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政治经济学的研究对象是否仅仅是生产关系 ,人们普遍认为 ,政治经济学还要研究经济体制、经济机制以及资源配置等问题 ,但各种论证都很牵强。政治经济学是马克思主义的经济科学 ,理所当然地要研究、揭示经济规律 ,即生产关系发展运动的规律。研究资源配置等问题 ,并没有超出生产关系的范围。  相似文献   
农村危房改造的影响因素分析及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年以来,中国政府投入了大量资金对农村受灾严重、年久失修的危房进行改造,但实施过程中存在监管不力、资金使用不当、缺乏公平、公开等诸多问题.文章通过文献研究及对西部典型地区农村危房改造实施情况进行实地走访和问卷调查,分析西部地区农村危房改造的现状及实施中的影响因素,结合SPSS软件,运用因子分析法从25个影响农村危房改造效果的主要因素中提取出6个公共因子,即资金使用因子、对象评选因子、组织管理因子、基层操作因子、客观问题因子、监督管理因子,进而提出相应的对策建议,旨在为政府有关部门制定相关政策和危房改造资金的合理、有效利用提供决策支持.  相似文献   
科学发展观的价值本质诉求特征体现在四个方面,其价值主体的本质性需求体现为满足当下人民群众活动的自由性,价值客体的核心要素体现为当下人民群众的活动能力发展的整合性,价值本质关系的形成路径体现为当下人民群众活动的实践性,价值本质的取向原则体现为当下人民群众活动的整体性。  相似文献   
关于强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪的两个问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
应当承认强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪作为倾向犯的理论与实践价值。该罪的客体是复杂客体,具体应该表述为“妇女的性自由权利与健康的性习俗”。  相似文献   
Mark Poster 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(2-3):409-423
The category of the everyday has designated in social theory the remainder, what is left over after the important regions of politics and production. This left consumption in the under-theorized domain of the everyday. Since Veblen – and more recently Baudrillard and de Certeau – consumption has been reconfigured as significant in its own right, as a complex, articulated area related directly to culture. Liberal thinkers have also claimed consumer activity as central to society, as the domain where the individual is realized. This paper will review these positions and attempt to develop an understanding of consumption in daily life in relation to digital cultural objects. It will also argue that these mediated commodities, in the practices of appropriation connected with them, configure subjects in ways that are difficult to reconcile with existing structures of domination.  相似文献   
A clinician's sense of hope is not easily maintained in the therapeutic situation. Exploring the psychodynamics of hope in two interviews—one focusing on a community mental health psychotherapist and the other on a school social worker—this paper proposes that maintaining hope requires an intense affect state, an active blend of emotional and intellectual reflections in the mind of the clinician. Ongoing hope is the product of a delicate balance between a clinician's tolerance for the tragic in life and the expectations of positive treatment outcome. These reflections occur in an intrapsychic space, a point of juncture between the clinician's primary process longings/fears and secondary process thoughts. Hope is constructed in this space. It gains its language, form, and substance from the integration of personal experience, client observation and clinical theory. Reflective activity helps a clinician avoid disabling transference to a client and promotes identifications that lead to realistic treatment goals.  相似文献   
We develop social network and “relative sentiment shift” analysis techniques to study how financial narratives influence financial markets. First, we analyze Reuters News articles focusing on narratives about Fannie Mae. Second, we analyze Broadband and Energy narratives in the Enron Corporation email database. Combining datasets we show that phantastic object narratives can be detected and tracked as they develop and spread through networks to lead to a disconnect between narrative and underlying “reality”. The methods may be applicable to other text datasets to create early warnings.  相似文献   
决策支持系统中的建模知识表示研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
黄梯云  冯玉强  周宽久   《管理科学》2001,4(1):45-51
提出一种基于知识的建模支持系统 ,该系统的知识由三部分组成 :构模规则知识、变量类型知识以及数据映射知识 .构模规则知识描述了决策者的构模过程 ;变量类型知识定义了构模规则知识中所有变量的数据类型 ;数据映射知识描述求解过程所需数据的来源 .对于决策者输入的一个实际决策问题 ,系统能够根据问题描述按照构模知识自动进行求解 ,同时对经验进行学习 ,生成经验规则  相似文献   
提出了一种满足中分传递性的模糊一致关系,从而符合人们决策思维的心理特性。当论域是有限的时候,模糊一致关系可以用模糊一致矩阵来表示。讨论了模糊一致关系的合成运算以及模糊一致关系的建立方法,并简要说明了模糊一致关系在系统评价中的应用。  相似文献   
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