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从女性主义叙事学出发,分析小说《一个女人的史诗》中女主人公模糊的性别意识及这种性别意识反映出来的作家对父权话语的矛盾态度,解读模糊的叙述声音产生的缘由,而这些都折射出中西文化冲突下女性主义自我赋权的困境。  相似文献   
马克思最初关注物质利益问题不是由于在《莱茵报》时期"第一次遇到要对所谓物质利益发表意见的难事",而是由于在青少年时期遇到社会环境、家庭教育、文化启蒙以及个人独特的人文情怀与治思路径。《莱茵报》时期马克思所谈的物质利益并非抽象的概念或飘渺的幽灵,而是具有现实的历史的内容。这一时期的马克思已经在思想上实现了对黑格尔抽象理性主义的超越。马克思对物质利益和劳动群众的关注决定了他从来就不是一个传统意义上的理想主义者,因此,也就不存在从理想主义向现实主义的转向问题。  相似文献   
依赖于网络的开放性、虚拟性和快捷高效的特征,“网络反腐”正发挥着重要作用。增强网络反腐的实效性的关键在于政府是否能够做到尊重和回应民意,能否实现媒体、民意与政府的良性互动。通过对“表哥”杨达才的“落马”事件过程的回顾分析可以发现,在当前的“网络反腐”事件中,一种新型的互动模式,即“自媒体一传统媒体一全媒体一政府回应”的互动模式已经形成,这种发自网络自媒体直至政府做出有效回应的新型互动模式在一定程度上实现了媒体、民意与政府的互动,必将有助于推进“反腐倡廉”工作的深入开展。  相似文献   
中国传统社会治理模式存在着平等精神缺乏、单向度义务本位主义、忽视和压抑人性等种种局限性。无论是“礼治”还是“法治”,都只是“人治”的一体两翼,在本质上是统治者礼法合流下的“术治”选择。“术治”模式的经久不衰,得益于根深蒂固的宗法血缘圈层文化认同,并通过多样态的宗法伦理共同体实施社会治理。宗法伦理共同体以宗族为单位进行自我组织、自我管理、自我教化,从而在地域社会拓展出一定的自治性空间,并形成一种“泛宗族主义”或者说“泛血缘文化”。当然,如果抛开如上一些内在的局限,那么中国传统治理模式对于当前推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化而言,在确立道德实践主体、强化行政伦理规范、扩展组织文化功能等方面,依然具有重要的启示和意义。  相似文献   
Commitment or political will is often notable by its absence. While lack of commitment is a key factor in policy failure, it has been challenging to identify and operationalize how commitment can shape successful implementation. This article applies Brinkerhoff's (2000) framework of expressions of commitment to explain how commitment of policy elites shape policy implementation processes. Evidence for five characteristics of commitment traces these expressions from two types of policy elites — politicians and bureaucrats. Primary data from four Indian states were used—Chhatisgarh, Assam, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh—to examine the case of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act (MGNREGA). The data were collected through interviews with state‐level elites, supplemented by secondary data on the political economy of these states. In explaining how successes and failures of the MGNREGA are attributable to the commitment of these actors, the article considers the politics of policy implementation. It argues that commitment is critical at the sub‐national level in India, and explains the different outcomes of MGNREGA in the four states. The article considers how to strengthen policy implementation, and demonstrates that this can be done through capitalizing on positive feedback loops between different strands of commitment, as well as between commitment of administrative elites and political party leaders. The paper concludes that commitment and capacity feed off each other, improving implementation of social policies.  相似文献   
Following the introduction of the Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990, the Veterans Health Administration developed its own advance medical directive (AMD) policy, which most recently states that documentation is mandatory for all hospital patients in all settings. The object of this study was to assess the effectiveness of AMD documentation at a local Veterans Affairs Medical Center. AMD documentation was compared among three inpatient services: surgery, medicine, and psychiatry. Retrospective in nature, 594 inpatient cases were compared. Results revealed that, overall, the rate of AMD documentation was 37.7%. AMD documentation on surgery was statistically more frequent (45.6%) than for either medicine (33.2%) or psychiatry (34.5%). The difference between the numbers of days to AMD documentation for all three services was not statistically significant. While there was no statistically significant difference across gender, Caucasians had AMDs documented more frequently than African Americans (p < .001). Logistic regression reveals that social worker and physician intervention, not patient-specific variables, are the primary predictors of AMD incidence. Policy makers may need to consider the realities of hospital care, especially in emergency settings, and be more specific in the steps of implementation of the policy in the evenings, weekends, and holidays. True adherence to policy implementation may require hospital administrators to increase staff and educational efforts so that the concept of AMD communication and documentation is completely explained to all staff and patients. Policy should include an electronic record reminder that is renewed every 3 years and provisions for accommodating patients who arrive on weekends and holidays, with special awareness of the particular communication needs of minority groups. The study conclusions are that further inquiry is needed to understand these policy nuances to enable the Veterans Affairs Administration to improve its policies and performance in this important aspect of healthcare.  相似文献   
物权法的基本价值目标之一是交易安全,但物权法保护交易安全的同时应有利于意思自治原则的发挥。传统物权法过分追求交易安全,强调限制意思自治,违背物权法作为私法的根本属性。在网络时代的大背景下,物权法的价值主要体现为效率价值、自由价值、安全价值。网络时代物权法价值应该以自由和效率为基本价值理念,在此基础上实现物权法定主义立法模式向意思主义并注重效率的立法模式转变。意思自治应是网络时代物权法的基本价值取向。物权法应以意思自由为基础,更加注重效率和安全,从而构建安全高效的物权法价值体系。  相似文献   
在涉外产品责任冲突规范的连接因素上,国际条约与我国国际私法立法都出现了引人瞩目的新发展。在对弱者利益的倾斜保护、意思自治与最密切联系原则的调和、当事人属人法的立场抉择、强制性规定的优先适用等方面,我国充分借鉴欧盟《罗马条例Ⅱ》及海牙《产品责任法律适用公约》的法理命脉。在当下我国《涉外民事关系法律适用法》已设定产品责任准据法的前提下,须在具体个案基础上反思中国国际私法视角下的产品责任侵权问题。  相似文献   
对美国著名女性主义作家吉尔曼后期创作的一篇女性鸟托邦式讽刺寓言《她乡》进行了详尽的分析,指出小说作者不仅试图推翻父权制文化,表现了女性主义意识的觉醒,还揭露了资本主义制度的弊端,暴露了现有社会的不安和矛盾。以二元对立理论为指导,从女性认知的差异、两性关系认知的差异、社会建构认知的差异几个方面揭示了小说的主题,表达了作者的理想。  相似文献   
黑格尔《法哲学原理》的“抽象法”篇确认了自由意志与相应的实在事物的统,法是自由意志的定在,包括所有权、契约以及不法与犯罪。从认识系统和逻辑发展的过程来看,这一阶段的认识是自由意志与感性的法之间建市起来的初步联系,尚未发展到系统、全面而具体的现实形态,故为抽象认识,这个认识阶段的法便称之为抽象法。  相似文献   
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