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We find that Epstein's (2010) Ellsberg‐style thought experiments pose, contrary to his claims, no paradox or difficulty for the smooth ambiguity model of decision making under uncertainty developed by Klibanoff, Marinacci, and Mukerji (2005). Not only are the thought experiments naturally handled by the smooth ambiguity model, but our reanalysis shows that they highlight some of its strengths compared to models such as the maxmin expected utility model (Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989)). In particular, these examples pose no challenge to the model's foundations—interpretation of the model as affording a separation of ambiguity and ambiguity attitude or the potential for calibrating ambiguity attitude in the model.  相似文献   
为建立廉洁政府并遏制官吏腐败,孙中山遍考中外历史,创造性地提出"五权分立"和"权能分治"学说,并创立考试院和监察院,从制度建设和人才选任两个方面着手防治腐败和堵塞腐源,可见孙中山廉政思想的形成与其所处时代背景和个人的中西求学经历及创建中华民国的革命经历密切相关。其制定廉政专门法律与设立廉政专门机构、严格考试用人制度以实现廉洁政治,以及在学习西方先进经验的同时汲取中国传统文化精华以铨选人才和立法治腐的思想和实践,对当下中国的廉政建设依然具有深刻的启示意义。  相似文献   
我国基层人民法院专门设立审判监督庭已有十多年,随着司法改革的深入,其职能定位也在不断进行调整。目前,基层人民法院审判监督庭在职能定位上依然存在着以下问题:重审判轻监督,职能定位错位;权力分配和机构设置不合理,职能发挥不充分;重实体公正,轻程序公正,价值取向被扭曲。因此,基层人民法院审判监督庭应将职能定位为以下几方面:弱化审判职能,扩展监督职能;成为法院内部审判流程同步跟踪、审判活动全方位管理的主要职能部门;成为法院外部监督的协调与反馈联系机构;成为法院内部审判指导、审判研究的职能部门。  相似文献   
郭全芝 《云梦学刊》2005,26(3):35-37
屈原《九歌》中“兮”字的用法,自20世纪40年代以来引起了一些争议。如闻一多、姜亮夫、郭绍虞、廖序东诸先生都有自己的主张。争论的焦点是“兮”有无语法意义。“兮”只是语气助词,“兮”在句中属上读。“兮”用在句中有隔离前后词语的作用(但不能简单地将此与标点符号的停顿作用相等同),从而帮助体现语法关系。  相似文献   
随着农村宅基地三权分置问题逐渐成为政府和社会关注的热点,农村宅基地进一步盘活市场和发展空间需求的重要性逐渐显现。对中国农村宅基地政策演变和不同开发模式进行比较,讨论三权分置政策内涵,以陕西省礼泉县官厅村为个案,结合问卷调研和深度访谈法,通过对现状宅基地实际宗地数量、人均拥有量、人群对宅基地用途意愿等分析,研究农村宅基地发展变革历程,探索宅基地利用实践策略。研究认为,在乡村振兴战略和城乡平衡需求的驱动下,宅基地发展存在制度缺失、市场秩序混乱、多元利益主体需求难满足,理论指导和实践应用不匹配等方面困境,通过指标互补、产业融合、休闲共享等实践模式,形成三权分置体系下农村宅基地的盘活作用机制,即摸清宅基地荒置底数,部分建设用地转化为耕地;引入文化运营企业,植入乡土体验、精品民宿等新业态新功能,实现企业+村集体+村民的三方共赢;对原有农房户型进行现代化和适老化改造,城市居民与原住户共享养老空间;利用实际建设与运营成效来验证开发模式的可行性,能够纾解农村宅基地发展困境。  相似文献   
基于M-SemiA.D组合投资模型及对上海股市实证研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
马柯威茨的均值-方差(M-V)模型中以方差度量风险存在两个致命的缺陷,为了更精确度量风险,作者提出了半绝对离差(SemiA.D)概念,并以此对M-V模型进行改进。通过对上海有代表性的50支股票复权价进行分析,我们得到:在每个期望收益率水平上,基于M-SemiA.D模型的投资组合都优于M-V模型中的投资组合,并且有效投资组合满足两基金分离定理。  相似文献   
Sexuality and divorce are two interwoven subjects with complex effects on women's sexual well-being in Iranian culture. Results of this exploratory study using focus group discussions and individual interviews revealed how the sexual well-being of women was influenced by the divorce experience through common patterns and recurring themes. A total of 26 women participated voluntarily in the study. They were approached through a selected social support group in a center in West Tehran in 2011, and all had been divorced for less than 10 years. For the majority, sexuality-related matters became complicated and jeopardized their overall well-being in postdivorce life. This finding, along with the fact that the majority were seeking financial and emotional support, implies that counseling women and providing economic support for postdivorce life might improve women's sexual well-being.  相似文献   

Debate surrounding the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives draws both fire and praise as the Bush Administration continues to promote the federal funding of partnerships among state and local government and faith-based service providers. President Bush has endorsed religious groups as valuable partners in delivering services that address social problems through a series of Executive Orders. The intent of this article is to further our understanding of the history related to these executive decisions, the different conceptualizations for defining and classifying faith-based organizations, the issues surrounding faith-based organizations, and the legislative effort to make the faith-based initiative a permanent statutory feature.  相似文献   

This study explores how Irish gay fathers, who married heterosexually in a heteronormative culture, assumed a settled gay identity in the Republic of Ireland. A purposive sample of nine men reflected on their experiences of marriage and separation, assuming a gay identity, and social and familial connectivity. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) indicated the suppression of gay sexual desires before marriage as a result of cultural homophobia. The coming-out process continued during the participants’ marriage. Extramarital same-gender sexual desires and/or transgressions co-occurred with existential conflict (remorse) and resulted in marital separation. The marital and family loss was experienced as traumatic, and suicidal ideation occurred for most. All the men assumed an openly gay identity after separating. Many established a family-orientated same-gender repartnership. Results highlight the individuality and significance of the marital and family loss for those who separate after coming out as gay.  相似文献   
在《离骚》中,屈原建构出两种不同的空间:故土与乐土。两种空间的并立共存,充分显示了屈原在政治道路、情感意向上的矛盾冲突和进退抉择。如果说《离骚》中的"门"成为隔断故土与乐土的节点,那么"路"则成为沟通这两种空间的桥梁。在神话思维的作用下,屈原将自己的特定情感通过空间方位的特殊取向表现出来,即刻意挑选与强调南方和西方。如果说南方的取向反映屈原企图在故土寻求知音,那么西方的取向则代表他意欲在乐土寻求知音。  相似文献   
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