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Dominant approaches to sustainability have focused on environmental governance with efficient mechanisms and technical quick-fixes for regulatory changes and policy reforms within the growth-centred economic model. However, they fail to develop an authentic ‘ecological citizenship’ for a more fundamental change in the framework of moral values guiding individuals' behaviour and attitude towards the environment and their choices to live lightly on earth. This article argues that the transformation to a sustainable society necessitates deeper moral changes and the development of an ecological morality at the individual level as the core of sustainability. The article examines the distinctiveness of the Gandhian approach to ‘ecological citizenship’ within his paradigm of non-violence and ethical holism as an alternative to the dominant thinking. Within his broader moral-philosophical framework, the paper focuses on Gandhi's theories of eco-localism, unity of life, economics of well-being, and the moral praxis of subordinating the material to moral development realized by the human self through an ‘inner revolution’ with a goal to improve the ‘quality of man’, moving beyond the conventional ‘fear–greed’ dichotomy as motivators of behaviour to bring about a societal transformation towards a sustainable society based on freedom, equity, justice, and peace.  相似文献   
人的社会性本质,不仅使其人口质量具体化为人力的社会意义与其社会功能,而且以其动态表现贯穿生命的始终.其具体形式有三人力积累(自我发展的依据);人力消耗(个人能力的显示);人的活动(社会功能的发挥).三者始终呈现为智体统合的级进态势.它既从自身的发展体现其生命的价值,也以其功能作用发展着自己的社会.  相似文献   
经济基础、上层建筑和意识形态及其相互关系不能完全概括马克思关于社会结构的思想。研读马克思的著作可以发现,他划分了社会资源构成及其配置、社会分层结构、社会的政治结构和社会的文化观念结构四个方面,也区分了社会存在的基础性领域、主导性领域和附属性领域。马克思正是抓住了社会存在的主导性领域而揭示了社会存在的基本矛盾和社会发展的根本动力。  相似文献   
为了提高太极拳的课堂教学效果,笔者采用文献资料法对已有的关于太极拳教学的资料进行分析,同时立足对太极拳本身的认识,遵循有限注意理论的有益提示,从学习者的角度出发,提出“从兴趣的激发依次到拳、太极拳架、呼吸、哲理”的太极拳课堂教学设计理念。以期能达到提高太极拳课堂教学效果的目的。  相似文献   
针对南京市消费者有机蔬菜购买行为和支付意愿的调查数据,二元Logit模型结果表明年龄、教育程度、对有机蔬菜的认知度以及对目前蔬菜安全的担心度等因素显著影响了消费者的购买行为。有序Logit模型回归结果表明,影响支付意愿的因素包括消费者年龄、受教育程度、性别、家庭规模、蔬菜属性重要程度以及对环境污染的担心度。  相似文献   
钱津 《学习与探索》2006,(4):182-186
企业以人为本,就是要以员工为本。员工是企业的人本,这是与企业资本相对立的范畴。人本是一个比人力资本更清晰,更实用,更有基础的范畴。客观上,存在着企业的管理人本、销售人本、技术人本和作业人本这样一种人本有机构成。由于企业的构成是人本与资本的统一,所以股份制企业的产权不等同于股东产权,而是具有集合性和公共性,代表企业整体利益的法人拥有,并加以运作的产权。股东会不应该成为股份制企业的最高权力机构。  相似文献   
The debate between the advocates of sociological individualism and those of holism has been pervasive in the development of social theory. This debate is often situated in the false problems of sociology, since it is seen as a particular form of the perennial and irresolvable dilemma between social nominalism and realism, as well as between freedom and determinism. Nevertheless, the debate is far from over within contemporary sociology and other social science, as indicated by the resurgence of individualism in rational action theory and its repudiation by holistic social theories. The aim of this paper is to identify some modern variations on this theme as well as to discern certain common tendencies of two seemingly opposite theoretical perspectives, viz. the convergence upon a normative solution to the problem of social order. This convergence is therefore denoted normative convergence between sociological individualism and holistic sociology.  相似文献   
《老子》一书中蕴含着对社会群体中有机联系及其管理模式的深刻理解。这种有机管理思想不同于以西方逻辑分析思维为基础的管理模式,对于协调有机体各要素之间关系有特殊的价值。从现代管理角度探讨这种有机管理思想,发掘其现代价值并使之具备可操作性,对于发展具有中华文化特色的管理理论,提高华人企业经营管理者的思想方法水平,有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
多党制同中国传统政治理念相互冲突,解构和重建,形成了共产党领导下的多党合作和政治协商制度及议行合一的人民代表大会制度。这一制度具有无比的优越性,深厚的传统文化基础和强大的生命力。民主政治建设既要借鉴西方经验,又要进行中国传统政治理念的现代化重建。重建中国传统政治理念,要体现对民族文化本位的理论自觉。  相似文献   
思维的逻辑构成哲学.哲学由相互联系的如下分支内容组成活动论、观察论、本体论、意识论、主体论、观念论、语言论、文化论等.  相似文献   
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