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近代中国文坛产生了一批反映妇女问题的小说,其中塑造了不少中国女杰形象,她们大都具有崭新的思想品格和崇高的理想追求,敢于冲决封建礼教的牢笼,走出家门或国门,发挥才智能力于社会,以女性身份做成轰轰烈烈的事业,从而突破了传统女性形象的固有模式。这些形象虽然也存在着一些缺陷,但在她们身上,却反映了近代女性观的新变和先进女性的精神风貌,印证了女性价值及社会角色从传统向现代的转变,寄托着小说家等先进之士的理想人格。  相似文献   
自中国被动进入近代世界,就面临着工业近代化和农业近代化的紧迫任务,但是中国小农经济的超稳定结构不能够产生出近代化农业体系,所以需要农业制度的全面演进,而制度变迁是一个制度的替代、转换和交换过程,是一个系统工程。因此,1912—1937年中国历届政府作为制度供给主体,为了解决农业衰退、促进经济增长,从立法、农政、统计调查、农村税收、农业金融、乡村治理模式等方面推进农业制度近代化,试图建立一个有效率的制度体系。但是,制度能否发生作用取决于很多因素,由于复杂的历史原因,这些努力并未取得显著成效。  相似文献   
文章从歌德思想性格的二重性,18世纪德国社会政治背景的特殊性,以及文学史角度等三个方面,探讨歌德创作中贯穿始终的两面性问题,以对其作出比较合理的解释。  相似文献   
王维诗歌的思想并不恪守某道,不胶滞于成见,而是兼容并包的,其思想的根基是厚德载物的哲学思想。所以,诗人能达到“天人合一”的艺术境界。只有从这一哲学高度去思考,才能正确剖析复杂的王维现象。  相似文献   
本文以“爱人”为核心,从亲亲、爱人、爱物三个方面,比较全面地分析和探讨了孟子仁学思想的基本内涵,认为为仁需经过亲亲而爱人,由爱人而爱物的步骤来完成,揭示了一个比较完整的仁学系统,从而把儒家学说核心范畴和最高道德理想的仁,以一种平实简易的样态呈现于世人,人们只要扩充“仁之端”,拓展“亲亲”之情,“盈科而后进”,则可以成为仁人。  相似文献   
Longitudinal studies suffer from patient dropout. The dropout process may be informative if there exists an association between dropout patterns and the rate of change in the response over time. Multiple patterns are plausible in that different causes of dropout might contribute to different patterns. These multiple patterns can be dichotomized into two groups: quantitative and qualitative interaction. Quantitative interaction indicates that each of the multiple sources is biasing the estimate of the rate of change in the same direction, although with differing magnitudes. Alternatively, qualitative interaction results in the multiple sources biasing the estimate of the rate of change in opposing directions. Qualitative interaction is of special concern, since it is less likely to be detected by conventional methods and can lead to highly misleading slope estimates. We explore a test for qualitative interaction based on simultaneous confidence intervals. The test accommodates the realistic situation where reasons for dropout are not fully understood, or even entirely unknown. It allows for an additional level of clustering among participating subjects. We apply these methods to a study exploring tumor growth rates in mice as well as a longitudinal study exploring rates of change in cognitive functioning for Alzheimer's patients.  相似文献   
This study examines extensions of McNemar's Test with multinomial responses, and proposes a linear weighting scheme, based on the distance of the response change, that is applied to one of these extensions (Bowker's test). This weighted version of Bowker's test is then appropriate for ordinal response variables. A Monte Carlo simulation was conducted to examine the Type I error rate of the weighted Bowker's test for a cross-classification table based on a five-category ordinal response scale. The weighted Bowker's test was also applied to a data set involving change in student attitudes towards mathematics. The results of the weighted Bowker's test were compared with the results of Bowker's test applied to the same set of data.  相似文献   
Let Nn={1,2,…,n}. We sample with replacement from the set Nn assuming that each element has probability 1/n of being drawn. Let Mn be the waiting time determined by certain stoping rules in the coupon collector's problem. We investigate models for the asymptotic behavior of the excesses of Mn over the high thresholds.  相似文献   
Adaptive allocations in stratified sampling design are suitable for studying Biological and Environmental populations. Biologists tend to use the conventional stratified estimator for an adaptive allocation sampling design in spite of its adaptive nature. In this paper, we have introduced an adaptive allocation sampling design for which the conventional stratified estimator has some desired statistical properties. We conduct a simulation study on a real population. The results show that the conventional stratified estimator for the introduced adaptive allocation sampling design is more efficient than other available estimators.  相似文献   
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