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This article explores the cinematic image of chief executive officers (CEOs) of nonprofit organizations in the U.S. Movie CEOs head a broad range of the nongovernmental organizations, including hospitals, colleges, social service agencies, prep schools, labor unions, legal aid, faith-based and youth-serving. They are predominantly white males. Their professional backgrounds include medicine, teaching, union organizing, social activism, clergy, law and environmental activism. Movie audiences see nonprofit CEOs involved in the mundane and inspirational elements of day-to-day management. One of their primary responsibilities consists of overseeing line functions, including fund raising, media relations, managing volunteers and board relations. But, nonprofit managers are also responsible for broader concerns, such as protecting the organization's values and equilibrium. Some movie nonprofit CEOs are shown multitasking and trying to balance competing demands from multiple stakeholders.  相似文献   
老舍名著《骆驼祥子》(已下简称"《骆》")的成功在于塑造了祥子这个主人公,而祥子的成功塑造与作品中众多次要人物群落的精彩刻画密切相关.文章着眼于这一被人忽视的联系,结合文本对《骆》的次要人物群落进行了重新解读.  相似文献   
In this article, I read the recent cinema of the Danish-American Director Nicolas Winding Refn through a contradictory complex of Freudian–Jungian psychoanalysis, Bataillean philosophy and Buddhist thought. By focusing on Winding Refn’s three most recent films, Drive, Only God Forgives and The Neon Demon, I explore his representation of what I call the horror of contemporary orphan identity, and show how he contrasts this with a mystical sense of wholeness and unity comparable to that which appears in the works of Jung, Bataille and before both of these writers, Buddhist philosophy. Beyond the lonely figure of the orphan, who we also find outlined in Jung’s work on child archetypes, Winding Refn constructs a nightmarish dystopia, the post-modern city, which is characterised by violence, objectification and estrangement. Inside this complex, Winding Refn tells the story of the destroyed self of the lonely orphan lost in post-modern urban space, and considers possible futures for this abandoned, exposed, desperate individual. It is this story of loneliness, abandonment and tragic attempts to escape from the pain of loss which I explore in this article by first, exploring the ways in which Drive exposes the horror of the orphan in contemporary Los Angeles and captures the terror of the self endlessly on the run; second, reading Only God Forgives in terms of an attempt to think through possible escape from the desperate condition of the orphan by taking up Buddhist philosophy and images of the ritualistic destruction of the self; and finally thinking about the way The Neon Demon opposes these two positions in a psycho-politics of on the one hand desperate self-making and on the other hand the Buddhist non-self and cosmological escapism.  相似文献   
文章围绕银川市中小企业税收负担和税收优惠政策的实施情况进行了分析研究。从纳税人层面看,银川市中小企业总体税收负担略显偏重;从税制设置层面看,现行税制基本合理,有些税种尚待完善;在现行税制中,税收优惠体系还不够完善。从对策上应调整现行相关税制,当务之急是公平企业间的土地使用税;针对中小企业面临的困难与特点,加大税收优惠力度;针对国家鼓励性的新型行业,适时出台相关优惠政策。  相似文献   
主力集团的战略趋向和中国企业的战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主力竞争集团各主力企业的共同趋向是利用各国的优势建立生产经营全球网络,并将非主力企业作为网络成员进行产业配套,各自以产业链企业群的方式进行全球竞争。在这种态势下,中国企业面临两种选择:一是作为非主力企业进入主力竞争集团的网络体系,成为其产品和服务的配套企业,永久性的处于边缘地位。二是经过竞争和长期努力,作为主力企业,进入世界主力竞争集团,成为推动全球化发展的主要能动力量。现在中国多数企业处于第一种状态。再经过二十年的发展,中国将有一批企业从第一种状态转化进入第二种状态。  相似文献   
蔡礼彬 《阴山学刊》2003,16(3):62-65
战国时期存在"巨室",他们有经济自主权,但政治权利受到中央政权制约,也不能任意操纵国家军队,而且丧失了拥有大规模私家武装的权利。封邑不能世袭,封邑内的居民与封邑主的关系由以前的所属关系变成了契约关系。战国时的"巨室"表面强大,实际已衰微。  相似文献   
“小词”在宋人词话中出现频率颇高,其内涵是指词体篇幅短小者,并非宋人给词附加的蔑称。宋人以小为美,将绝句也称作小诗,还有更多以“小”称物的语言现象,因此,小词与小诗表达了宋人同样的文化心态。  相似文献   
合同法对债权人行使代位权的效果未作规定,最高人民法院对此所作的司法解释确认了代位权人的优先受偿权,这与传统民法不符。本文剖析了传统代位权制度的若干局限,阐明了立法应当确立代位权人优先受偿权的现实必要性,从而赞同最高人民法院司法解释。  相似文献   
犯罪数量增多;低龄化趋势;犯罪团伙形式;犯罪种类增多、手段更新、涉案范围扩大;是目前未成人犯罪的主要特点。这也是家庭教育功能弱化,学校教育职能未能充分发挥作用,社会不良思潮和丑恶现象侵蚀等显著外因与未成年人特殊的生理心理特点共同作用的结果。其预防也必须重视家庭学校教育,坚持全民动员,形成真正有效的治理未成年人犯罪的联合力量,共同创造一个预防青少年犯罪的社会化体系。  相似文献   
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