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本文对汉代以至魏晋有关历史记录中多见的“小妻”称谓,结合长沙走马楼简所载进行考辨,认为正史记载,大体以上层社会作为主要对象,而走马楼简则提供了反映民间社会生活的真实资料,其中有关“小妻”的记录,体现了多妻现象涉及社会层面的普遍。  相似文献   
间断-平衡理论被西方学者广泛用来研究政策制定和政策变迁模式,分析政策变迁长期渐进平衡与短期间断突变的糅合。运用此理论分析1978年以来中国未成年人保护政策变迁,发现其历经政策平衡期(1978—1985)—政策间断期(1986—1999)—政策平衡期(2000—2005)—政策间断期(2006—2012)—政策平衡期(2013年至今)五个阶段,呈现出明显的间断式平衡发展脉络。在我国稳定的政治制度与有限理性决策模式双重基础之上,宏观政治领导人的更替、社会舆论的影响、焦点的未成年人案件和“局外人”动员成为决策系统注意力转移的触发因素,政策图景的变化、注意力的转移和政策制定者的路径依赖均能有效推动政策垄断的建立与崩溃,最终形成未成年人保护政策的间断式平衡变迁。间断-平衡理论解释中国公共政策问题还存在理论局限,应合理修正,从而使之更有效解释中国公共政策变迁规律与动力。  相似文献   
Minor mental disorders are common among patients who visit theirgeneral practitioner. In the Netherlands, they are associatedwith high costs due to absenteeism, disability benefits andmedical consumption (consumption of drugs as well as expenditureof medical staff’s time). In the Netherlands, a protocolwas developed for the treatment of minor mental disorders, basedon the principles of brief cognitive behaviour therapy. Thecost-effectiveness of this protocol was tested in a group ofpatients whose minor mental disorders had lead to sickness absence.The protocol was completed by Dutch social workers, one of whosecore tasks normally is to provide psychosocial care. The mainaims of the protocol are for the patient to regain functionalityand to prevent long-term disability. The protocol emphasizespatients’ own responsibility and active role in the recoveryprocess, includes homework assignments and stresses the importanceof early work resumption. This article focuses on a discussionof the feasibility of this treatment for minor mental disorders.The evidence for or against the protocol’s cost-effectivenesswill be discussed in future papers. The results show that patients,social workers and general practitioners were motivated to participateand that the protocol was well received by all three groups.If the treatment also proves to be cost-effective, it wouldappear to be a promising intervention for a frequently encounteredproblem in primary care.  相似文献   
萧红和加兰是中美著名的乡土作家,对故乡的乡土情结使他们的作品深具乡土情怀,特别是对小人物的乡土情结都有着细致、深刻的描写。运用比较文学的平行研究方法,将两位作家的作品进行比较,旨在分析两位作家作品中的小人物形象,对比萧红与加兰作品中所体现出来的乡土情结的异同,同时也希望通过对不同地域文化的比较,从而加深人们对地域文化特色的认识。  相似文献   

This introduction to the journal special edition Minor Shakespeares contextualises the articles which follow by exploring Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of ‘minor literature’ as it helps to read and reconceptualise Shakespearean drama and poetics, as well as the range of global Shakespeares. It is illustrated how recent paths taken by Deleuzian scholarship in the fields of literary and film criticism, ontology, vitalism, sexuality studies, ecocriticism and postcolonialism open potentially new lines of enquiry into Shakespeare, and how a Deleuzian/Deleuzoguattarian approach can combine openness to Shakespearean concerns with the bringing of Shakespeare into dialogue with pressing contemporary political questions.  相似文献   
竹林玄学、正始玄学、元康玄学为魏晋玄学之三派。在"汉文疲敝"的背景下,竹林玄学以礼义文化为非自然,故而倡言"越名教而任自然"。竹林玄学本质上是道家之学,他们对流于虚饰的文化批判在逻辑上成为新的文化建构的先导。从嵇康、阮籍的激烈态度至王弼、向郭的价值学说,其逻辑之演进有类于从先秦道家之"为道日损"再至儒家的道德重建。正始玄学"举本统末",其指归在于法"道"而行,趣于"同乎道"、"冥于神"之境。元康玄学"崇有"而倡"独化",其宗趣在于肯认人生之"自由"——自己由乎自己。王弼言"本无",可谓由体而发用;向郭倡"独化",则是由用而显体。虽然发论途径不同,体用不二之理趣则为共通。  相似文献   
孔子开创了以“仁”为核心的儒家学说,并开启了儒家美学中的生命诗性乐境论,即个体生命完满实现“仁”时所生成的诗性境界。孟子被尊奉为仅次于孔子的“亚圣”,他继承孔子的生命诗性乐境理论,从“善、信、美、大、圣、神”六个层面,层层递进地进行论述和深化,从而对后世产生了极大的影响。  相似文献   
Refugees often find themselves in a protracted situation of temporariness, as applications for asylum are processed, deportations negotiated and possible extensions of temporary protection status considered within the context of increasingly restrictive governmental policies across Europe. Through the case of a young Sri Lankan woman who arrived in Denmark as an ‘unaccompanied asylum-seeking minor’ and spent five years within the Danish asylum system, this article explores how she experienced moving through different legal categories and the institutional settings associated with them. I argue that, by engaging in social relations in the localities where she was situated, she developed places of belonging that could serve as ‘anchoring points’ providing some measure of stability in her otherwise unpredictable and precarious life situation. This case suggests that, even under conditions of protracted temporariness and legal uncertainty, individuals are able to create important anchoring points and develop communities of belonging that can serve them in a difficult process of belonging to Denmark.  相似文献   
文章首先界定“亚脚色”的概念,梳理有关“哮”、“郑”、“偌”诸种亚脚色研究的学术史,通过文献以及民间俗语的研究,证明此类脚色专称皆为伶人用语,“哮”为“醋大”之义,即戏曲中所谓酸丁,“郑”的含义即“道人”,“偌”即杂扮艺人,意即模仿、相似,也即伶人所谓“似象”。  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料和实例论证的方法,将理论和实践相结合,用大量的事例说明普通高校音乐学副修专业办学模式在培养艺术与科学相结合的创新型人才方面所取得的可喜成果,阐述这一模式的前瞻性、独特性和创新性。从培养大学生的创造性思维和培养与音乐相关的多学科交叉研究能力这两方面来阐述普通高校音乐学副修专业办学模式的核心价值。  相似文献   
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