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1937年,卢沟桥事变爆发后,随着抗日战争局势的变化,为了适应抗日战争形势的需要,使各战区邮政能够互相畅通,在中华邮政协助抗日的前提下,为了更有效地保证国统区与根据地之间的信息畅通,更好地合作抗日,中国共产党首先提出国共两区正式通邮的号召。晋绥边区为切实贯彻通邮号召精神,采取了一系列有力措施,保障了国共两化信息畅通,为更好地合作抗日做出了贡献。  相似文献   
战争遗址属于文物古迹的重要组成部分,黑龙江地区的战争遗址或者是指经过战争或用于战争遗留下来的遗址或遗迹,或者是殖民侵略者在占领地居住的建筑遗址或遗物,或者是抗击侵略者进行斗争和生活的遗址或遗迹。但由于众多因素,许多战争遗址已经遭到破坏或者正在遭到破坏。本文拟就我省战争遗址的保护与开发提出自己的几点思考。  相似文献   
We develop a continuum player timing game that subsumes standard wars of attrition and pre‐emption games, and introduces a new rushes phenomenon. Payoffs are continuous and single‐peaked functions of the stopping time and stopping quantile. We show that if payoffs are hump‐shaped in the quantile, then a sudden “rush” of players stops in any Nash or subgame perfect equilibrium. Fear relaxes the first mover advantage in pre‐emption games, asking that the least quantile beat the average; greed relaxes the last mover advantage in wars of attrition, asking just that the last quantile payoff exceed the average. With greed, play is inefficiently late: an accelerating war of attrition starting at optimal time, followed by a rush. With fear, play is inefficiently early: a slowing pre‐emption game, ending at the optimal time, preceded by a rush. The theory predicts the length, duration, and intensity of stopping, and the size and timing of rushes, and offers insights for many common timing games.  相似文献   
自黄河夺淮入海以来几百年间,淮河泛滥不止。国民政府成立后,专门成立了导淮委员会,参酌中外专家的调查结果,结合以往治淮的经验,制定了一套较为科学的工程实施计划,同时通过借款或发行债券来筹集资金,使得在抗战爆发前基本完成导淮计划的初步工程。  相似文献   
Studies of children's conceptions of war, which have been carried out up to now mainly by asking for a definition of war and associating it with other notions, have found few age-related changes after the age of 6. Considering the complexity of the concept, and its embeddedness in the political conceptual domain, which emerges at around 11 years, we expect that greater differences should emerge if children's ideas on the causes and consequences of war, and the actors involved, are carefully assessed. Semi-structured interviews carried out with a total of 80 Italian children from 2nd to 8th grades confirmed this hypothesis. Many 2nd graders described war as a clash between collectives without structure, attributing all decisions about starting, the development of, and ending a war to the individual fighters and explaining these decisions (when they did) as due to emotions such as hatred, envy, revenge, or being tired or unwilling to fight any longer. Most 6th and 8th graders depicted war as a clash between nation-states, attributing decisions about its starting and ending to political authorities on the basis of political and economic reasons, and the actual fighting of battles to an organized army collaborating with, or subordinate to, political authorities. Many 2nd and 4th graders also showed a mixed pattern of answers, involving both political authorities and individual fighters, thus showing that the transition from the rudimentary backward conception to the more advanced one occurs through the piecemeal addition and deletion of concepts and beliefs.  相似文献   
和平自古以来就是人们最美好的愿望,现在更是主流话语体系中使用最频繁的词汇,已经很少有人不会意识到和平对人类生存与发展至关重要的意义。人们对和平的认识却十分模糊和含混,不仅在不同文化语境中具有不同的内涵,而且要想对和平进行非常精确的界定确实十分困难。  相似文献   
解放战争时期,伴随着国际形势和美、苏、国共三国四方关系的不断变化,苏联的对华政策也处于摇摆不定,不断变化之中。通过对这一时期苏联对华政策从亲蒋疏共到弃蒋联共演变过程的分析,阐明苏联对华政策的实质是由其大国沙文主义、民族利己主义的这一历史根源和对外政策中维护苏联国家安全的现实战略目标所决定的。  相似文献   
1900年6月21日清政府对外宣战的传统说法是错误的,没有根据的。6月21日慈禧以光绪皇帝名义下达给内阁的"上谕",其实只是慈禧对清王朝内部关于"和战剿抚"问题争论的决断和表态,属于内部性质的谕旨。有人把它解读为"宣战诏书"是讲不通的。因为它既没有对外公开颁布,也没有送达任何国家政府或使臣,而且其措辞写法也根本不像宣战诏书的样子。因此,所谓清政府对外宣战的说法不能成立。实际上,在当时的中外媒体、有关的外交往来函电、列强的反应以及国际公法的视角中,也都找不到清政府对外正式宣战的证据。  相似文献   
战争政治对1940年代的中国诗歌产生了深刻的影响,它促进了诗歌特异的繁荣.这一方面因为诗歌是最充分地体现人类激情的文学体裁,它的精神气质与人们对战争的激情和浪漫式幻想有着天然的契合,更重要的是,诗歌的某种富于鼓动性的特点在战争时代有着特别的现实意义.战争政治也直接影响到诗歌风格、形式的发展,并在深层次上影响了诗人们的意象选择.我们不应当简单地全盘否定战争政治对1940年代诗歌的影响,而应该历史地看待诗人们的选择,看待特殊政治时代诗歌的属性.  相似文献   
战争本身是一种独特的美,战争本体美经过作家这一中介环节而转化为文学美,这是战争促生出的独特的文学气象。本文所要论述的就是建安文学中的战争美,包括打上战争印记的自然奇观和社会奇观。雄奇的山川因军旅的涉入,也成为战争美的范畴。曹操的山水诗,艺术地表现了打上战争烙印的自然景观。战争满目疮痍一旦被诗人写入作品,它就成了审美的对象,建安文学中的惨烈之美烧灼着人们的灵魂。  相似文献   
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