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人民币加入SDR 预期对其国际化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一国货币的国际化程度主要体现在其国际影响力及对国际主要国家货币汇率波动的反应程度。人民币纳入SDR 货币篮子将会改变人民币在国际货币金融体系中的地位与作用,从而影响人民币国际化程度。基于2015 年8 月11 日至2016 年3 月16 日的样本区间数据,通过构建VAR模型实证检验人民币加入SDR 预期因素对人民币国际化程度的影响。结果发现:第一,人民币加入SDR 预期能够提升人民币在国际货币金融体系中的影响力,尤其是人民币对美元的影响力将大大增加,但是其对世界其他主要货币的影响力仍显不足;第二,样本区间内,人民币自由化程度并没有提升,因为人民币汇率并没有随着世界主要货币汇率的波动而有所变化。  相似文献   
基于在甘肃、湖南和贵州三省的调查数据,运用二元Logistic回归模型,分析了回流农民农业经营决策和新型农民职业化的影响因素。结果表明:回流农民是否从事农业经营和能否成为新型职业农民同时受到个人禀赋、农业信息感知和乡土情结的影响。个人禀赋的影响表现为:教育程度较高和非常健康的回流农民从事农业经营的可能性低;有培训经历和非常健康的回流农民成为新型职业农民的可能性高;农业信息感知的影响表现为:惠农政策感知水平越高,回流农民从事农业经营的可能性越大,成为新型职业农民的可能性也越大;农业风险感知水平越高,回流农民从事农业经营的可能性越低;支农举措感知水平越高,回流农民成为新型职业农民的可能性越大;乡土情结的影响表现为:有土地流入经历的回流农民从事农业经营的可能性更大,爱农情结越深的回流农民越容易成为新型职业农民。建议从改善农业经营金融扶持与农业保险体系、强化农业技术培训、提升农业信息传播效果和激发回流农民乡土情结四个方面入手,吸引更多回流农民从事农业经营,培育更多回流农民成为新型职业农民。  相似文献   
略论英美宪法对公民人身权利的保护及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英美宪法比较重视对公民人身权利的保障,如对公民人身权利规定得比较全面详细,对逮捕、拘禁、拘留、搜查等措施规定了具体而严格的条件,并特别要求说明采取这些措施的理由;对公民人身权利的限制或剥夺必须遵循正当法律程序;确立了人身保护令状制度;重申了刑法或刑事诉讼法的一些基本原则等。这些"他山之石",对解决我国公民人身权利的保障问题具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   
This article describes the development and evaluation of MOSH (Moving On From Supportive Housing), a transitional skill-building curriculum for providers helping residents exit homeless services to mainstream housing without embedded supports. In this evaluation, we assess the feasibility, acceptability, fit, and potential efficacy of the MOSH curriculum to improve proximal provider-level outcomes, including self-efficacy to provide MOSH-related independent living skills and supports. Homeless-services providers (N = 49) from a range of programs and settings participated in the training. Findings from focus groups and pre- and posttest surveys indicate high levels of overall satisfaction with the training. The majority of trainees perceived the training to be useful to their work and potentially useful for service recipients, felt the training would fit well within their existing day-to-day work, and said they were very likely to use MOSH skills in such work. Statistically significant improvements in self-efficacy regarding all skills but one were also found. MOSH holds promise as an intervention that can enhance provider practice and promotion of independent living skills in homeless services. Although these initial findings on MOSH are encouraging, further research will be needed to evaluate provider knowledge gains and effective use of these skills in practice.  相似文献   
高校扩招的压力迫使高等学校通过贷款来筹集资金进行基础设施建设,随之因贷款资金而产生的腐败、犯罪行为也在不断增加。论文通过分析贷款资金的来源和使用情况,揭示了教育贷款容易滋生腐败的薄弱环节,提出了建立教育贷款专项审计制度和内部控制审计为主的教育贷款审计的新审计思路和新方法。  相似文献   
This article focuses on multiple conditionalities in benefits and housing from the perspective of lone parents in Ireland. The Irish case echoes historical experiences elsewhere and is offered not as an exceptional or extreme case but as an in-depth single case study and a lens for comparison. Although contemporary forms and combinations of conditionalities are new to Ireland, the experience of multiple conditionalities in benefits and housing is not new. Hence, a historical perspective is used to examine contemporary multiple conditionalities in benefits and housing. In the past, conditional regimes for lone parents were justified in terms of moral reformation for first time mothers and avoiding moral contagion of mothers with subsequent pregnancies. In contemporary times, in the case of employment, lone parents are problematised as working part-time and “nesting” on in-work-benefits, and in the case of homelessness, lone parents who prioritise the security of tenure embedded in social housing are accused of “gaming” the system. While acknowledging ambiguities, the paper finds the overlap of welfare and housing discourses contribute, intentionally or unintentionally, to epistemological foundations or understandings of lone parents, shifting public perceptions, and framing them as “problems” to be solved. They simultaneously temper lone parents' expectations. Increased precarity and disempowerment is associated with dual conditionality, and ontological uncertainty is multiplied when experienced cumulatively across employment, social protection, and housing regimes in a context of generally poor public services and labour market precarity and in the historical context of stigmatisation. Nonetheless, lone parents demonstrate considerable agency.  相似文献   
This review examines the current published and “grey” literature relating to the experiences of homelessness by people seeking asylum within Australia. While many people seeking asylum have experienced homelessness during their flight, inadequate and unaffordable housing are a feature of the settlement experience for a large number of new arrivals to Australia, putting at risk their successful settlement. This study aims to explore the factors influencing access to stable housing. A systematic review of the academic literature and a search of the grey literature identified 11 articles and 20 documents related to homelessness and people seeking asylum in Australia. The academic literature included a variety of methods and approaches to the investigation of the experience of homelessness in Australia. The grey literature was more practice based, including evaluation and research reports, submissions, and newsletters. Findings suggest that experiences of homelessness are multifaceted and have a range of influences, including policy, financial stress, lack of access to education and employment, and a lack of affordable and suitable housing. Any solutions to address homelessness need to be similarly diverse. Discrimination from real estate agents and employers was also identified as a barrier to housing for many people seeking asylum, an issue that will need to be addressed at a systematic level. The lack of research published in the academic literature means that although there may be some programmes or solutions operating in the community, as demonstrated in the grey literature, this information is not being shared beyond organisation websites or subscriber lists, resulting in a lack of coherency or sharing of solutions. This review highlights the need for further attention to the factors influencing homelessness in asylum seekers, the experience of homelessness, and how these can be addressed by government and non-government led strategies and policy development.  相似文献   
对小微企业网贷平台的运营模式进行深入分析,发现其运行机制包括需求的同质化解构、需求的模块化生产、需求的风险评估、个性化需求加总,在此基础上构建小微企业网贷风险定价模型。为验证模型的有效性,抽取国内典型互联网金融平台“人人贷”上近期发生的小微企业标的并进行风险定价,将定价结果与实际利率进行比较,发现该模型适用于“卖方市场”的小微企业网贷,能够提供差异化的贷款利率,从而向小微企业提供个性化的网贷产品。  相似文献   
《个人信息保护法》规定侵害私密信息致人损害适用过错推定原则,《民法典》将私密信息当作隐私权的保护对象,隐私侵权属于一般侵权行为,根据《民法典》适用的是过错原则。故个人信息权益与隐私权不可避免会发生重叠保护,亟待厘清。其中,因侵害私密信息构成侵权时,个人信息处理者的财产损害赔偿责任与精神损害赔偿责任适用过错推定原则;反之则适用过错原则,但为充分保护信息主体的合法权益,应降低信息主体对过错要件的证明标准。为了避免精神损害赔偿制度的滥用以及平衡信息主体与侵权主体之间的利益,应在对精神损害的“严重性”有所要求的同时降低对其认定的标准。  相似文献   
特定行业中个人信息保护问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息社会里,调和个人信息流动与个人信息保护的问题已引起世界各国的高度关注.通过对大众传播、征信行业和医疗机构三个特定行业中的个人信息保护问题的案例分析,对个人信息保护立法问题作了思考:保护个人信息安全是个人经济生活、社会互动的基础,对个人信息的立法必将推动整个信息化法律体系的建设与完善.国家应在吸收国外个人信息保护经验的基础上,加快中国的个人信息保护立法进程,消除立法藩篱,促进信息流动与信息保护的和谐发展.  相似文献   
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