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The article explores differences in the assessment and decision‐making processes, in child welfare services where a standardized template is implemented and in services where it is not. Child welfare services in several countries use different approaches to assess children's and families' need for intervention. In Norway, as in other European countries, there is a shortage of knowledge about decision‐making strategies. The article examines how 36 child welfare caseworkers in 6 different teams in Norway investigate, assess, and make decisions at the phase of an incoming referral. The analysed data were collected by focus group interviews. We use decision theory as a theoretical frame of reference. The analysis shows variation in the assessment procedure at different points of the process, depending on which approach was used. Despite such differences, the final decisions made were almost identical. Even though the data has its limitations because of the small number of informants, the results indicate that choice of approach is not decisive for decision‐making in the child welfare services.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the challenges and benefits of involving biological parents in group homes in Israel and presents various means to encourage their involvement in care. Using family systems theories and the concept of co‐parenting, it analyses the fragile and complex relationship caseworkers and foster parents have with biological parents. The paper presents four components that might play a role in encouraging parental involvement to benefit their children's adjustment. The components are demonstrated through case studies and include assessing the family profile; addressing the family's needs within the child's intervention plan; training biological and foster parents; and building co‐parenting between biological and foster parents.  相似文献   
As a nonparametric randomness test, the positive and negative runs test is widely used in practice due to the simplicity of its procedures. The test can lose efficiency if the alternative distribution is symmetrical at 0.5. In addition, the test can only be applied to test the randomness of a sequence from the uniform distribution. In this paper, we introduce an adaptive positive and negative runs test method to maximize the power function by choosing the optimal cut point. Also, the test is extended to check the randomness of a sequence generated from any other given distributions. Furthermore, we derive the exact distribution and obtain the asymptotical critical values of the proposed test statistics. Compared with the existed test, the efficiency of the proposed adaptive positive and negative runs test is competitive through simulation study.  相似文献   

More than 30 million married women in Bangladesh access microfinance, an empowering anti-poverty tool, amidst mixed responses from scholars about microfinance's empowering effect. The present study evaluates whether microfinance participation empowers women using a culturally suitable conceptualization of empowerment constituting autonomy, decision-making power in the household, and justification of partner violence. This study utilizes data from a representative probability sub-sample of 6,150 married women aged between 15 and 49 years from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011 to assess the difference in empowerment between microfinance participants and a control group using propensity score matching techniques. Findings revealed that women who participated in microfinance were not statistically different at the 0.05 level from women who did not participate in microfinance in terms of empowerment when groups were matched on socio-demographic variables ensuring that treatment and comparison groups had equal propensity to participate in microfinance, casting doubt on the assertion that microfinance participation positively affects women's empowerment. Future research needs to focus on what empowerment may mean in relation to the outside world; we need to move beyond a familial understanding of empowerment to examine the individual in terms of her individual identity in the socio-political world in which she resides.  相似文献   

The purpose of this groundbreaking study was to evaluate outcomes of 482 LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning) youth and young adults who received services and supports through the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances Program (CMHI). This study was a secondary data analysis using data from a larger study of 3208 LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ youth ages 11 through 21 who had a serious emotional disturbance (SED). This study is significant in that it evaluates functional outcomes for young people identified as LGBTQ based on a specialized service framework (i.e., system of care approach). In essence, do LGBTQ youth with SED benefit from a specific approach to intervention? In addition, a comparison at intake on suicidality, bullying and victimization was conducted between the LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ identifying youth from the larger sample. The youth and a caregiver were interviewed face-to-face separately at intake, 6-months, and 12-months. Significant improvements were found across all of the dependent variables, supporting the viability of SOC for improving outcomes for LGBTQ youth. Future research should continue to build on this study by adding to the design a control group to improve internal validity of the findings.  相似文献   
In this article, we report on a qualitative and interpretative research project in which we gained in‐depth knowledge about dynamics in ten federal public policy units in Belgium where a service user with experience of poverty was employed. Starting from an institutional theory perspective, it was argued that these service users with experience of poverty can possibly feature as institutional entrepreneurs or agents of change who initiate a critical reflection in the mindset of fellow social administrators about taken‐for‐granted practices, routines and rationales. In order to fulfill this ambition, we equally stressed that service users with experience of poverty should be able to perform two other roles as well: to provide direct support to citizens, especially those living in poverty during their contacts with a public policy unit, and to formulate concrete propositions to change some of the policy units' internal procedures. Our research findings reveal that these two roles provide a necessary breeding ground for further interaction and (in)formal dialogue between service users with experience of poverty and fellow social administrators about the quality and accessibility of service delivery. However, installing this shared responsibility proves to be a valuable but also gradual process, and we argue that it is therefore undesirable when service users with experience of poverty act as so‐called ‘heroes’ in changing these taken‐for‐granted institutional practices, routines and rationales.  相似文献   

Objectives to analyze the development of the elderly patients with chronic diseases and to make some suggestions for the elderly social hospitalization. Methods By using yearbook data and theoretical analyses, the paper respectively presents the problems and furthermore solutions of China's elderly services. Results The elderly patients with chronic illnesses have formed a new group, and the phenomenon of “socialization of elderly hospitalization” has become a major social risk. Discussions China needs to promote the idea of “long-term care” in elderly social security, establishing long-term care insurance and fostering a private, professional elderly service system.  相似文献   
郑作彧 《社会》2018,38(4):180-211
霍耐特的承认理论是当代最受重视的社会理论之一。然而,在霍耐特援用米德的理论将承认概念加以社会理论化的工作中,没有进一步探讨社会互动,使得他的承认理论存在内在缺陷。对此,本文尝试进一步从社会互动的生成分析出发,探讨承认的社会构成。通过对承认的社会构成机制的分析,可以将承认明确定义为一种社会互动,其中,由于行动者因与其他行动者有相同、或被接受的观念与实践方式,故有可能被其他行动者同意该行动者的存在价值,使之能获得所需的社会行动的支持。一方面,霍耐特的理论内在缺陷可以从社会学的角度在一定程度上得以弥补;另一方面,经修补之后,也可望让承认理论为社会学提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   
20世纪50-60年代,曾发生一场声势浩大的新诗发展道路的讨论。在阶级性、革命性为主导意识的文化环境中,这次讨论的重点限定在诗歌形式方面。为了完成对新诗的“改造”,民歌和古典诗被指定为新诗的“学习”对象。由于民歌与古典诗在存在状态与方式上的差异,“学习”过程中被不同程度地强调和运用着,因此对新诗的实际影响并不一样。也由于“学习”对象本身的规定性及其之间的差异性,一部分诗人、诗评家意外获得了一些属于诗本身的并不开阔的话语空间。  相似文献   
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