁市建设区域性国际城市的思路:首先,积极承接产业转移,带动整个南宁市经济的发展;其次,加快对外开放的步伐,推进南宁市贸易、金融的国际化;最后,需要强化国际化意识,明确南宁市国际化的运作思路。 相似文献