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The aim of the present article is to study how women's alcohol consumption has been defined and contested in the Swedish press from 1955 to 2010 in relation to the development of Swedish society from a social democratic welfare state to a neoliberal competition state. Our material consists of articles published in the largest Swedish national and regional newspapers in 1955, 1965, 1977, 1982, 1995, 2004, and 2010. In the study, we apply Fraser's concepts of recognition and redistribution to analyse how the press contributed to the formation of cultural injustices and counter-claims through its recognition of women's drinking, and how these cultural injustices and counter-claims have conditioned the redistribution of societal resources. Our analysis shows that, during the study period, women were recognized in the Swedish press in limited and stigmatizing subject positions. These dominating representations of drinking women changed over time in an unpredictable way. As collectively shared, widely accepted cultural images, they tended to downplay the possibility of women achieving equal and just participation in cultural interaction, social activities, and healthcare services. In counter-discourses, the possibilities for women to formulate public claims in order to make surrounding structures more “enabling” of their independency, weakened during the study period.  相似文献   
不缠足运动发展到清末,引起了社会的广泛关注。士绅阶层利用话语权势,在宣传不缠足运动中不断完善不缠足的理论,以促进妇女的解放;官方也改变了以往的旁观态度,转而支持不缠足运动,对缠足历经由劝到劝、禁并重,再到以禁罚为主,有利地配合了民间的不缠足运动,官绅对缠足的态度直接影响着不缠足运动的深度和广度。  相似文献   
受中小企业理论变化的影响,国外中小企业经历了从法律抑制或自由放任到法律促进的发展过程。我闽中小企业法律定位变化因所有制的不同而在不同的时期有所不同。促进我国中小企业发展,不仅要实行市场准入公平,还要限制行业垄断行为,营造真正的公平竞争市场环境;不仅要进一步细化政策法规,使之更具操作性来约束政府行为,还要通过增强政策法规制定的民主性来保证政策法规制定的科学性,以提高政策法规的实施效果;最后还要消除所有制歧视,支持和引导非公有制中小企业发展。  相似文献   
父权制意识形态笼罩下的两性之爱必然建立在一种性别等级制度之上,因此,两性风景中的成长女性注定在陷落与突围的窘境中进行着艰难的跋涉。20世纪90年代的女性成长小说拒绝回避女性成长过程中两性文化情境的诡异与复杂,鲜明地揭示了成长女性在道德价值与性别价值悖论、女性欲望悖论中深陷的困境,并在直面困境的过程中,细致地描写了她们艰难突围的心路历程,努力探求理想的两性之爱对于女性主体性成熟的积极意义,从而呈现出独特、丰富而又深刻的内蕴。  相似文献   
邓小平理论是党的指导思想,是马克思主义在中国发展的新阶段,是当代中国的马克思主义。它是中国共产党关于社会主义建设的理论与实践之探索达到成熟的标志,是党在自身建设上达到成熟的标志;它结束了“左”的思想路线对我党事业的干扰和危害,否定了唯书唯上不唯实的学风,开辟了国际共运的新时代,对于传统文化、民族特性的改造和发展具有革命性意义。  相似文献   
推动校园文化建设,核心是提高学生的校园文化自觉性程度。以学生主体校园文化自觉为研究对象,从理论上构建校园文化自觉的循环模型;从校园文化定位、校园文化传播、校园文化知觉、校园文化自省四阶段,对安徽农业大学学生的校园文化自觉程度进行问卷调查;探究学生在校园文化自觉方面的问题、培养和提升校园文化自觉方面的不足之处;从建立富有特色的校园文化、加强校园文化的传播、培养学校归属感和主人公意识、提升校园文化品位、呼吁教师群体的积极参与等方面提出建议。  相似文献   
在已有的单脉冲位置调制的基础上,利用等重码构建了一种多脉冲位置调制的UWB跳时调制方案;并对其AWGN下的信道容量、误码率等性能指标进行了理论分析。数值结果表明,在满足一定的条件下,MPPM能以较低的接收机复杂度在数据容量、误码率等指标上获得比相应的脉冲位置调制及脉冲幅度调制更高的性能,可以作为UWB高速通信应用的一个很好的备选调制方案。  相似文献   
学界针对文化研究的批评和指责,其实质都指向一个核心命题,即文化在社会结构中的位置问题。种种关于文化在社会结构中的位置的观点都面临着语境变迁所带来的挑战,因此,我们有必要引入新自由主义的政治经济参照系,在新的全球性历史语境中重估文化的位置。在资本强权逻辑的胁迫下,那种精心营构的有机的、批判的文化观念不得不让位于空洞媚俗的新自由主义大众文化。由此,我们提出重构一种有机的、具有批判潜能的文化的可能途径:一方面,阿帕杜拉的“草根性全球化”无疑敞开了一种新的可能性,开启了一扇与全球资本主义若即若离的、便于开展游击战术的独特空间。那种有机的、建构的文化,正是有望从全球草根性群体中生发、蔓延,成为批判全球资本主义的另类声音;另一方面,重返英国文化研究尤其是前伯明翰时期,在文化研究学术史的脉络梳理中发掘出文化、政治、经济之间的结构性关联,以及这种关联在文化研究兴起和全球旅行过程中的动态变化,无疑为我们在当下语境中重估文化的位置提供了重要的参照。  相似文献   
前人关于"著"的研究多集中在探讨其作为持续体标记的演化过程的探讨。动词后的方位介词"著"的讨论多只是附带说明。鉴于动词后的方位介词"著"的演化与持续体标记"著"的来源有密切关系,而前人研究又有待深入,本文通过对先秦、汉代、六朝文献材料的考察和梳理,尝试对中古动词后的方位介词"著"的语法化路径作出重释。  相似文献   
The study investigates inequalities in access to social capital based on social class origin and immigration background and examines the role of transnational ties in explaining these differences. Social capital is measured with a position generator methodology that separates between national and transnational contacts in a sample of young adults in Sweden with three parental backgrounds: at least one parent born in Iran or Yugoslavia, or two Sweden‐born parents. The results show that having socioeconomically advantaged parents is associated with higher levels of social capital. Children of immigrants are found to have a greater access to social capital compared to individuals with native background, and the study shows that this is related to transnational contacts, parents’ education and social class in their country of origin. Children of immigrants tend to have more contacts abroad, while there is little difference in the amount of contacts living in Sweden across the three groups. It is concluded that knowledge about immigration group resources help us predict its member's social capital, but that the analysis also needs to consider how social class trajectories and migration jointly structure national and transnational contacts.  相似文献   
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