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《郑风·褰裳》中“狂童”之所指,主要有郑厉公“突”与“淫女戏谑其所私者”两种说法。实际上,春秋时期还没有后世那种君主集权的大一统思想,以上两说都囿于后世的尊君思想而未能得出正确结论。当时国人参政议政,大胆地批评当政者甚至国君之事颇为常见。根据春秋史事,“狂童”应当为郑昭公忽,此诗虽然看似民间情歌,但却不可简单地理解为男女私情之作。所谓的“淫诗”事实上往往与政治之间有着密切的联系,人们或引用以影射政治,又或托男女之辞以言君臣之事。《褰裳》诗正是国人利用郑国当地通俗的歌谣形式来讽喻当政者,表达自己政治观点的佳作。  相似文献   
王安石后期诗歌内容以山水禅诗为主,风格也变得雅丽精绝,悠然旷逸.造成其诗风转变的原因,除了罢相之后远离权力争斗中心,心情自然趋于平静外,王安石生性旷达,漠视功名的胸怀和他晚年学佛参禅,也是重要原因.  相似文献   
最低工资理论是马克思工资学说的重要组成部分。马克思最低工资理论经历了产生、发展、成熟和完善等几个发展阶段。马克思对最低工资的内容,它与劳动力价值的关系以及与此相联系的工人阶级经济斗争的意义都经历了一个从初步的认识到完整的科学认识的发展过程  相似文献   
毛奇龄极力反对朱熹的"淫诗"说,在其《西河合集》、《经问》、《国风省篇》、《白鹭洲主客说诗》等著作中对"淫诗"及其相关的学说进行了反驳,勾勒了《诗经》被误解或曲解的大致过程,并在此基础上提出了自己对于如何解读《诗经》的看法。  相似文献   
ProblemIn jurisdictions where midwifery and nursing are autonomous and separate health care professions, little is known about how they collaborate during the delivery of perinatal health care services.BackgroundMidwifery became a regulated profession in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada in 2009. Since regulation, midwives and nurses have worked together at three models sites for the delivery of midwifery services and perinatal care.QuestionHow do midwives and nurses collaborate during the provision of birthing care in Nova Scotia, Canada?MethodsThis was an instrumental case study guided by feminist poststructuralism. Individual interviews of 17 participants were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Twenty-five documents were reviewed, and field notes were gathered. Feminist poststructuralist discourse analysis was used.FindingsMidwives and nurses collaborated well together. Participants described how positive collaborative experiences could influence a new way for midwives and nurses to work together. In this paper we present the theme Moving forward: A Modern Model for Nurses and Midwives working together, and its sub-themes of 1)’The birthing culture has changed’ and 2) ‘Allies and advocates’.DiscussionWithin the global context of strengthening midwifery and nursing, this study illustrated the potential for developing formal, collaborative perinatal models of care led by midwife and nurse teams to address inequities in perinatal health care services.ConclusionMidwives and nurses need more opportunities to collaborate and to build professional relationships. Establishing a midwife-led and nurse supported model of care may transform existing perinatal health care values, beliefs, and practices.  相似文献   
论北美汉学界中国女作家研究中的性别视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来北美汉学研究出现了新的转折,一批女性汉学家运用性别批评理论,从传记生平考据、意识形态语境以及性别政治等角度,对中国现当代女作家进行了广泛而深入的研究,对传统的汉学研究形成了强有力的冲击,为重新认识中国现当代女作家及创作提供了新的研究视角和解读方式,为海内外学界跨文化的沟通、交流与对话搭建平台。  相似文献   
Real count data time series often show the phenomenon of the underdispersion and overdispersion. In this paper, we develop two extensions of the first-order integer-valued autoregressive process with Poisson innovations, based on binomial thinning, for modeling integer-valued time series with equidispersion, underdispersion, and overdispersion. The main properties of the models are derived. The methods of conditional maximum likelihood, Yule–Walker, and conditional least squares are used for estimating the parameters, and their asymptotic properties are established. We also use a test based on our processes for checking if the count time series considered is overdispersed or underdispersed. The proposed models are fitted to time series of the weekly number of syphilis cases and monthly counts of family violence illustrating its capabilities in challenging the overdispersed and underdispersed count data.  相似文献   
刘大钧 《文史哲》2005,(4):14-18
今本《周易》为王弼所传东汉费直古文易本,考之竹简本,今本与竹本大体相似,证明了今本确为古文《易》本无疑。而帛本《周易》应为汉初田何所传今文《易》本。理由有二:一,从时间上说,帛本经传的抄写时间应在文帝或文帝之前,基本可界定在高祖至吕后执政的二十余年间,这符合汉初传《易》“本于田何一家”的史书记载。二,从学术归属上看,帛《易》以“乖”代“睽”、以“礼”代“履”作卦名,显然受到《序卦》“睽者,乖也”、“履者,礼也”的影响,此与汉初田何一系“训诂举大谊”的学风也很相似。田何所传今文《易》本,包括“今义”和“古义”两方面,“今义”指以“德行”“仁义”谈《易》的内容,“古义”指以占筮及阴阳灾变谈《易》的内容。帛书经文卦序与京房《易》八宫卦序的密切关系,及帛本《易传》中大量孔子论阴阳五行、占筮梦兆的语句,都反映了马王堆帛本《易》可能为史籍所载田何弟子周王孙所持“古义”的传抄本。  相似文献   
价值本体即时间;英国著名宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金关于心理学、热力学和宇宙学的时间箭头方向完全相同的论证,使社会科学时间取决于自然科学时间并对后者有所超越的论断成立,它不仅是对一切惟主观或惟主体时间观的有力否证,也是价值哲学的新成果.  相似文献   
《唐语林》深受《世说新语》的影响,它不仅模仿《世说新语》的文体形式,还能够精准地把握《世说新语》的创作动机和文本意图,并结合时代内容进行大胆创变,使“世说体”小说在不违背“征趣”、“赏心”的原则下更具历史厚重感。  相似文献   
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