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起源于欧洲中世纪教堂建筑中的哥特艺术,是以建筑实体形式凝固下来的一种文化存在。由于不同时期社会思想的影响和建筑技术的推动,哥特艺术总以不同的姿态和气质出现在各类建筑中。逐渐地,人们对它的情感体验超脱了建筑特定空间。当充满黑暗、恐怖、神秘色彩的哥特小说问世后,哥特艺术开始在音乐、电影等大众流行文化中蔓延。它所包含的内容和意义也在与社会意识和风尚的结合中不断地拓展和延伸。  相似文献   
冯雪峰是“修正主义文艺”批判运动第一阶段( 1956~ 1962)主要的批判对象.作 为唯一的参加过长征的左翼文艺理论家,冯雪峰于1957年遭遇清算,除了他那不合时宜的革命 现实主义理论的启蒙倾向,还有一个重要的原因,就是19世纪30年代已然形成、长期以来没 能解决的宗派主义从中作祟.  相似文献   
本文探讨中西艺术理论中“自然”之不同涵意.全文分三部分.基于不同的文化背景,中西艺术中的“自然”在艺术本体论、艺术表现论方而具有不同的倾向和内容,这导致了中西艺术创作不同的审美情趣和表现方法.  相似文献   
In recent decades a style of preparing and drinking tea modelled largely on gongfu tea associated with the Chaoshan region of north-eastern Guangdong Province, China, has been taken up as a contemporary tea art in Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and elsewhere. This paper draws on fieldwork conducted in Chaoshan to examine gongfu tea as contemporary practice in its home setting. Three aspects are considered: gongfu tea as an everyday practice, as a refined practice, and as commercialised leisure in tea-houses. I argue that, as an everyday practice in Chaoshan, gongfu tea primarily serves to nourish social connectedness with family, friends and associates. It is regarded as an integral part of day-to-day life rather than a tea art. However, some people separate it from the everyday world by cultivating discernment and knowledge with regard to selected aspects, such as high-quality teapots or appreciation of different teas.  相似文献   
对于“无厘头”影片作为一种文化现象的研究很多,但却少有涉及穿插“无厘头”桥段如何对影片造成影响以及如何形成最终审美效果等观影过程的探讨。自电影符号学之后开始出现影片细读和精神分析取向,而德勒兹哲学则试图对传统的精神分析模式进行改造,将电影的观看视为强度流的物质实践活动。基于此,“无厘头”电影的观看可以看作镜头流与观看的观众身体流的汇合。把镜头流视为叙述文本,通过内在于文本的叙述逻辑(符号意指链的断裂/重组)之间张力的解读,在大量的镜头分析中总结出影片穿插“无厘头”桥段、形成审美效果的规律,并在三阶段的区分中分析张力强度与剧情认同程度关系所造成的影片整体审美效果变动。  相似文献   

The article examines Anya Ulinich’s graphic narrative Lena Finkle’s Magic Barrel and the novel’s use of visual culture from both the author’s Russian and US American backgrounds. The article interrogates the use of history and timelines, Russian art history and Russian art education in Ulinich’s text. It also analyzes other literary constructs that influenced Ulinich’s novel: US American comics/graphic novels and their use of stereotype, and novels by Russian-speaking Jewish American writers, with their thematized Jewishness.  相似文献   
This study examines how preadolescent African American students in Washington, D.C., used a linguistic practice called ‘joning,’ a style of verbal play similar to ritual insults, in peer interactions. Sociolinguists have focused on how children socialize each other into vernacular styles appropriate for peer group use but often assume that they disalign with social and linguistic norms for classroom behavior. Drawing from a nine‐month ethnographic study that the author conducted in an after‐school program, this article analyzes the structure and function of joning as a vernacular style of African American Vernacular English and its uses in constructing classroom identities. Joning often facilitated student learning, but it was perceived as a socially and physically risky linguistic practice because of its uses as conflict talk in the local community. Focusing on preadolescence as a key stage of language socialization, this article shows how minority students modify peer‐learned linguistic practices to pursue academic success on their own terms.  相似文献   
在我国积极推进高校“应用型”本科院校改革与建设的过程中,科学发展观是决定其成败的关键问题。而建立科学发展 观的前提是理清高校日常教学工作与教育内容所依据和参考的标准——“底线”与“顶线”问题。而在以徐州工程学院艺术设 计专业为代表的“应用型”学科的发展过程中,由于院校间的差异,存在着制度和内容各不相同的“底线”与“顶线”问题。为此, 在应用型本科艺术设计专业办学过程中理清两条线各自的定位与标准,对于科学推进应用型高校本科层次艺术设计专业的教 育教学改革,提升应用型艺术设计人才培养水平有着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
本文分析了宋代市民音乐的基本特征、成因及其历史意义。宋代市民音乐以其生动的多样性满足了当时广大市民阶层的需求;以其创新性丰富了中国古代音乐的表现形式与内容;以其兼容性推动了各民族、各种音乐形式的交流和提高。历史的经验表明,音乐之兴必须适应社会及其经济发展。  相似文献   
方伟 《河北学刊》2006,26(3):188-192
本组专题文章继续从不同角度对河北人文精神进行深入解析.方伟对河北当代人文精神的社会化实践问题进行了探讨,认为,燕赵文化人文精神是悲情情结、英雄意识、兼纳包容、变异情势和保守朴实所集合同构而成的,河北当代人文精神建设需要在对之现代性的梳理与阐释的基础上进行其自身的置换和构建.方伟还认为,在河北经济文化与社会不断发展中的"和谐河北"建设,欲实现这种精神价值理念上的社会化转换,通过物质发展、经济生活本身去间接地感知、传达,当会起到直接地以精神思想和文化活动去宣传、灌输所不能起到的也不可被替代的实际作用.张川平认为,自古以来在河北人文精神的生成、传承过程中,战争起了潜移默化的作用,正是战争的磨炼才使得燕赵人养成了独特的民风民俗和精神气质.黄建生认为,人文精神是文学艺术的灵魂,文学艺术总是充溢着人文精神,因此,作为一种审美的意识形态和人类美好的精神创造,文学艺术在培育新的河北人文精神过程中的作用不可低估.马春香认为,河北人文精神的内涵可以概括为奉献进取、创新发展、诚实守信、质朴务实等四个方面,这一精神在河北努力建设文化大省及和谐社会的过程中将日益显示其作用.  相似文献   
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