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In an influential article, Hansen showed that covariate augmentation can lead to substantial power gains when compared to univariate tests. In this article, we ask if this result extends also to the panel data context? The answer turns out to be yes, which is maybe not that surprising. What is surprising, however, is the extent of the power gain, which is shown to more than outweigh the well-known power loss in the presence of incidental trends. That is, the covariates have an order effect on the neighborhood around unity for which local asymptotic power is negligible.  相似文献   
Under the traditional assumptions, any entry in ANOVA interpreted to include all Linear model analyses] is equivalent in disiributien to a quadratic form Q=[μ11Z1]2+…+ [μννZν]2]wherein Z1..Zν are independent standard normal variables. Test statisics in ANOVE are distributed as ratio R of two depenbent such quadretic forms. The non-null distribution of R is a mixture of null distributions; the mixing variable is an easy generalitatlon of the Poisson variable. Fast algorithms yield the power function in both fixed and random effects models in AVOVA to user-specified accuracy.  相似文献   
Likelihood ratio tests for the homogeneity of k normal means with the alternative restricted by an increasing trend are considered as well as the likelihood ratio tests of the null hypothesis that the means satisfy the trend. While the work is primarily a survey of results concerning the power functions of these tests, the extensions of some results to the case of not necessarily equal sample sizes are presented. For the case of known or unknown population variances, exact expressions are given for the power functions for k=3,4, and approximations are discussed for larger k. The topics of consistency, bias and monotonicity of the power functions are included. Also, Bartholomew's conjectures concerning minimal and maximal powers are investigated, with results of a new numerical study given.  相似文献   
The purpose of the article is, in case of one sample, to obtain tests concerning the parameter in the power series distribution in one parameter using Ku11back-Leibier information measure. The class of power series distibutions contains a host of discrete distributions. Ve illustrate the general results obtained in case of the geometric distibution.  相似文献   
In the linear regression model without an intercept, it is known that the limiting power of the Durbin-Watson test (as correlation among errors increases) equals either one or zero, depending on the underlying regressor matrix. This paper considers the limiting power in the model with an intercept, and proves that it will never equal one or zero.  相似文献   
A wide selection of tests for exponentiality is discussed and compared. Power computations, using simulations, were done for each procedure. Certain tests (e.g. Gnedenko (1969), Lin and Mudholkar (1980), Harris (1376), Cox and Oakes (1384), and Deshpande (1983)) performed well for alternative distributions with non-monotonic hazard rates, while others (e.g. Deshpande (1983), Gail and Gastwirth (1978), Kolmogorov-Smirnov (LillViefors (1969)), Hahn and Shapiro (1967), Hollander and Proschan (1972), and Cox and Oakes (1984)) fared well for monotonic hazard rates. Of all the procedures compared, the score test presented in Cox and Oakes (1984) appears to be the best if one does not have a particular alternative in mind.  相似文献   
A new discrete distribution defined over all the positive integers and with the name of Geeta distribution is described. It is L-shaped like the logarithmic series distribution, Yule distribution and the discrete Pareto distribution but is far more versatile than them as it has two parameters. It belongs to the classes of location parameter distributions, modified power series distributions, Lagrange series distributions and exponential distributions. Its mean fi, variance a2 and two recurrence formulae for higher central moments are obtained. Convolution theorem and variations in the model with changes in the parameters have been considered. ML estimators, MVU estimators and estimators based of mean and variance and on mean and first frequency have been derived.  相似文献   
A new class of location-parameter discrete probability distributions (LDPD) has been defined where the population mean is the location parameter. It has been shown that some single parameter discrete distributions do not belong to this class and all discrete probability distributions belonging to this class can be characterized by their variances only. Expressions are given for the first four central moments and a recurrence formula for higher central moments has been obtained. Eight theorems are given to characterize the various distributions in the LDPD class.  相似文献   
In this paper, we revisit the problem of combining estimates of location considered by Cohen (1976). Our results unify and strengthen the results of Cohen (1976), Bhattacharya (1981) and Akai (1982).  相似文献   
Abstract.  The asymptotic behaviour of several goodness-of-fit statistics for copula families is obtained under contiguous alternatives. Many comparisons between a Cramér–von Mises functional of the empirical copula process and new moment-based goodness-of-fit statistics are made by considering their associated asymptotic local power curves. It is shown that the choice of the estimator for the unknown parameter can have a significant influence on the power of the Cramér–von Mises test and that some of the moment-based statistics can provide simple and efficient goodness-of-fit methods.  相似文献   
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