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Biostatisticians recognize the importance of precise definitions of technical terms in randomized controlled clinical trial (RCCT) protocols, statistical analysis plans, and so on, in part because definitions are a foundation for subsequent actions. Imprecise definitions can be a source of controversies about appropriate statistical methods, interpretation of results, and extrapolations to larger populations. This paper presents precise definitions of some familiar terms and definitions of some new terms, some perhaps controversial. The glossary contains definitions that can be copied into a protocol, statistical analysis plan, or similar document and customized. The definitions were motivated and illustrated in the context of a longitudinal RCCT in which some randomized enrollees are non‐adherent, receive a corrupted treatment, or withdraw prematurely. The definitions can be adapted for use in a much wider set of RCCTs. New terms can be used in place of controversial terms, for example, subject. We define terms specifying a person's progress through RCCT phases and that precisely define the RCCT's phases and milestones. We define terms that distinguish between subsets of an RCCT's enrollees and a much larger patient population. ‘The intention‐to‐treat (ITT) principle’ has multiple interpretations that can be distilled to the definitions of the ‘ITT analysis set of randomized enrollees’. Most differences among interpretations of ‘the’ ITT principle stem from an RCCT's primary objective (mainly efficacy versus effectiveness). Four different ‘authoritative’ definitions of ITT analysis set of randomized enrollees illustrate the variety of interpretations. We propose a separate specification of the analysis set of data that will be used in a specific analysis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文对著名诗人杨德祥其人其诗 ,尤其是他近八年来致力于新诗体式———八行体朗诵诗的创新 ,作了综合研究并指出 ,作为当代新诗界的改革者 ,杨德祥的诗歌作品不仅具有当代价值 ,而且具有深远的历史价值。  相似文献   
In-depth interviews were conducted with 13 young fathers to identify factors supporting their paternal involvement. Participants' responses to their interviews revealed that the qualitative experience was meaningful and encouraged their paternal involvement through (1) self-disclosure, (2) the opportunity to help others, and (3) personal engagement with the interviewer. Prior work has noted the general benefits of interviews for interviewees. This study addresses the less-explored, specific benefits of qualitative interviews for young fathers, along with recommendations, which include (1) conducting research that utilizes the qualitative interview as a therapeutic opportunity for young-father participants, (2) exploring fathers' behaviors in qualitative interviews as an untapped resource for engagement, and (3) conducting participatory action and mixed methodologies with young fathers.  相似文献   

This article contributes to a growing literature that takes a more nuanced approach to exploring the complexities of relationships and negotiations with gatekeepers. Using our study of young people living with a parent at the end of life as a ‘critical case’ of sensitive qualitative research, we discuss how far from being a smooth, linear process, participant recruitment was experienced as a series of overlapping challenges, characterised here as ‘wheels within wheels’. Each component of this multi-faceted process relied on identifying and engaging with key practitioners who acted as gatekeepers. We discuss how researcher and gatekeeper positionality influenced the outcome of negotiations with gatekeepers, and highlight potential implications for young people in exigent sets of circumstances. If the routes ‘in’ to access young people are difficult, then this also raises questions about routes ‘out’ for young people and their access to support when living through challenging times.  相似文献   
随着国际化、信息化的深入,榜样教育出现现实困境,呈现弱化趋势。先锋教育脱胎于思想政治教育榜样教育法,是榜样教育的发展与深化。从总结榜样教育的现实困境和先锋工程教育实践出发,提出先锋教育的概念;论证了马克思主义实践论和人的全面发展理论、同辈群体理论和观察学习理论是其理论依据;进一步分析先锋与榜样、先锋教育与榜样教育的关系;阐释先锋教育的重要价值;提出先锋教育实施的基本思路与框架,以及实施过程中需要注意的主要问题。  相似文献   
以薇拉·凯瑟的第一部草原小说《啊,拓荒者!》为分析案例,论文旨在通过考察作品的创作动机,人物塑造及承载的意义来正确解读文本意蕴。揭示凯瑟创作的先锋性及透过作品所弘扬的拓荒精神,不仅丰富了正在崛起的美国民族文学,而且在追寻传统美德的过程中,沟连起过去、现在和未来。  相似文献   
新诗的哲学精神不同于传统的“天人合一”思想,而表现为对超越现世的另一个世界的追问,对宇宙真理的追问。其先驱者是王国维。王国维的诗学思想以严格的哲学思想为基础,认为诗歌与哲学一样,都是真理表现的手段。王国维的诗学思想虽出现在白话新诗产生之前,但它表现的是现代人的精神生活,广义地讲也应属于“新诗”。新诗的哲学精神一直按王国维指引的方向前进。新诗精神的探讨虽然从“诗界革命”、《摩罗诗力说》等开始了,但王国维的思想提出得最早,是纯粹的哲学立场,更明确、更彻底、更系统。虽然其诗学观念至今少有人注意,但他事实上已构成新诗哲学精神的先驱,一位潜在的先驱。  相似文献   
李贽思想学说的一个重要支柱是“童心说” ,曹雪芹则提出了“正邪两赋论” ,二者都表现了对封建正统意识形态的叛离、批判倾向。李贽与曹雪芹都为妇女的权利而大声疾呼 ,都对儒、佛、道等传统思想中的消极层面予以扬弃 ,同时借助传统思想中的积极因素对抗历史的异化 ,呼唤人性的解放。李贽、曹雪芹和鲁迅是中国文学思想的前卫与先锋 ,是“启蒙三圣” ,他们的精神遗产是传统文化的精粹 ,是中华民族真正的精神家园  相似文献   
对先锋艺术的理解在今天已成为了难题,成为了一种思想的困境。本文以后现代的视野来解读中国先锋艺术,对中国先锋艺术鲜明的解构特征、边缘化的创作姿态、媒体化的身体语言和模糊、多元的精神内涵四个方面作了深入的剖析,并对中国先锋艺术的发展和走向作了新的阐释。  相似文献   
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