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近年来,作为新型网络底层架构技术的区块链已经开始应用于社会治理领域,为国家治理能力现代化提供了新的着力点。人类面对灾疫的实践活动既是社会非常状态下的治理活动,又是道德意志驱动的伦理实践。区块链技术因其具有多维价值特征与灾疫治理的伦理目标高度契合,有望为现有灾疫治理体系进行赋能。同时,作为一项新兴的技术手段和灾疫治理架构,区块链赋能灾疫治理的伦理风险在于其可能超越了治理活动的边界。因此,需要警惕区块链技术对灾疫治理可能存在的价值偏离。  相似文献   
村干部因直接接触上访群体和落实信访政策而成为信访研究热点。多数研究文献对村干部的定位是上访事件筛选者,忽视了村干部在信访制度中的多重身份。在转型时期的信访制度下,村干部不仅是沟通“国家—社会”的双向代理人:既协助国家维持基层稳定又嵌入乡村社会关系网络中;而且可能成为上访制造者:或因侵害村民合法利益使自己成为信访事由,或因治理需求和私利驱动参与村民上访。这些都表现出信访场域中村干部的身份的复杂性,其生成与“国家—社会”的结构夹缝、信访制度的刚性和资源下乡的拐点密不可分,分析这三重逻辑有助于全面理解基层官员与制度运作之间的互动和乡村治理权力再生产的过程。  相似文献   
不同于既有农民工城市融入研究中的宏观制度主义视角,也区别于单一组织微观实践路径的研究取向,文章基于粤南沙镇的实地调研经验,总结提炼出“半正式组织”这一新型实践类型,有助于弥合既有研究中的宏观与微观鸿沟。“半正式组织”是对现代组织“正式与非正式”二元对立框架的尝试性超越,在组织结构、成员关系、资源链接方式等方面均呈现新特征,其形成机制可概括为党建引领、组织挂靠与领袖吸纳。“半正式组织”的实践功效表现为助推农民工在流入地提升经济机会,增强政治参与,链接公共服务,扩展群体社会交往,因而成为现阶段有限制度供给和市民化成本分摊机制不均衡情境下,实现农民工城市融入的新路径。  相似文献   
乡村振兴需要法治保驾护航,法治乡村建设助推乡村振兴实现。在目标逻辑上,法治乡村与乡村振兴在现代化、乡风文明、治理有效与生活美好层面的价值耦合是法治乡村建设推进乡村振兴的基础前提;在实践逻辑上,乡村法治建设中的法治思维意识淡薄、法治体制构建滞后、法律运行机制不畅、法律服务供给不足的困局构设着要增强农民主体性、筑牢政治基础、提升治理效能和强化民生保障的乡村振兴行动方向;在策略逻辑上,探索多途径法治教育、加强权力规范化建设、强化法律有效实施和创新多元法律服务供给模式明确了法治乡村建设推进乡村振兴的路径选择。  相似文献   
家庭是贫困治理的社会基础,有效阻断贫困的代际传递是贫困治理的重要方式。基于家庭策略的视野,通过对两个贫困家庭在减贫过程中不同减贫方式的分析与比较,探讨家庭策略如何被自主运用来解决贫困问题。研究发现,“反馈模式”的代际关系下,多子女所带来的路径可选择性与关系灵活性让家庭有更大空间采用有效的家庭策略,以“代内合力”和“代际合力”为一部分子女的成长和发展提供更充分的资源及“资源变现”的空间与条件,从而为实现“家庭减贫”创造机会。在巩固脱贫成果和实现乡村振兴进程中,家庭作用的有效发挥能充分激发家庭自我发展的内生动力,从而实现脱贫致富。  相似文献   
利用陕西省安康、商洛和宝鸡3市38家烤烟专业合作社的调查数据,基于不同法人治理结构视角,运用层次分析法构建绩效评价指标体系对两种不同类型的烤烟专业合作社进行实证分析。研究结果表明:38家烤烟专业合作社可以根据法人治理结构的不同分为“外部委托代理人型”与“内部委托代理人型”两种类型。“外部委托代理人型”烤烟专业合作社在社员人数、理事会核心成员构成比例、股权集中程度及监督力度等法人治理结构方面具有明显的优势,在吸纳了更多的农户入社、提高烤烟专业合作社经济收益的同时,也保证了绝大多数农户在股权分配、民主决策参与及合作社监督等方面的权利。这有利于基层民主的完善,有利于显著提高烤烟专业合作社管理效率,从而提高农户整体烟叶生产水平。因此,改善法人治理结构是促进农民专业合作社发展的重要途径。  相似文献   
中国国有航空运输企业进行重组后,形成了以中航、南航、东航集团为首的国有航空运输集团公司,初步建立了国有控股的航空运输企业的现代企业制度。但当前有的国有控股航空运输企业法人治理结构尚不完善,尚未形成清晰的、有约束力的决策机构和执行机构,内部治理制约机制失衡,缺乏严格的风险控制,一些制度流于形式,因管理不善给企业造成了巨额损失。要解决这些问题,必须以深化产权改革为基础,以建立董事委员会为突破口,以健全经营者的激励和约束机制为根本,以创造良好的法人治理的外部环境为保障,以此加快完善国有控股航空运输企业的治理结构。  相似文献   
This article seeks to expand knowledge about spontaneous volunteering in Amsterdam during the European refugee crisis in the winter of 2015–16. As formal institutions, which relied on a top–down command and control approach, were unable to handle the relatively large number of refugees who arrived in a short period of time, grassroots social movements based on bottom–up participation emerged. Grassroots volunteers were not only politically engaged, protesting against the strict refugee reception policy, but they also became involved in the crisis response, showing a great deal of flexibility. Although the social movements struggled with their organizational structures, they were able to adapt their missions and structures to changing circumstances. To achieve a resilience‐based response to future refugee influxes, this article advocates for formal response organizations to dismantle their static, top–down approach, and for social movements to find a balance between participation and professionalism. If institutionalized refugee response organizations adapt to the dynamics of local conditions, they could create the conditions for resilient solutions in the crisis context.  相似文献   
In line with the orientation of EU economic policy, the Spanish government has favoured a strategy of internal devaluation as a way of adjusting price levels within the currency union. The results of empirical studies indicate that the internal devaluation applied in Spain does not seem to have attained the desired goals in terms of reducing the relative prices of exports and consolidating a model of growth based on external demand. Indeed, the estimates drawn up show that tailwinds – the depreciation of the euro and the fall in risk premium as results of the measures taken by the ECB, greater economic activity by trading partners and the fall in the price of oil – exercised a decisive influence in the trends followed by the prices of exports and the balance of trade during the period of crisis management in Spain.  相似文献   
In this study, we draw upon insights from agency theory to examine the impact of managerial political ties on cost of debt and also to explore whether corporate governance mediates this impact. We hypothesize that political ties reduce financial reporting quality, disclosure of non-financial information and board independence, and are therefore associated with higher interest rates. We also hypothesize that the negative effect of political ties on the cost of debt will be stronger if firms borrow from privately-owned banks versus government-owned banks. Using data from Ghana, we find support for our direct and moderation hypotheses; political ties are associated with high interest rates and poor corporate governance. However, we do not find evidence of mediation. Altogether, the findings reveal the dark side of political connections and highlight the cost of political embeddedness in emerging credit markets.  相似文献   
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