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This study considers a fully-parametric but uncongenial multiple imputation (MI) inference to jointly analyze incomplete binary response variables observed in a correlated data settings. Multiple imputation model is specified as a fully-parametric model based on a multivariate extension of mixed-effects models. Dichotomized imputed datasets are then analyzed using joint GEE models where covariates are associated with the marginal mean of responses with response-specific regression coefficients and a Kronecker product is accommodated for cluster-specific correlation structure for a given response variable and correlation structure between multiple response variables. The validity of the proposed MI-based JGEE (MI-JGEE) approach is assessed through a Monte Carlo simulation study under different scenarios. The simulation results, which are evaluated in terms of bias, mean-squared error, and coverage rate, show that MI-JGEE has promising inferential properties even when the underlying multiple imputation is misspecified. Finally, Adolescent Alcohol Prevention Trial data are used for illustration.  相似文献   
New generalized correlation measures of 2012, GMC(Y|X), use Kernel regressions to overcome the linearity of Pearson's correlation coefficients. A new matrix of generalized correlation coefficients is such that when |r*ij| > |r*ji|, it is more likely that the column variable Xj is what Granger called the “instantaneous cause” or what we call “kernel cause” of the row variable Xi. New partial correlations ameliorate confounding. Various examples and simulations support robustness of new causality. We include bootstrap inference, robustness checks based on the dependence between regressor and error, and on the out-of-sample forecasts. Data for 198 countries on nine development variables support growth policy over redistribution and Deaton's criticism of foreign aid. Potential applications include Big Data, since our R code is available in the online supplementary material.  相似文献   
The majority of LGBTQ psychological research focuses on dysfunction. The exclusion of strengths-based perspectives in LGBTQ psychology limits the understanding of LGBTQ mental health. In this article we report experiences that young bisexual and other nonmonosexual people perceive as affirming of their sexual identity. A 28-day, daily diary study was used to investigate whether bisexual-identified participants encountered positive experiences related to their sexual identity, and which type of experiences they perceived to be positive. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach, participants’ experiences were organized according to a social ecological model. Experiences were reported at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional levels, but most positive sexual identity experiences occurred at the interpersonal level. Implications for positive health outcome research and the integration of positive psychology with LGBTQ psychology are discussed, as well as study limitations.  相似文献   
Across the United States, many afterschool and out-of-school time programs are making constructive and lasting impacts on the lives of homeless children and youth by providing expanded learning opportunities and positive youth development outcomes in a safe space. In this brief, we profile two youth-serving organizations and the After School Division of the California Department of Education to illustrate how afterschool programs can be part of the solution for homeless children and youth. Staff from these organizations shared their practices, successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Most importantly, they shared a message of hope and a vision for what is possible in the midst of trauma, uncertainty, and displacement.  相似文献   
近年来,Jianmin Jia等学者对"我国信用风险管理现状"及其相关问题进行研究,取得一定的研究成果,但相应研究中存在着"简单使用线性回归,未能消除变量间的相互影响"等局限。基于对已有相关研究成果的评析,并运用因子分析和Pearson相关分析方法,对我国商业信用风险管理绩效的影响因素进行实证研究。研究表明:商业信用风险管理绩效的关键影响因素为"信用管理职能设置"、"客户资信评估"和"信用政策制定",我国企业应从"完善信用风险管理职能"、"改善信息不对称状况"和"提高信用政策制定水平"三方面提高风险管理绩效。  相似文献   
张文军 《河北学刊》2012,32(5):170-174
目前学术界对大学生村官计划的利弊得失尚未形成共识.从大学生村官计划的初衷和理论逻辑来看,其积极意义是不容置疑的,但现行的政策导向属于反向激励和短期激励,不利于建立大学生村官长效机制.正确的政策导向应当是:加强对大学生村官计划的正向激励和长期激励,从工业反哺农业、城市支持农村、统筹城乡关系的战略高度加大对大学生村官计划的经费投入,可以借鉴复员退伍军人安置制度和国家、省部级等课题规划制度对大学生村官给予经费支持;推行大学生村官村民“合同制”和任职年限弹性制度,鼓励永久任职,大学生村官配额应重点向老、少、边、贫农村地区倾斜.  相似文献   
在西方哲学的知识论传统中,哲学家们倾向于把主体和客体理解为他们各自规范的知识观念所要求的必要功能。在古代哲学家们的思想中,自然和客体知识的可能性问题受到主要讨论,但没有明确地思考主体问题。近现代主体观的兴起所依赖的个体观念只是在后来的基督教思想中才进入哲学传统。以个体观念为先决条件的个体责任的观念已然现身于奥古斯丁的著作中。奥古斯丁对自我的直接诉求,天才般地开启了笛卡尔的"我思"观念的源头。由此形成的笛卡尔的知识主体,是一个抽象的认识论的假定,一个消极的旁观者。康德有限度地追随了笛卡尔的主体观念,但把笛卡尔的作为消极的旁观者的主体改造成了积极的行动者。康德在知识观上的这种"哥白尼式的"革命,构成了随后德国唯心主义主体观的基础。整体上看,康德之后的主体观存在着一种越来越向笛卡尔的主体观和古希腊的主体观隐退的明显倾向,及至海德格尔后期和后结构主义,这种倾向最终导致了向古希腊知识主体的全面回归。  相似文献   
发展老年教育是实施积极老龄化战略的重要举措,课程建设是教育目标得以实现的基本保证.结合当前老年教育课程建设的不足,本文提出,老年教育课程建设应以健康、参与和保障三大支柱作为服务目标,着力从课程目标取向、课程内容建构、课程实施形式以及课程师资组成等方面回应和落实积极老龄化理念的要求.  相似文献   
鸦片战争前后广东民众反侵略斗争,沉重打击了外来侵略势力,冲击了地方官府的媚外政策,捍卫了自身权益,但也产生了一些负面影响。  相似文献   
探讨了输入模态对学生认知负荷和听力理解的影响。90名来自两个平行班的大学英语学生被平均分为三个小组参加实验:文本输入组,声音输入组,文本和声音输入组。文本组的听力题目用文本呈现,声音组的听力题目仅用声音呈现,文本和声音组的题目则是采用文本和声音双重模态呈现。认知负荷量表结果和听力测试结果显示不同模态的听力输入形式对听力成绩有显著影响:文本组学生的成绩最高,其次是文本加音频组,音频输入组的成绩最低。认知负荷量表结果显示文本组的认知负荷最低,然后是文本加音频组,音频输入组的认知负荷最高。认知负荷与听力成绩的相关分析显示负荷程度与听力成绩呈负相关。研究结果对听力教学有较好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
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