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中国共产党意识形态话语权实质上是马克思主义话语权,其内涵可以界定为作为中国共产党指导思想的马克思主义及其中国化的理论成果依据其自身的理论特性与现实影响,拥有解释、规范和指导当代中国社会发展方向与进程的资格、能力、身份与地位。强制性与非强制性、渗透性与非渗透性、历史性与动态性、排他性与开放性是中国共产党意识形态话语权的主要特征。 相似文献
Alex Dennis 《Journal for the theory of social behaviour》2019,49(3):282-297
Developments in sociological theory since the 1960s have been responses to disciplinary problems rather than changes in fashion. The problem of topic and resource—where sociology has to use everyday understandings and practices as study resources even though they are legitimate topics of enquiry—has been an important and sometimes neglected spur to many of these developments. The turn to discourse, conversation analysis and the rise of Bourdieu's reflexivity are all attempts to address the problem, but each is shown to be unsatisfactory in different ways. In summary, they seek to address the issue as requiring either a principled methodological or a principled theoretical solution, and neither approach is capable of comprehensively addressing the matter. It is argued that these ‘solutions’ depend, in turn, on one of two particular construals of what the ‘problem’ consists in, neither of which is necessary or coherent. Each, it is argued, depends on a philosophical trick: making language out to need formal improvement (the Bertrand Russell trick) or introducing inappropriate scepticism to everyday life (the René Descartes trick). It is suggested that treating topic and resource not as a problem but as something which opens up new areas of investigation successfully deflates the issue and avoids unnecessary theoretical and methodological contortions. 相似文献
Weighing it up: family maintenance discourses in NGO child protection decision‐making in Aotearoa/New Zealand 下载免费PDF全文
Emily Keddell 《Child & Family Social Work》2016,21(4):512-520
Examining the concepts underpinning the reasoning processes of social worker's decision‐making provides important insights into how social work practice is undertaken. This paper examines one of the major discourses used by social workers in decision reasoning in a non‐governmental organization child protection context in Aotearoa/New Zealand: family maintenance. This study found that family maintenance as a concept was strongly privileged by social workers. This resulted in attempts to preserve families and created a hierarchy of preferred decision outcomes. A preference for family maintenance was supported by legal, moral, psychological and Māori cultural concepts. This pattern of constructs underpinned the ‘weighing up of harms’ when considering removal, and generally reflected a child welfare orientation. In addition to this, it was found that ‘family’ was broadly defined, and could include people who had a relationship with the children, or Māori definitions of extended family, in addition to legal ones. 相似文献
Rebecca Reviere & Carolyn M. Byerly 《Feminist Media Studies》2013,13(4):676-692
The research presented employed critical discourse analysis to examine advice columns on sex and women's sexual freedom as expressed in two popular women's magazines, Essence and Cosmopolitan, over a three-year period. Essence has a Black female audience, Cosmo a predominantly White female audience. Critical discourse analysis is concerned with language as a primary force for the production and reproduction of ideology and belief systems that come to be accepted as common sense. The study asked whether and to what extent sex talk in these two magazines mirrored tenets of sexual liberation as set forth by “second-wave feminism.” Findings showed that while both magazines reinforced women's right to sexual pleasure and to ask for what they wanted, Essence came closest to mirroring the tenets of women's liberation by advocating women's right to say no to men's bad behavior and to be their own persons. By contrast, Cosmo advised women to be innovative in exciting and keeping their men and to be more flexible in managing men's less than desirable behavior. 相似文献
翟玮 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2004,4(2):62-65
受经济全球化影响,各国文化既互相融合又存在冲突,使我国民族文化的发展既面临机遇又面临挑战。要促进民族文化的发展,就应以马克思主义为指导,大力发展生产力,批判继承传统文化,积极吸收外来文化。 相似文献
白昌红 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》2011,10(2):21-24
"大同婆娘"这一地域文化现象的产生主要有三个方面的原因:由于大同在历史上特殊的地理位置使得这一地区经历了长期的民族融合,人种发生了很大的变化;特殊的地位又促进了该地区经济的发展,促进了当地人口流动和消费水准的提高,改善了当地人口的质量;明代畸变的乐户制度导致该地区聚集了大量的外籍乐户,其中色艺俱佳者比比皆是,她们对大同地区人口质量的改变也起了一定的作用。 相似文献
陈浩 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2005,(Z1)
将会话结构的相关理论应用到口语教学,分析了非英语专业学生由于缺少会话结构方面的知识,在口 语交流中所出现的主要问题,并提出了相应的解决策略,为口语会话教学的研究提供了新思路。 相似文献
李争鸣 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2012,29(2):103-109
文章梳理了结构主义和后结构主义的范式和方法论。利用后结构主义范式与话语分析法,解构了现实农民利益被非法侵占的案例,发现中国社会霸权话语的建构是真正导致农民失语的最重要原因之一。这与农民素质无关,因为当今的农民素质足以表达他们自己的诉求和言语。问题是霸权的话语剥夺了农民的言语场域和他们应有的空间。归还农民话语权的有效方式可通过中央政府联合其他力量和农民一起打破原有社会话语结构,重构农民的话语场域,使农民获得应有的平等空间。 相似文献
尤蕾 《南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》2018,(6):70-77
莫里森的批评论著《在黑暗中演奏:白色与文学想象》是作家对美国经典文学长期审视和反思的结果。通过分析白人经典作品中的非裔在场,我们可以揭示出“美国性”的本质和美国“文学白色”神话的炮制过程。如果将短篇小说《宣叙》与《演奏》并置,我们可以看到故事中的麦基其实是对后者所评述的美国经典文学中非裔在场的影射。麦基这个人物的再现是反射性的,与美国经典文学对非裔人物的再现如出一辙。二者的不同在于,故事揭示并最终反拨了人物再现的内在机制。《宣叙》对美国经典文学的观照,实质上是以隐晦的手法介入美国文学的经典辩论,传达了作者文化修正的愿望。 相似文献
卢风 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》2011,32(4):27-31
今日美国仍具有最强的硬实力和软实力,皆仗着西方启蒙以来所造的现代化之势。中国即使拿到了现代化的各项“第一”也不能算中华民族的伟大复兴。现代工业文明恰在达到鼎盛时,已暴露出它的致命弱点——自毁性和不可持续性。生态文明是人类文明的必由之路,也是中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路。中国应积极造生态文明建设之势。乘生态文明兴起之势,中国必能辐射出巨大的硬实力和软实力。 相似文献