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I suggest an extension of the semiparametric transformation model that specifies a time-varying regression structure for the transformation, and thus allows time-varying structure in the data. Special cases include a stratified version of the usual semiparametric transformation model. The model can be thought of as specifying a first order Taylor expansion of a completely flexible baseline. Large sample properties are derived and estimators of the asymptotic variances of the regression coefficients are given. The method is illustrated by a worked example and a small simulation study. A goodness of fit procedure for testing if the regression effects lead to a satisfactory fit is also suggested.  相似文献   
In this paper we compare two robust pseudo-likelihoods for a parameter of interest, also in the presence of nuisance parameters. These functions are obtained by computing quasi-likelihood and empirical likelihood from the estimating equations which define robustM-estimators. Application examples in the context of linear transformation models are considered. Monte Carlo studies are performed in order to assess the finite-sample performance of the inferential procedures based on quasi-and empirical likelihood, when the objective is the construction of robust confidence regions.  相似文献   
给出了四元数体Q上n×n分块矩阵为亚(半)正定自共轭矩阵的一个充要条件,进而给出了Q上矩阵方程XAnm=Bnm有亚(半)正定自共轭四元数矩阵解的充要条件及解集合的显式表示,从而推广改进了数城上线性方程组的反问题及矩阵反问题的相应结果.  相似文献   
讨论了非线性时滞微分方程H(t,x(t),x(t—r)+f(t,x(t—τ))—g(x(t—σ))=0的振动性,推广了有关文献的部分结果.  相似文献   
文章揭示了叶轮栅后区长度L_3太长时,会使栅后区出气角β_2无法选择而造成无解的事实;表明在β_2变化的适当范围内,叶型后缘两侧速度差△Λ与β_2之间呈线性关系,而且该线性变化范围随L_3的增长而缩小;获得了随L_3作线性变化的规律。文章最后提出了离心式叶轮机任意旋成面叶栅流场的简单求解方法。  相似文献   
利用复系数的一阶线性方程解公式,给出一类一阶线性方程组的新解性。  相似文献   
证明半线性抛物型方程柯西问题的解在一定条件之下在有限时刻熄灭 ,并在不同条件之下对解的熄灭时间分别进行估计  相似文献   
主要利用推广的Riccati变换,建立了一类比较广泛的二阶非线性差分方程正解存在的充分和必要条件.  相似文献   
采用多重网格法(MG)分析电大尺寸物体的电磁散射,这种MG方法与已有的几种多重矩量法有本质的不同,与其他多层方法相比,它是一种高效率的迭代方法。再利用积分方程的卷积特性引入FFT方法快速计算迭代过程中矩阵与矢量的乘积,从而构成MGFFT新算法,数值结果表明MGFFT方法具有很高的计算效率,适用于电大尺寸问题的分析。  相似文献   
用一种新的思路和方法 ,先计算低通、再计算高通滤波器的有关参数 ,然后组合成带通滤波器  相似文献   
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