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明清是石湾陶艺创作风格、艺术特色的奠基时期。明清石湾陶艺注重表现,富有生活气息,简约质朴,豪放自然,尤其在人物眼神与衣纹的刻划、"素胎烧制"等艺术表现技巧方面所作出的探索,终经后来历代艺人的发扬光大,已成为今天石湾陶艺所特有的"有意味的形式",并展示出强烈的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

Sofiia Andrukhovych’s 2014 novel Felix Austria (Feliks Avstriia) became Ukraine’s most critically acclaimed and commercially successful work of literature published in the immediate aftermath of the Euromaidan revolution of 2013–14. It combined an ambitious historical reconstruction of daily life in the year 1900 in a mid-size city in the Habsburg-ruled part of Ukraine and an engaging plot skilfully employing multiple devices associated with the Gothic tradition, especially in its latter-day and postmodernist reinterpretations. The novel’s success is especially telling in the context of the rising interest in the Gothic in Ukrainian culture. Told by an unreliable narrator, the novel prompts readers to interrogate their assumptions. In the context of Ukraine, it is particularly subversive in its engagement with the nostalgic myth of the Habsburg Empire as a multi-ethnic utopia of tolerance, and by implication it challenges all imperial myths. The novel’s emphasis on the quest for (self-)discovery strongly resonated with readers in the context of a socio-political crisis, which highlighted the relevance of the distinct postcolonial overtones in its message.  相似文献   
本文从文学心理学角度探析辛弃疾在不同饮酒环境的不同诗情和不同词风,体味辛弃疾身兼英雄和诗人双重身份的奇特情感轨迹。  相似文献   
李贺诗歌以“奇”、“诡”、“怪”著称,而他诗歌中的童话色彩及其内蕴往往为人忽视。李贺善于把历史典故、传统文化当作心灵化了的素材,从童话艺术思维这一角度加以审视、分解、重组,并适当融入时代生活与时代意识,在传统与童话二者之间巧妙完成了异乎寻常的审美独创。  相似文献   
詹姆斯.乔伊斯的长篇小说《一个青年艺术家的画像》表现了作者鲜明的民族观、语言观、宗教观及其反殖民主义的态度和立场。在乔伊斯看来,爱尔兰的落后与苦难不能单方面归咎于英国殖民政策,同时必须反思爱尔兰自身的堕落。正是这种强烈的民族意识与深刻的反思精神,才使得他能够最终走向世界主义,在自我流放的文化之旅中完成一位民族作家的文化使命。  相似文献   

With reference to the 2014 Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong’s uncertain fate come 2047, I ask how one un-imagines the cultural future of inhabiting the locality. As people take prompts from the present predicament to cope with real possibilities about the future, they realize that a strong embodiment of local consciousness permeates the sociocultural space. I discuss how such engagement takes place through cinematic experience, and examine tactics of the spectator’s critique centring around the erosion of hope at the core of everyday, intellectual and affective imagination. I trace the ways in which postcolonial subjects engage with hope and with the shock of hopelessness in a lived social imaginary. Examining in detail three differently representative recent films, namely, The Midnight After (2014. Dir. Fruit Chan, The Midnight After Film and One Ninety Films), Overheard 3 (2014. Dir. Alex Mak and Felix Chong, Sil-Metropole, Bona Film and Pop Movies) and Ten Years (2015. Dir. K. L. Ng (‘Local Egg’, Boon-deh dan), J. Au (‘Dialect’, Fong-yin), K. Chow (‘Self-Immolator’, Jee-fun jeh), F. P. Wong (‘Season of the End’, Dong sim), and Z. Kwok (‘Extras’, Fau gua), Ten Years Studio), I depict the modes in popular imagination that invoke people’s engagement with the ‘local’, albeit in its affective state. Accordingly, in the context of ‘externalized’ social realities, I identify three interlocking modes of cultural engagement, which I characterize as figurative, performative and prefigurative, respectively. In their ‘future’ imaginary, I look for ordinary people’s ways to face the absurdity of the status quo and the performativity of local struggles with the self.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the relationship of northernness and performances of contemporary ethnic popular music, within the context of critical geography and postcolonial theory. The focus is on the Sámi ethnic minorities of northern Finland. The North of Finland, ‘nature-Finland’, is understood here as an imaginative region which over the course of several centuries has been constituted through various forms of stereotyping, mystifying, exoticising and othering of Sámi minorities in accordance with the nationalist endeavours of Southern Finland. While these stereotypes and preconceptions of northernness have delimited northern cultural activity, contemporary ethnic music is conceived here as a strategic tool with which stereotypes of northernness can be contested and the work of the preservation of ethnic heritage put into action. The focus is on the works of Inari Sámi-singing rap musician Amoc, Skolt Sámi-singing heavy rock girl Tiina Sanila and the North Sámi-singing hard rock band SomBy. Their music is approached as ‘singing acts’ that work as tools for the preservation of ethnic culture and minority languages and for the deconstruction of stereotypes directed at northernness. The paper claims that contemporary contexts and genres within which singing in Sámi languages takes place may inspire the audience to ponder and reconsider their own ways of perceiving Sáminess and northernness.  相似文献   
弥尔顿作为英国文艺复兴时期一位伟大的古典诗人,对英语诗歌的发展和成熟作出了重要的贡献,贡献之一就是通过三大史诗的创作实践建构出了自己独特的诗歌语言风格——庄严体。以其三大史诗之一的《失乐园》为主要依据,在参考国内外研究成果的基础上,从想象/设喻/用典、音韵/节奏/诗体和拉丁风味的措词造句等三个方面对弥尔顿的庄严体进行了考察和分析。认为正是这种"庄严体"赋予了弥尔顿的诗作,特别是史诗《失乐园》,构思宏伟、语言典雅、音韵铿锵、意象瑰丽的特殊品质。  相似文献   
<春风回梦记>真正建立了刘云若小说的深怜蜜爱荡气回肠的"诗气"和不可调谐的世间矛盾的"悲气"洋洋盈耳的文化品格.小说中众多文化形象的刻写尤其是"如莲不可求"的文化理想的抒发,生动地包含了刘云若对现世生活过于麻木平滑消沉懒惰的人生气象不断破坏人的生命力和斗志的巨大忧怨以及对如莲所代表的真切、柔媚的充满生命力的"至性之人"的热切向往之情.  相似文献   
《黑暗的心》是康拉德的代表作。殖民元素和旅行叙事使该小说成为后殖民主义批评和生态批评研究的两个热点层面。结合后殖民和生态批评理论,透过后殖民生态批评视角,解读人与环境、人与人以及人与动物的关系,可以破解文本中的种族语码和西方霸权话语,揭示其中蕴含的人类中心主义和西方中心主义的双层统治逻辑。白人殖民者在发展的伪装下,通过暴力统治破坏了当地的自然生态环境,导致了部族之间的对立和冲突,把原住民和动物视为他者而无情地进行了杀戮,给非洲的种族和环境带来巨大灾难。  相似文献   
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