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王统照是一位"诚笃,严谨"①、"朴实,诚挚"②的作家和学者,也是一位"一丝不苟地担起全部责任"③的编辑.以新文学的"美、善、知",去"感化"、"薰浸"读者的心灵,让"真的文学的根"由"人之心内茁生",是王统照自觉的文学使命,也是他自觉的编辑使命.在中国现代文学出版传播史上,王统照是一位有着真诚风格、"真"的心性及其哲学理性的编辑大家.其魅力缘于他的赤子般"纯念"和孺子般"真诚".他倡导"不阿私"、"不回避"、 "不唱高调"、"不容‘市侩主义'"、"不‘骑墙圆滑'"的编辑批评态度,反对言过其实的标榜和心怀歹意的攻讦;主张编辑鉴别"只以作品的价值为准","视其艺术的如何为准,绝不有所偏重";编辑方法"不必一律从同,像每一个作家一样,各有其姿态与风格".探索<编后记>作家作品评介及专栏介绍和世界文学译介的编辑特性与侧重;认为,编辑是作品与读者的推介者、整合者、批评者、鉴别者、倡导者和刊布者.王统照在上世纪二三十年代与文坛各路名家一起共同把文学出版物编辑水准推向一个高峰,其编辑范式被借鉴袭用至今.  相似文献   
陈凯歌的影片历来注重人性的启蒙,关注生活在浓郁的中国气息和特有的文化禁锢下人的挣扎与渴望,展现传统文化对人性的束缚。从《黄土地》中无知的被启蒙者翠巧和《霸王别姬》中具有自我启蒙意识的程蝶衣以死逃离了无望的启蒙之路,到《梅兰芳》中梅兰芳蓄须抵抗为日军攻占南京献唱,并于日军投降后重新走上戏台。从中可以清晰地看到陈凯歌影片中一条从被启蒙到具有初步的自我启蒙意识,再到自我启蒙成功的崎岖之路。  相似文献   
Readers’ trust on the medical literature has been eroded, and journal editors and some editorial boards are taking measures to ensure that authors fully and accurately report research findings and disclose conflicts of interest. This article describes a case study in which the papers editor of the World Health Organization (WHO) Bulletin influenced the content of an article that had been approved by the external reviewers. The editor objected to the publication of the large price differentials of the new molecular entities (NMEs) across the Latin American countries where they had been tested and the limited added therapeutic value of the NMEs that had been assessed by independent drug bulletins. This article summarizes the exchanges with WHO staff and posits the hypothesis that the WHO Bulletin might be affected by the shifts in WHO financing. Several authors have raised concern about the impact of financial conflicts of interest in WHO activities in the field of nutrition, intellectual property, and in the emergency response to the flu pandemic. Moreover, it has been reported that powerful WHO contributors pressured WHO into revising its publication policy. This is the first time that authors question if these conflicts of interest are also affecting the editorial independence of the WHO Bulletin.  相似文献   
Social work and health care professionals internationally are recognizing the need to understand and respond to the abuse of older people. Policy and guidance have identified processes but definitions of key concepts remain problematic, and the literature suggests that practitioners and agencies have little insight or guidance for decision making. Nine bibliographic databases were searched for studies on professional decision making regarding abuse of older people. Relevant studies retrieved were appraised for quality using explicit criteria. The findings of the 19 articles meeting the inclusion criteria were synthesised using a structured narrative approach. Common themes identified were abuse factors, situational factors, and broader contextual factors. Abuse factors relating to risk levels and client vulnerability were central; age, gender, and health status were considered as key indicators of vulnerability. The opinion of adult protection workers about the potential effectiveness of their intervention was a factor in deciding about responding to alleged or suspected abuse. Professionals struggled with complex ethical dilemmas created by elder abuse, particularly when the victim did not want an investigation. Making objective judgements was difficult when faced with complex family and contextual factors. A structured approach to narrative synthesis of a diverse range of studies retrieved through an explicit search and inclusion process provided a useful summary of key issues for practice and identified gaps in the research literature.  相似文献   
马洁 《唐都学刊》2011,27(2):125-128
当代我国的"出版自由",应着眼于法律如何保障出版自由和如何规制出版自由。即现阶段我国"出版自由"的内涵是:出版自由是公民在宪法、法律规定的范围内,将作品编辑、加工并复制后向公众传播,以出版的形式发表意见来参与管理国家、公共等事务的权利。研究"出版自由"时应正确区分出版自由和政治自由、表达自由、新闻自由、议论自由的区别与联系。我国现行的法律法规有明确的《中华人民共和国著作权法》,却没有"出版自由法",其实"出版自由权"与"著作权"有着至关重要的关系,出版自由权是著作权的前提和保证,而著作权则是出版自由权得以落实和具体化的司法手段。  相似文献   

Over the years, reviews in behavior analysis have sought to identify the most prolific researchers and institutions. The goal of these reviews was to offer one resource for behavior analysts to identify experts in behavior analysis and quality graduate programs. However, most of these reviews omitted the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management (JOBM), making the results less relevant to those who work in organizational behavior management. The purpose of this review was to extend previous findings and identify the most published researchers, academic institutions, and organizations in JOBM since its inception. Furthermore, we calculated the citation rate (per year, per article) for each of the top 20 most published authors. The results, implications, and opportunities for further analysis are discussed.  相似文献   
《王安江版苗族古歌》是一本极具收藏价值的出版物。书籍介绍了苗族古歌的文化底蕴和王安江本人。并运用市场营销专业知识分析该书面临的各方面问题。先是文化市场现状分析、消费者分析和竞争分析,并运用SWOT分析该书的优劣势、机会与威胁。针对分析结果进行市场定位和市场推广策划。  相似文献   
高校本科毕业设计(论文)质量的几点思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在探讨毕业设计(论文)对本科实践教学所具有的重要性的基础之上,分析了近年来影响毕业设计(论文)质量的一些基本因素,针对这些因素,结合本校相关措施,就创新人才培养模式下如何提高毕业设计(论文)的质量进行了探讨。  相似文献   
电子杂志在中国已经进入了一个高速发展的时期,传统媒体电子化的进程是不以任何人的意志为转移的,未来的发展前景无庸置疑。电子杂志与传统纸媒杂志相比有许多优势,而传统纸媒杂志的劣势正是阻碍其发展的重要因素,因此应该利用电子杂志的优势,使得传统纸媒杂志走上一条新的发展之路。  相似文献   
物理实验课程考试改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新形势下对物理实验课程考试改革目标进行了探讨。设计出物理实验考试的两个组成部分——笔试和操作测试,并对两部分测试卷的内容和侧重点分别作了介绍。结合一份实验操作试卷,详细地说明了命题的原则和评分标准,介绍了考试实施的整个程序,最后对考试结果进行了客观的分析。  相似文献   
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