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168 8 -1 783年间英国社会上层指的就是英国的贵族阶层。贵族是一个社会集团 ,是由享受法律规定特权地位的个人所组成的集团。贵族力图在政治、文化和社会生活中充当英国人的代表 ,成为贵族之外的社会各阶层的表率。社会上层的根本标志是拥有土地和爵位 ,他们的地位是由他们的生活方式、所拥有的物质财富的数量和质量来衡量的。英国社会上层依据传统的规定享受治理社会的特权 ,他们同时承担相应的义务 ,由此他们形成了独特的贵族观念 ,这种观念打上了时代的烙印。  相似文献   
洪州禅的代表人物马祖道一提出“平常心是道”的观点,鼓励众生在日常生活中体悟真如佛性,获得解脱。道一的门下进一步发扬了这一思想。他们饱含个性的禅法,从现实的角度充实和发展了六祖慧能“识心见性”、顿悟成佛的心性论,从而推进了佛教中国化的进程。  相似文献   
马克思对康德哲学革命的扬弃   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文提出了马克思的哲学革命和康德的哲学革命之间的内在关系的新问题,论述了康德哲学革命的贡献及局限以及马克思对康德哲学革命成果的超越和推进。  相似文献   
通过对陆游词作中出现的“闲”字的梳理和对比解析,探讨陆游仕与隐的矛盾心理和不平之思,以及其在词中的表现方式。  相似文献   
19世纪末20年纪初,历史久远的汉诗确实需要采用白话和自由诗体,来打破有些僵化的言在语言上和韵律齐整的定型诗体格律诗在诗体上的垄断。但是这些体变革的内因并不会导致极端的新诗革命。社会变革这一外因极大地催生了新诗革命及白话诗,特别是科举制度的取消、留学运动的兴起、传教活动的普及、报业的大发展和平民教育的流行这些非诗事件,极大地改变汉语诗歌此间的功能。汉诗功能的巨变带来了汉诗体的大革命。因此白话新诗既是汉诗体自身进化的结果,更是特殊时代的政治化变革的产物。  相似文献   
某种程度上讲 ,一个民族的科学技术进步与否 ,与这个民族特定的社会精神文化结构是相一致的。基于这一立论 ,我们在比较分析近代中西方人在精神心理结构方面的差异以及中国传统概念思维主要特点的基础上 ,认为西方人的精神心理结构和文化传统 ,较中国人而言 ,更有利于科学创造。因此 ,当下创新能力培养的关键 ,是要首先改革妨碍创新意识生存的传统文化土壤 ;以此为前提 ,我们就创新能力培养如何才能真正成为“可能” ,提出了建立适合创新人才培养的文化条件、改变大学教育行政化、创新人才只能“个体实现”等 5个与教育理念有关的思考 ;最后指出 ,鉴于转变传统文化观念的难度 ,创新能力培养带给我们的变化 ,可能只是一个渐进的缓慢过程 ,它需要教育工作者有足够的耐心  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: In order to delimit the realm of social phenomena, sociologists refer implicitly or explicitly to a distinction between living human beings and other entities, that is, sociologists equate the social world with the world of living humans. This consensus has been questioned by only a few authors, such as Luckmann, and some scholars of science studies. According to these approaches, it would be ethnocentric to treat as self-evident the premise that only living human beings can be social actors. The methodological consequence of such critique is a radical deanthropologization of sociological research. It must be considered an open question whether or not only living human can be social actors. The paper starts with a discussion of the methodological problems posed by such an analysis of the borders of the social world, and presents the results of an empirical analysis of these borders in the fields of intensive care and neurological rehabilitation. Within these fields it must be determined whether a body is a living human body or a symbol using human body. The analysis of these elementary border phenomena challenges basic sociological concepts. The relevant contemporary sociological theories refer to a dyadic constellation as the systematic starting point of their concept of sociality. The complex relationship between at least two entities is understood as the basis of the development of a novel order that functions as a mediating structure between the involved parties. Based upon empirical data, I argue that it is necessary to change this foundational assumption. Not the dyad but the triad must be understood as the foundational constellation. This implies a new understanding of the third actor, which is distinct from the concepts developed by Simmel and Berger and Luckmann.  相似文献   
牟宗三把宋明理学分为五峰蕺山、象山阳明与伊川朱子三系,并视五峰、蕺山与象山、阳明两系为儒学之正宗,而伊川、朱子系为儒学之歧出。牟先生宋明理学三系说的形上根据是“道德的形上学”。“道德的形上学”融道德与存有、心体与性体、主观性与客观性为一体,不仅有利于实现“由内圣开出新外王”的文化理想,而且有利于以道德制衡科学与民主,是最完备的哲学形态。牟先生以“道德的形上学”这一圆教模型作为标准,对宋明理学进行分系,提出著名的宋明理学三系说。  相似文献   
The present study examined children's perceptions of other children's ability to make moral judgements. Preschool, kindergarten, first- and second-grade children rated the permissibility of moral transgressions for a same-age peer, a younger child and an older child. Children also were asked why the transgressions were wrong. Preschool and kindergarten children rated transgressions equally wrong for a same-age peer, a younger and an older child, whereas first and second graders rated transgressions for a same-age peer and an older child as more wrong than for a younger child. Preschoolers stated they did not know why the transgressions were wrong for a younger child, while kindergarten children reasoned that a younger child did not know the rules. First and second graders reasoned that a same-age peer and an older child should know ‘better’, but a younger child would not know ‘better’. Results suggest that children's perceptions of others' moral knowledge is related to children's ability to coordinate domains of social knowledge when making judgements of others' moral transgressions.  相似文献   
本文在<文心雕龙·物色>基础上,分析了"物色"的涵义及其演变,凸显了"物色"概念"富有情趣和生命力"的特质和内涵.从中国古代"气化"生成理论和马克思的"自然向人生成"观点入手,认为作家在文学创作中的"感物"、"心物交融"以及物色描写等过程都不离生命的场域,是生命自身的言说.  相似文献   
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