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包善良 《国际论坛》2020,(2):31-50,156
"印太"概念经历了从地缘术语向战略构想的演变,且域内各国基于本国利益塑造"印太"构想的进程尚未结束,这使得相关研究需要不断转换视角并注重动态追踪。莫迪执政后,印度和日本升级两国战略伙伴关系,完善各层级对话机制,共同推动区域连通性与基础设施建设,并提出"亚非增长走廊"愿景。在深化海洋安全合作的基础上,实现军事演习全面覆盖与装备技术合作的纵深发展,注重地区问题的立场协调与强化美印日、美印日澳等多边磋商机制。"印太"发展契机、两国战略目标驱动、制衡中国需求以及美国战略推动构成了印日战略合作的基本动因。得益于双方战略对接的深入和适宜的国内政治环境,印日深化战略合作的势头还将持续,表现在防务合作模式的多元化和加速布局"印太"基建项目的趋势。国内条件限制、"印太"战略差异以及国际局势影响等制约性因素也给两国合作前景带来挑战。  相似文献   
建国以来的中国外交历程,是中国国际战略角色不断转型并成熟的过程,在此过程中中国摆脱了意识形态的制约和束缚,放弃了国际体系挑战者的角色,从局外旁观,消极参与转向积极参与,开始了融入国际社会的进程。推动多极化,以更加主动的姿态来参与国际交流与合作,"有所作为"将是本世纪我国和平发展战略的应有之义。  相似文献   
继中欧高级别经贸对话和中欧高级别战略对话机制之后,中欧高级别人文交流对话机制被视为中欧全面战略伙伴关系的第三支柱。本文通过回顾中欧关系历史,描述中欧关系面临的现实困境,分析中欧高级别人文交流对话机制的形成背景,并从文化外交的视角对欧中教育交流的传统和中国对欧人文对话交流的使命进行分析。  相似文献   
经济全球化下的国际关系呈现如下新特点 :世界各国都把和平与发展作为基本目标 ;当今世界是一个多极化与单极化趋势并存的世界 ;在世界格局中 ,发展中国家力量有所分散 ,其整体作用减弱 ,发展中国家之间的矛盾和发展问题已引起了人们的重视 ;国际关系格局中非政府实体的作用有所加强等等。对此 ,中国的外交战略应立足于 :求和平 ,求发展 ,为中国的统一和腾飞创造一个良好的国际环境 ;要以大国姿态处理与美国的关系 ;要重视我国周边环境 ,坚持独立自主原则和外交中的准结盟战略。  相似文献   
This study examined how Turkey uses social media as a tool for public diplomacy and how the state’s soft-power efforts have recently changed on the global stage. The researchers constructed a dataset of 2769 Twitter posts by the Turkish government’s most influential public diplomacy accounts. The analyses revealed that the focus of Turkey’s Twitter public diplomacy has become concentrated on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and is thematically focused on the political values embodied by the Turkish president. The findings suggest that public diplomacy remains to be the diplomacy of the government, not of the public, and social media is used as just another tool for propaganda, not as a means of engagement with foreign publics. Further, the findings indicate the emergence of a “new” cult of personality in public diplomacy and point out the instrumental role of social media in changing the dynamics of leader-follower relationship. The study contributes to public relations theory and practice by advancing the burgeoning public diplomacy scholarship at the intersection of social media and relational approaches.  相似文献   
This prospective longitudinal study examined the unique and combined effects of neighborhood characteristics on parental behaviors in the context of more distal and more proximal influences. With a sample of 368 mothers from high‐risk communities in 4 parts of the United States, this study examined relations between race (African American or European American), locality (urban or rural), neighborhood characteristics, family context, and child problem behaviors, and parental warmth, appropriate and consistent discipline, and harsh interactions. Analyses testing increasingly proximal influences on parenting revealed that initial race differences in warmth and consistent discipline disappeared when neighborhood influences were considered. Although generally culture and context did not moderate other relations found between neighborhood characteristics, family context, and child behaviors, the few interactions found highlight the complex influences on parenting.  相似文献   
Scholars argue in favor of social action in community organizing to address the oppression experienced by racialized groups. This study examines how community organizing practice in one diverse neighborhood constructed race to understand the potential for social action. Using interview and observational data with 16 community organizers working in 1 diverse, low-income neighborhood in Québec, Canada, I examine the social construction of race through the lens of postcolonial theory and the writings of Michel Foucault. I argue that a discourse of neutrality existed among community organizers, which was tied to state policy and a colonial discourse embedded therein. The resulting disconnect between race and power in community organizing practice not only forecloses on social change efforts, it also extends a state-driven nation-building agenda into community. As the basis for an anticolonial approach to neighborhood community organizing, I juxtapose the discourse of neutrality in community organizing with strategies that recoupled race and power by drawing attention to efforts among community organizers that were antagonistic to the discourse.  相似文献   
为维护其利益 ,旧中国政府展开了收回关税自主权的外交斗争。历时数十年 ,历经艰辛 ,在各种力量的共同努力下 ,付出了沉重代价 ,最终在原则上收回了关税自主权。这在客观上具有争取民族独立与自由的意义。  相似文献   
福田赳夫内阁积极奉行"全方位外交",一方面积极谋求与苏联发展关系;另一方面力图缔结中日和平友好条约而不至于开罪苏联,超然于中苏对立之外。这种在日苏及日中之间开展"全方位外交"的举措终因苏联方面缺乏应有诚意而失败。福田转而在美国的支持下将推动中日缔约作为自己任内的重要课题。实践证明,福田富有理想主义色彩的"全方位外交"在美苏对峙的冷战格局下很难真正贯彻落实。  相似文献   
2006年初,美国国务卿赖斯提出的转型外交,其实是美国朝野相当一部分人士对全球化和信息化时代美国外交的变革的深层次思考的结果,它服务于新世纪美国全球战略的调整,服务于美国的民主改造战略,不会因为执政党的更迭轻易发生改变。作为美推行转型外交重要目标国,中国学者和相关部门应该对此开展持续研究并及早应对。  相似文献   
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