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墨子心目中的圣人是全部美德和智慧的化身,“兼爱”思想作为墨子圣人观的核心是今天建立普世伦理的理论渊源之一,对于国际社会和平、共处、平等、对话、友好的形成具有深远的意义。温习和研究墨子的圣人与和谐思想,是人类社会的重要课题。 相似文献
李朋 《西南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2008,6(6)
笔者认为苔丝、爱玛、安娜自杀主要有三个方面的原因:首先,对爱情的绝望是她们自杀的最直接原因;其次,她们自身带着沉重的罪恶感,一方面想从现实环境中逃脱出来,一方面又无法摆脱既定的社会法则;最后,她们都生活在转型时期比较混乱的社会环境中,各种社会因素交织成一张巨网,使她们围困其中而无法动弹。 相似文献
张晶晶 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2008,53(6):60-63
舒婷和翟永明,作为新时期中国文坛上两位著名的女性诗人,都分别写下了许多“爱”的诗篇,但传达的却是两种不同的声音:舒婷的诗是对爱的呼唤与追求,而翟永明的诗是对爱的质疑与反思。从舒婷到翟永明的这种“爱”的嬗变,折射了不同社会历史时期的女性对爱情婚姻、对两性关系的不同思考与深入剖析。 相似文献
Julia Carter 《The Sociological review》2013,61(4):728-744
Sociological debate has dealt with love in a number of different ways. For some, love offers a unique opportunity; it is a path to salvation (Jackson, 1993; Langford, 1999). Others, however, take a more sceptical approach to love in modern society: for Beck and Beck‐Gernsheim (1995) love represents the path to extreme individualization, for Illouz (1997) it is ultimately underpinned by consumerism, and perhaps most extreme, for Bauman (2003) love has been destroyed. Giddens offers a slightly different (and more hopeful) perspective and suggests that with growing choice and freedom, love has become ‘confluent’ and temporary subject to individuals' needs (Giddens, 1992). When adult women were asked about love and how they have experienced love in their own lives, however, few of these themes emerged. Instead many women found it difficult to talk about their feelings generally and love in particular. There was an absence of falling in love stories and rather, women explained that they ‘drifted’ into relationships, or they ‘just happened’. The discourses and languages that these women used to explain love and their relationships will be explored in this paper. Love was simultaneously loudly absent and quietly present. 相似文献
In the 1950s, marriage represented a traditional and typical form of an intimate relationship and family. Now, divorces, blended families, and single life have become commonplace. In this article, divorcees' experiences on the possibility of having or starting a new relationship are dissected. What kinds of expectations and challenges are involved? How do they see their chance of succeeding in the new relationship? This was a qualitative study, and the data were collected in the form of informal letters. Seventy-four letters were received (from 71 women and 3 men). The results show that divorcees have a variety of ways of coping with a divorce and chances of creating a new, stable relationship. The group called survivors consider divorce an opportunity to learn, to look in the mirror, and do some heart-searching. Divorcees not only grow as human beings, but their intimate relationship skills may develop. 相似文献
在现代文学的发展过程中,留学生曾经起了非常重要的作用,在现代文学的人物谱系中,自然也有着诸多的归国留学生形象。他们或者是怀着满腔热情却所学无用、报国无门;或者是在个人的婚恋生活中,遭遇到个性解放不彻底所带来的痛苦、东西文化差异所带来的问题;或者仅仅是为了日后的飞黄腾达而出国"镀金",并以中西"融合"而自居。在这些归国留学生形象中,无论是涉及知识分子问题还是婚恋问题,大多并未脱离当时的社会环境与创作潮流,即便与时代主潮有距离的,也只是作家个人风格的展现,并不因留学生形象而有所不同。我们当下所关注的中西文化的交流与碰撞等问题,在那些涉及的作品中,也大都是一带而过,或许是因为在民族生死存亡、动荡不安的年代,这些都还没有进入被忧患意识所包围的现代作家的视野,或者尚没有余暇去深入思考。 相似文献
刘立善 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》2005,23(4):112-115
志贺直哉是日本白桦派主将。他的作品对中国现代文学产生过积极影响。《暗夜行路》是其代表作。本文主要围绕作者的自然观、爱的伦理、自我意识,展开探讨。 相似文献
赵海军 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2005,22(1):9-10
爱情是古今中外文艺作品中不可或缺的一个主题,因为只有这个主题最能表现人性中最美好的东西——正直、诚实、英勇、善良,同样地,也许也只有这个主题最能刻画人性中最丑陋的东西——虚伪、自私、背叛、狡诈。世界文学巨匠莎士比亚正是紧扣爱情这一人文文化中最重要的部分,将人类的甜美幸福与悲欢离合充分融入自己的剧作中,给人以启迪,给人性以震撼。 相似文献
元曲所表达的性爱主题 ,一反敦厚高雅、有所寄托的古典传统 ,在题材、审美情趣、语言表达诸方面 ,都显示出鲜明的俗艳特征 ,从而展现了这一特定历史时期、特定文化背景下文人的玩世风流 相似文献