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A new class of row–column designs is proposed. These designs are saturated in terms of eliminating two-way heterogeneity with an additive model. The (m,s)-criterion is used to select optimal designs. It turns out that all (m,s)-optimal designs are binary. Square (m,s)-optimal designs are constructed and they are treatment-connected. Thus, all treatment contrasts are estimable regardless of the row and column effects.  相似文献   
It is shown in this paper that the parameters of a multinomial distribution may be re-parameterized as a set of generalized Simpson's diversity indices. There are two important elements in the generalization: (1) Simpson's diversity index is extended to populations with infinite species; (2) weighting schemes are incorporated. A class of unbiased estimators for the generalized Simpson's biodiversity indices is proposed. Asymptotic normality is established for the estimators. Both the unbiasedness and the asymptotic normality of the estimators hold for all three cases of the number of species in the population: infinite, finite and known, and finite but unknown. In the case of a population with a finite number of species, known or unknown, it is also established that the proposed estimators are uniformly minimum variance unbiased and are asymptotically efficient.  相似文献   
This paper provides tables for the construction and selection of tightened–normal–tightened variables sampling scheme of type TNTVSS (n 1, n 2; k). The method of designing the scheme indexed by (AQL, α) and (LQL, β) is indicated. The TNTVSS (n T , n N; k) is compared with conventional single sampling plans for variables and with TNT (n 1, n 2; c) scheme for attributes, and it is shown that the TNTVSS is more efficient.  相似文献   
The author introduces new statistics suited for testing uniformity of circular distributions and powerful against multimodal alternatives. One of them has a simple expression in terms of the geometric mean of the sample of chord lengths. The others belong to a family indexed by a continuous parameter. The asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis are derived. We compare the power of the new tests against Stephens's alternatives with those of Ajne, Watson, and Hermans‐Rasson's tests. Some of the new tests are the most powerful when the alternative has three or four modes. A heuristic justification of this feature is given. An application to the analysis of archaeological data is provided. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38:80–96; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
邓小平独特机遇观是邓小平围绕中华民族几千万海外爱国同胞是中国大发展的独特机遇而提出的一系列理论观点。在邓小平看来 ,几千万海外爱国同胞财力和智力 ,以及他们对祖国的浓厚情感 ,构成中国发展的一种独特的国情 ,而中国社会主义建设对资金和技术的迫切需要 ,又使这种独特国情能够成为一种现实的发展优势。要紧紧抓住这个机遇 ,就必须把几千万海外爱国同胞作为社会主义现代化建设的重要力量来看待 ,制定必要的法律和制度 ,切实保护他们的各种权益 ,从中华民族团结振兴的根本愿望出发 ,吸引他们参加祖国建设。  相似文献   
宁波在农村城市化进程中,大力推进农民市民化,使农民快速增收.宁波经验启示我们政府必须从战略高度重视农民市民化问题,加大对涉农工程和贫困农民的扶持力度,在管理和服务上不断创新.同时,大力发展第三产业,切实改革有关制度,为农民市民化清除障碍.  相似文献   
探讨公务员制度的代表性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公务员制度是官吏制度发展的必然结果,而官吏制度的发展史也是一部其代表性不断扩展的历史。西方国家现代公务员制度的代表是基于公务员的政治中立原则之上的,虽然在谋求公务员制度的代表性方面作出了大量努力,但是,它追求的只是形式上的代表性。有中国特色的公务员制度所要实现的是实质性的代表性,它以为人民服务为宗旨,坚持公共利益取向,注重提高公务员个人的思想素质和道德水平,以保证最大可能地代表最广大人民群众的利益。  相似文献   
责任政府建设论--新一轮民主政治建设的重要目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
责任政府的建设,是政府民主管理实现制度化、规范化、程序化的重要保障,并已成为新一轮民主政治建设与政治体制改革的重要一环。责任政府建设,既要重视政府公职人员的思想建设,强化为民服务的责任意识;也要关注制度建设,在政府管理各个环节,建立相关的责任制度。同时可借鉴西方文官制度的经验。  相似文献   
鼎革新风,斗转星移。民国进入新旧社会更替的特殊历史阶段,为方志的解放和发展带来了难得的机遇,从而形成了颇具时代特色的民国方志学理论。本文在系统阐述民国方志学理论发展过程的同时,对其中重要的创新之处加以进一步的分析和研究,试图得到国内史学界对民国方志学理论的关注,并起到抛砖引玉之功用。  相似文献   
艺术的本质在于其精神性,从艺术和时代精神的相互关系中去确立划分艺术形态的标准是符合艺术本质的.按照艺术所包含的精神内容的不同,艺术形态可分为神性艺术、人性艺术和理性艺术,以丰富的艺术史例可以说明其特征.  相似文献   
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