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可持续发展理念己深入人心,具体到对外贸易领域,就是要使贸易与环境协调发展,达到保护环境和促进对外贸易增长的“双赢”目标,推进国内循环经济。从国际法的角度来看,绿色贸易壁垒的存在及出现具有国际法依据,一些环境公约与WTO的协定中均有绿色贸易壁垒的规定。如何正确认识绿色贸易壁垒、如何克服其对我国经济贸易的影响及如何利用绿色贸易壁垒,对促进我国经济、贸易和整个国民经济的发展,都是具有不可估量的现实意义和价值的。本文对国内外学者对绿色壁垒的理论研究进行综述,为绿色贸易壁垒问题的研究提供重要素材和依据。  相似文献   
Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of relative risks via log-binomial regression requires a restricted parameter space. Computation via non linear programming is simple to implement and has high convergence rate. We show that the optimization problem is well posed (convex domain and convex objective) and provide a variance formula along with a methodology for obtaining standard errors and prediction intervals which account for estimates on the boundary of the parameter space. We performed simulations under several scenarios already used in the literature in order to assess the performance of ML and of two other common estimation methods.  相似文献   
Inspired by the recent popularity of autocallable structured products, this paper intends to enhance equity-indexed annuities (EIAs) by introducing a new class of barrier options, termed icicled barrier options. The new class of options has a vertical (icicled) barrier along with the horizontal one of the ordinary barrier options, which may act as an additional knock-in or knock-out trigger. To improve the crediting method of EIAs, we propose a new EIA design, termed autocallable EIA, with payoff structure similar to the autocallable products except for the minimum guarantee, and further investigate the possibility of embedding various icicled barrier options into the plain point-to-point or the ratchet EIAs. Explicit pricing formulas for the proposed EIAs and the icicled barrier options are obtained under the Black–Scholes model. To the purpose, we derive the joint distribution of the logarithmic returns at the icicled time and the maturity, and their running maximum. As an application of the well-known reflection principle, the derivation itself is an interesting probability problem and the joint distribution plays a key role in the subsequent pricing stage. Our option pricing result can be easily transferred to EIAs or other equity-linked products. The pricing formulas for the EIAs and the options are illustrated through numerical examples.  相似文献   
本文从比较分析机器翻译和翻译记忆的不同现状及其背后所隐藏的认知原理入手,指出CAT软件是人类在解决语义问题之前,利用计算机对语言转换之间的形式特征进行描写计算所取得的辉煌成果。其中,尽管机器翻译和翻译记对语义障碍采取了不同的态度,前者试图直接针对当前翻译本身进行分析处理,后者则借助过去积累的翻译经验对语言转换进行形式计算,但从认知策略上它们都体现了人类共同的认知经济倾向。所以我们在设计CAT软件时,应当创新途径,同时容纳机器翻译和翻译记忆,让二者能够优势互补、配合使用,从而取得更好的翻译辅助效果。  相似文献   
吉林省是全国第二个循环经济生态试点省,循环经济发展已经取得了一定成就,制定了不少相关的法律政策,但循环经济的发展仍然存在着很多障碍.这些障碍是多方面的,有社会方面的、企业方面的和制度方面的,等等.针对这些障碍,笔者从不同层面进行了较详细的分析与诊断,并提出了吉林省发展循环经济的相应对策.  相似文献   
文章通过分析当前我国农副产品生产的现状,揭示困扰农副产品稳定生产的问题。针对这些不利因素,提出相应的建议与构想,以切实促进农副产品生产的健康发展,并为三农建设提供良好的外部环境。  相似文献   
司马迁的心理障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本用司马迁自己选用的史实来论证司马迁的心理障碍,以实事求是的原则重评史遗下的错案,贬抑了李广畏罪自杀、李陵投降,为有功于国的汉武帝、卫青、霍去病张目。  相似文献   
环境语言作为非语言交流的一种重要形式,由于中西方鉴别标准存在差异,引起了不同程度的文化误解与交流障碍.中西方时间观与空间观存在差异,是跨文化交流过程中产生冲突的根源,这对于促进交流、推动发展产生障碍,此处主观评判、对话形式和先入之见三个方面也是影响交流质量的心理因素.  相似文献   
Produktdesign und Semi-Statische Absicherung von Turbo-Zertifikaten   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zusammenfassung  Turbo-Zertifikate geh?ren derzeit zu den beliebtesten strukturierten Produkten für Privatanleger. Sie lassen sich als Spezialformen von Barrier-Optionen auffassen. In Bezug auf das Produktdesign ist das Verh?ltnis von Kursschranke und Basispreis von Bedeutung. Unter Ausnutzung der Put-Call-Symmetrie wird gezeigt, dass eine geeignete Wahl der Ausstattungsmerkmale dem Emittenten eine semi-statische überabsicherung in Standard-Optionen erm?glicht, die bezüglich einer ganzen Modellklasse gültig ist. Im Gegensatz zu der in der Praxis g?ngigen Preisstellung kann eine Absicherung der Zahlungsverpflichtungen im Allgemeinen nicht unabh?ngig von der Volatilit?t erfolgen.
Product design and semi-static hedging of turbo-certificates
Summary  Turbo-Certificates are one of the most popular structured equity products for private investors in Germany. They can be regarded as special forms of barrier options. For the design of these products, the relation between the barrier level and the strike price is especially important. By using the put-call-symmetry, we show that by a certain choice of these parameters, the issuer is able to obtain an almost static (super-) hedge in standard option contracts which is valid for a general class of models. It turns out that in contrast to the pricing rule which is often used in practice, the issuer can neither hedge a single certificate nor a portfolio of certificates independent of the volatility.
近年来,在纺织品国际贸易中,技术贸易壁垒中的绿色壁垒已逐渐发展成为主要的非关税贸易壁垒。越来越多的发达国家在实行新贸易保护主义时采用绿色壁垒,以防止破坏生态环境和人类健康为由,制定一系列技术标准,对我国纺织品的出口形成越来越大的阻碍。因此,我国政府和企业应该联合起来,采取一些有效的措施来应对绿色壁垒,发展我国纺织品业的对外贸易。  相似文献   
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