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Previous work has not considered the interplay of motivational forces linked to the task with those linked to the social identity of employees. The aim of the present study is to combine these approaches. Two studies with call centre agents (N=211, N=161) were conducted in which the relationships of objective working conditions (e.g., inbound vs. outbound work), subjective measures of motivating potential of work, and organisational identification were analysed. Job satisfaction, turnover intentions, organisational citizenship behavior (OCB), health complaints, and burnout were assessed as indicators of the agents' work motivation and well-being. In both studies it was found that objective working conditions substantially correlated with subjective measures of work motivation. Moreover, employees experiencing a high motivating potential at work reported more OCB, higher job satisfaction, and less turnover intentions. As hypothesized, organisational identification was a further independent predictor of job satisfaction, turnover intentions, OCB, and well-being. Highly organisationally identified employees report higher work motivation and more well-being. Additionally, interactions between the motivating potential and organisational identification were found. However, all the results indicate that interventions seeking to enhance work motivation and well-being in call centres should improve both the motivating potential of the job and organisational identification. These two factors combined in an additive way across both studies.  相似文献   
运用人类学田野调查的方法,对香格里拉县各民族传统的土地利用方式进行研究。认为居住在该地区的各少数民族,由于对自然环境的适应程度的不同,导致他们在土地利用方式上存在差异。提出在实施退耕还林工程的同时要注意环境多样性和土地利用方式多样性的特征,对当地那些粗放型、不利于保护生态环境的土地利用方式进行改良,来确保退耕还林工程的顺利实施。  相似文献   
浅析拉祜族火文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火在拉祜族形成与发展的历史过程中有着极其重要的作用。本文从四个方面对拉祜族火文化的功能、火文化的宗教内涵、火文化的民俗展现及火文化的伦理积淀作了论述。  相似文献   
文章分析了当前我国民族宗教存在的问题和原因及经济转轨造成人们价值观的失范、失衡等。几十年来,我们民族、宗教工作指导思想缺乏稳定性、连贯性,影响了国家法律、政策的权威;腐败和官僚主义成为引发民族、宗教矛盾的重要因素;对当前我国的民族宗教政策也进行了分析,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
This paper presents a systematic review that aims to identify studies using drawing techniques with maltreated children. The paper first introduces the relevant developmental theory relating to children's drawings and its application to practice. Studies using drawing techniques with maltreated children were identified from both the research and practice literature. These were summarized and compared. The evidence from the studies appears relatively inconclusive as to the value of children's drawings for the identification of possible maltreatment, although they do apparently help in aiding recall of important events. Drawings are widely used to assess maltreatment and neglect of children. However, researchers advocate caution in generalizing and interpreting drawings from children with differing experiences. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中原文化植根于黄河中游的中原地区,海岱文化植根于黄河下游的海岱地区。两地无山河阻隔,交通便利,自古以来经济联系紧密,文化交流互动频繁。在中国古代,除华夏族之外,东夷族和苗蛮族都是构成汉民族的重要族源之一。在史前和先秦时期,东夷人和华夏人的交往十分频繁。正如傅斯年所说:“这两个体系,因对峙而生争斗,因争斗而起混合,因混合而文化进展。”华夏人和东夷人在长期交往、杂居共处中逐渐融合为一体。西周以迄战国,中原地区和海岱地区的文化交流互动更为频繁。这种文化交流与互动,逐渐在黄河中下游地区形成了统一的较为先进的文化,特别是形成了中国传统文化的核心———儒家学说。汉代儒学在全国传布,从而在构建共同的民族心理、促进汉民族的形成中起到了关键作用。  相似文献   
我国对长江源的探寻和认定经历了漫长而又艰难曲折的过程,在20世纪70年代沱沱河被认定为长江正源之前,有关江源的认定一直众说纷纭,较有代表性的有:岷江源说、金沙江源说、一源说、二源说、三源说、巴颜喀拉山南麓说和沱沱河源说等,但在古代中国,岷江源说一直占有统治地位。本文按照时代顺序对不同历史时期江源的探寻和认定做历史性回顾的同时,也对各个时期江源探寻和认定的原因,尤其是对古代中国岷江源说一直占统治地位的原因进行了较为客观的分析和论证,并指出:在尊重权威的同时也要敢于怀疑和探索,只有这样才能获得真理。  相似文献   
临界二元树CBT(criticalBinaryTree)作为描述电路功能的一种方法,可以用于呆滞型故障模型的电路功能级测试生成。其基于知识的树结构特别适用于专家系统环境[1]。然而CBT的大小取决于临界输入的识别,好的临界输入排序可以大大缩小CBT规模。文中提出了一种临界输入的启发式识别方法,以求获得较小的CBT,加速测试生成过程。  相似文献   
A review of speech identification studies examining the abilities of listeners to distinguish African American and European American voices shows that Americans can recognize many African American voices with a high degree of accuracy even in the absence of stereotypical morphosyntactic and lexical features. Experiments to determine what cues listeners use to distinguish ethnicity have not yielded such consistent results, perhaps suggesting that listeners may access a wide variety of cues if necessary. An experiment involving African Americans with features of a European American vernacular demonstrated that African Americans with atypical features are difficult for listeners to identify. Analysis suggested that vowel quality and intonation could have misled respondents but did not rule out timing and voice quality as factors in identification.  相似文献   
This paper examines the implications of the standard Heckman (Heckit) correction for selectivity bias in wage and earnings functions that are subsequently used in wage decompositions. Even when justified, Heckit selectivity correction introduces some fundamental ambiguities in the context of wage decompositions. The ambiguities arise from group differences in the selection term which consists of a parameter multiplied by the Inverse Mills Ratio (IMR). The parameter is identified as the product of the standard deviation of the errors in the wage equation and the correlation between the wage equation error and the selection equation error. How should group differences in these parameters be interpreted in terms of structural differences and endowment effects? The same issue arises with respect to group differences in the IMR which reflect nonlinear group differences in the determinants of selection and in the probit coefficients.  相似文献   
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