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郝铁川 《学术界》2012,(4):119-125,286
观念决定语言,语言传播观念.保障人权既需要制度保证,更需要文化智力支撑,乃至一场语言革命.本文通过剖析歇后语中对老人、死者、寡妇、光棍、和尚尼姑、乞丐、胖人、特定职业之人、特定地域之人等九类人的歧视,表明认真清理国人习惯用语里蔑视人权的陈旧理念,是当前普及法治观念、确立人权意识的一个重要任务.破旧方能立新,决不能让旧的缠住新的、死的拖住活的,崭新的现代人权法治理念却被落后的坊间俗语所抵消.  相似文献   
世纪之交的中国农村养老问题透析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
“农村养老是中国下一世纪的战略难题” ,而在中国农村 ,家庭养老有着丰厚的文化底蕴和历史渊源。家庭养老方式既是农村老年人的自然选择 ,更是其精神选择。随着社会的进步和发展 ,家庭的养老功能日渐削弱 ,而西方发达国家的福利型养老方式又不适应我国国情 ,稳步实行“家庭社会”养老双轨制 ,才是中国农村养老的现实选择。家庭养老的道德教化与制度完善 ,是中国农村养老走向正规化的保证  相似文献   
不能简单地以《礼记.曲礼上》所载:“三十曰壮”来理解睡虎地秦律“除佐必当壮以上”的年龄规定,睡虎地秦律记载本身、商鞅变法的相关政策、秦汉帝王成长的记载、居延汉简统计数据均可否定此说。此年龄规定的合理解释为20岁,这可在睡虎地秦律“壮”与“新傅”的关系中,史载“壮”与“婚”、“壮”与“冠”的演变关系中,墓主喜任职经历及张家山汉简《史律》中找到根据。  相似文献   
中国人口年龄结构与消费关系的区域研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1989~2008年间各省市的面板数据,分析了中国各区域居民消费率与人口年龄结构之间的关系,研究表明:中国少儿抚养比与消费率呈同向变动关系;老年抚养比与消费率呈反向变动关系,拒绝了生命周期假说。少儿抚养比降低对西部地区消费的影响高于中东部地区;老龄化对东部地区消费的抑制作用高于中西部地区。  相似文献   
Universal Credit has been rolled out gradually in the United Kingdom since 2013 as one integrated means-tested benefit replacing six different transfers with a single monthly payment. Previously, these benefits were awarded for distinct purposes and, for couples who claimed them, were potentially payable to different partners. Concerns about Universal Credit’s single payment include the opportunities it may create for facilitating domestic abuse, the fostering of more unequal power relations within couples, the reduction of financial autonomy for individuals, and the de-labelling of benefit payments. This article explores debates about the prospects for individual payments to partners in couples of Universal Credit as a jointly assessed integrated means-tested benefit, including different approaches emerging from the United Kingdom’s devolved governments (mainly Scotland and Northern Ireland). Whilst payment to each partner is likely to be more feasible where there are separate rather than integrated means-tested benefits, it concludes that genuine financial autonomy for partners in couples is best pursued via individually based non-means-tested benefits.  相似文献   
This paper adopts a longitudinal approach toward examining what lies behind income mobility of older people aged 50 and over in England and aged 45 and over in South Korea over the period between 2006 and 2012, using panel data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA). The breakdown of income mobility which takes into account different type of division of the elderly population and income sources are also performed. The findings reveal that income growth has very little impact on aggregate income mobility in England, while it is crucial for the income mobility levels in Korea. There is a great deal of income mobility among single people under the age of 65 in England, while older people who are aged 65 or above and live alone experienced a greater variation in their income over time in Korea. In the case of breakdown of income mobility by income sources, it appears that labor income is the most important determinant of mobility in both countries and income from self‐employment for Korea and income from social transfers in England also plays an important contribution to income mobility.  相似文献   
The older woman has been an unacknowledged character in fiction up until recently, when it has become the focus of some studies in the interconnected fields of literary and cultural gerontology. Given their popularity, TV shows are especially powerful in the propagation of images of any form of identity; accordingly, they can be regarded as an interesting and highly effective artistic and socio cultural vehicle through which representations of old people and of old women in particular can be analysed and discussed. Despite the success of The Golden Girls in the 80s and the exponential ageing of the baby-boom generation, TV series have also continued to depict older female characters as either motherly figures, always looking after their families at any cost, or as devilish older women characterised by inappropriate sexualised appearance and sexual behaviour. In contrast to this predominant tendency, Six Feet Under (2001–2005) stands out as a significant exception. In this article, we argue that Six Feet Under is innovative in presenting the older woman through the central character of Ruth Fisher (Francis Connor) and through the interaction of Ruth Fisher with other women within her same generation which face ageing from different perspectives.  相似文献   
关注老年妇女问题——以安徽为例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国老龄化进程中,由于男女两性预期寿命的差异以及我国传统的男大女小的婚姻模式,而且由于历史、文化、社会和生理等方面的影响,老年妇女在社会资源的分配和占有方面均处于不利的弱势地位,是老年人中最脆弱的群体,她们面临的养老问题和困难更为突出和复杂.因此,根据我国的实际情况,妥善解决好规模庞大的老年妇女的养老问题,应是我国解决老龄问题的核心所在,也是我国构建和谐社会不可忽视的重要内容.  相似文献   
随着人口老龄化程度的加深,延迟退休年龄的话题近年来络绎不绝地出现在各大报章,同时在网络上引起热烈讨论,提高退休年龄似乎已势在必行。然而从我国现阶段的基本国情出发,延迟退休的政策应从长计议,谨慎出台。本文从延迟退休年龄与养老保险制度、老年人力资源利用、劳动力就业三方面的关系出发,论述了延长退休年龄应注意的几个问题,并提出对策建议。  相似文献   
新一轮基础教育课程改革正在进行,但老少边穷地区在课程改革中有许多阻力。如教育观念陈旧,教师队伍整体素质偏低等因素,在一定程度上制约了新课程改革的实施及其教育质量的提高。因此,如何运用西部大开发战略中对教育的特殊扶持政策,创造性地利用西部优越的地域特点,将地方课程、校本课程以及综合实践活动等课程的开发有机地结合起来的教育理念,应成为推动该地区新课程改革向全面、纵深发展的思考。  相似文献   
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