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论贫穷和生态恶化的逻辑循环   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过度消费的生态影响已经引起了学术界的关注;而贫穷带来的消费不足同样会产生严重的生态影响,这个问题却未引起足够地认识。在这种意义上,贫穷也是另一种"污染"。在贫困和生态恶化的逻辑循环中,贫困是生态恶化的根源,消费不足是由贫困引起的,生态恶化是后果。文章分析了贫困地区生态现状及其原因,探讨了走出贫困和生态恶化的恶性循环的对策。  相似文献   
永顺县土家族文化资源保护与利用现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土家族文化体现在物质生产、制度行为和精神心理三个层面上,它们在适应现代生活方面出现了较大的差异。作为土家族文化资源大县,永顺县把土家族文化资源的保护、利用与经济建设紧密地结合起来,把旅游开发作为弘扬土家族文化和带动相关产业发展的重要载体,坚持重点开发与重点保护相结合,通过制度创新来保护与利用土家族文化,已取得较为明显的成效。但将土家族文化资源的保护和利用与民族地区脱贫致富、产业结构调整、自然与文化生态建设结合起来,是当务之急。  相似文献   
This paper develops a historically contingent understanding of patterns of uneven economic development in the U.S. South. We conceptualize spatial variation in economic development and its consequences for inequality to be embedded in both local and international dynamics. The character of local economic development, it is argued, reflects the organizational base and heterogeneity of local elites, the divisions and relative power of nonelites, and the embeddedness of the local political economy in national and world systems of politics and production. These ideas are developed and made historically and spatially specific through an analysis of uneven development in one Southern state, North Carolina. Our findings suggest that contemporary patterns of uneven development and the resulting income deprivations and inequality reflect conditional interactions between elite economic projects and racial divisions within the working class. We find that outside investment seems to reproduce rather than disrupt local patterns of inequality and poverty.  相似文献   
晋西北河保偏兴地区是晋陕蒙接壤地区的山西部分 ,除偏关县之外 ,均是国家重点扶持的贫困县。文章选取极具该区典型特征的山西省保德县作为案例进行研究 ,从该县贫困状况与反贫困路径入手 ,分析了贫困的原因 ,总结反贫困的政策得失 ,以寻求反贫困的出路。不仅对于晋陕蒙接壤地区的经济综合开发具有重要的意义 ,而且对于我国正在进行的西部大开发也具有一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   
对农民贫困的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共政策是对社会的价值作权威性的分配。考察政策分配对农民经济收入的影响 ,不仅能够揭示农民在分配体系和国家生活中的地位 ,而且能够揭示农民经济贫困的又一深层次的原因  相似文献   
西部城市新贫困问题的症结之一即在于,与东部地区相比,西部各省区在赶超战略下建立起来的产业结构更加不符合其比较优势,赶超特征尤为突出。这导致在社会和经济转轨时期,西部地区大量的国有企业缺乏自生能力的问题由隐性转为显性,从而产生大量的下岗职工、失业人员,以及在职和退休职工低收入。因此,解决西部城市新贫困问题的一个重要措施就是以要素禀赋结构的升级为目标,根据西部地区资源和劳动力较为充裕的比较优势优化增量投资,对现有经济结构和产业结构进行调整。  相似文献   
From 1945 to the 1980s, Denmark was characterized by the absence of poverty or at least by the lack of any debate over poverty. However, by the mid-1980s, the presence of new forms of poverty made it impossible for politicians and social scientists to neglect poverty as an issue. The re-emergence of poverty did not clarify its extent, but it is widely agreed that poverty now is related to social exclusion and marginalization from the labour market. Empirical evidence is given that shows a poverty incidence of about 8%; the extent of marginalization is calculated to include 20-25% of the population of working age. The existence of poverty can be seen as a critique of the Scandinavian welfare state project, which was developed explicitly to fight and eliminate poverty. The article concludes with a discussion of the latest welfare state development in Scandinavia and possible future trends, summarized as welfare pluralism. The further implementation of the concept of welfare pluralism holds both positive and negative prospects for the poor, since it opens up both a more differentiated yet possibly also more stratified distribution of welfare  相似文献   
The responsibility for children's services is disseminated between a multitude of advocacy organizations, social service agencies, and numerous departments within our government. A lack of conceptual integration and fiscal commitment is evident at the federal, state, and local levels. The examination of poverty and children's lack of economic security, inadequate medical care, homelessness, and nutrition inadequacies reveals a portrait of America's children that is both unsettling and alarming. The paper concludes with a call for action and the commitment that will be required to rectify this problem.  相似文献   
透视弱势群体——中国离婚妇女的生活状况及其权益保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管中国目前尚无对离婚母亲提供子女抚养资助费的社会保障政策,但近九成的单身母亲是子女抚养的主要承担者。大部分离婚妇女的年龄段为35岁到50岁,其生活来源主要依靠自己。月实际收入在500元以下的占大多数;六成的离婚妇女认为她们离婚后的生活“极为清苦”和“比较清苦”。半数以上的离婚妇女认为她们目前的生活状况是在“维持生存”。中国150万个单亲母亲家庭形态的出现,意味着一种贫困现象的产生,将直接影响到离婚妇女的权益保障及中国未来的人口素质,不能不引起关注。离婚妇女的权益保护中出现的问题,在深层次上是中国法律法规的不健全、社会保障体系不完善的反映。是社会功能(给予弱势方援助)和执法能力(强制支付赡养费)不强的表现,有必要进一步完善和细化法律法规及社会保障体系。  相似文献   
The extent of income poverty and its socio‐demographic composition are examined using all ABS income surveys conducted over the period 1982 to 2004. There has been some increase in the proportion of the population in poverty, particularly since 1997, but of more note are the substantial changes in the socio‐demographic composition of those in poverty. Compared with the start of the sample period, persons in poverty at the end of the period were much more likely to be older, in families without dependent children, holding post‐school qualifications and/or foreign‐born. In part, these changes reflect broader changes in the composition of the population. However, changes in the risks of poverty associated with different characteristics have also produced large changes in the composition of the poor, and have in some cases counteracted or reversed effects of demographic change. Specifically, the risk of poverty has increased for the elderly, non‐dependent youth, single people, foreign‐born persons and those without post‐school qualifications, and it has decreased for sole parent families and residents of Queensland, the ACT and the Northern Territory.  相似文献   
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