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大城市低收入老人群体状况分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文依据在广州的调查数据 ,揭示了低收入老人的群体特征 ,提出制订老龄政策时 ,适当照顾低收入老人 ,同时动员家庭、单位和社会都来积极关心这部分脆弱群体  相似文献   
The paper begins by outlining the development of social indicators work and social monitoring at the national level in New Zealand and comments on how this relates to the international movement. It describes the 'key' indicators/life stage approach developed by the New Zealand Planning Council in the early 1980s. This exercise continues from a university base and the fourth report in the series, entitled Tracking Social Change in New Zealand was published in early 1998. Examples are presented to show how the results can be used to highlight the policy implications of changing social trends.  相似文献   
There is a vast empirical literature investigating the effects of child care costson female employment. Day-care costs are usually treated as a reduction infemale wages and are supposed to reduce a woman's propensity to participatein the labor market. In this paper we argue that an analysis of the effects ofchild care on the employment of mothers in Germany should focus on theavailability rather than the affordability of care, due to peculiarities of theGerman day-care regime. Our empirical findings cast doubt on the effectivenessof the current German day-care regime. Specifically, we question the extent towhich it enables mothers to participate in the labor market.  相似文献   
基层人口计划是各级人口计划的基础 ,也是落实人口计划时的执行计划 ,它直接影响到家家户户。现行基层人口计划的管理措施中 ,有些地方亟待完善。改革现行基层人口计划管理机制 ,让群众自愿选择生育时间已成为计划生育工作发展的必然要求  相似文献   
The devolution of many social policy responsibilities from the Federal government to states has prompted increased interest in state-level measures of need. One data source that could be used to provide more state-level information on a variety of topics is the Current Population Survey (CPS). During the past ten years the CPS has been used to produce state-level estimates on a variety of measures. However, there has been little systematic evaluation of these data. This paper provides measures of accuracy for several state-level estimates derived from the CPS. These include standard errors for single-year estimates, three-year averages, and five-year averages of the March CPS measures; standard errors for three-year averages of 12-month CPS files; and comparison of CPS-based estimates to data from the Decennial Census. The paper also examines the relative accuracy of CPS estimates based on states' size. The information in this study will help analysts better understand the tradeoffs between timeliness and accuracy to be considered when using state-level estimates derived from the CPS.  相似文献   
Each state has the power to establish its own policy and laws relating to child custody determination. The number of single-parent families with children that are headed by fathers has been growing in the United States. This paper explores the extent of cross-state variation in the prevalence in father-only families in 1990, and the extent to which there was cross-state variation in the increase in father-only families in the 1980s. The 1980 and 1990 Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) drawn from the US decennial censuses are used. Decomposition analyses of growth indicate that increases in the number of father-only families occurred across all states during this period, but at varying rates. The primary reason for the increase in most states is an increase in the proportion of ever-married single-parent families that are headed by a father. It is for these families that are headed by divorced or separated parents that state policy relating to child custody determination is most relevant.  相似文献   
蒙古国的民族问题与民族政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒙古国的民族构成以蒙古族为主,占总人口的90%以上,蒙古族内的十几个部族虽然在方言、风俗习惯和服饰上有所差别,但能自由交流。哈萨克、乌梁海、图瓦、霍屯等突厥民族只占6%多一点。蒙古国民族问题的主要表现是哈萨克族的迁徙问题。在1991-1992年间就有4.1万人迁居到哈萨克斯坦国。迁徙的主要原因:一是蒙古国历届政府对民族理论和民族宗教政策的研究落实不得力;二是受国际大气候的影响,泛民族主义意识抬头。针对这种情况,蒙古国政府采取了协商解决一切问题的方针,及时出台了一些政策法规,收到了较好的成效。  相似文献   
论中共二大提出"民族自决"的历史原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许彬  谢忠 《民族研究》2007,2(2):11-18
本文认为,中共二大提出并不符合中国国情的民族自决主张,有其一定的必然性.这种必然性来自当时国际与国内、主观和客观诸种因素相互作用而产生的"历史合力".  相似文献   
运用QVAR模型和内嵌宏观审慎工具的DSGE模型,阐释了宏观审慎调控对房价波动的作用机制、政策效率以及与货币政策的协调。研究表明,宏观审慎政策通过规范居民住房融资行为,削弱了抵押品渠道所产生的金融加速器效应,从而实现了稳定房价波动和改善居民福利状况的调控目标。当存在供给侧价格黏性时,货币政策对房价波动作出反应有助于提升宏观审慎调控效果。因此,为实现宏观经济与金融体系的稳定,货币当局应采用盯住房价波动的货币政策来配合宏观审慎调控,充分发挥政策组合的协同效应。  相似文献   
This paper examines international trade issues as vital indicators of the economic prospects of the United States and other developed economies. In particular, it challenges misuses of the doctrine of mutual gains from trade and instead argues that comparative advantage does not guarantee increases in benefits to both trading partners—especially when one partner seeks to distort the market mechanism in its favor. In the face of such mercantilist or protectionist practices, efforts to advance innovation, without retaining manufacturing jobs, will not ensure continued prosperity, as the number of jobs entailed in the invention process is small compared with the number of jobs associated with manufacturing an innovative product for mass consumption. These matters call for the urgent rethinking of trade policy by the United States and other developed nations, if they are to balance their imports and exports and ensure continued economic growth.  相似文献   
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