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当代中国,在决胜全面建成小康社会和实现国家现代化的进程中,人民群众在享受改革开放和现代化建设丰硕成果的同时,正遭受到环境恶化和生态危机的严峻挑战。当前保护自然环境和保持生态平衡,既是人类面临的重要伦理道德问题,也是我国必须正视的重大现实课题,必须坚持马克思主义生态观,积极吸收中国传统生态伦理思想,推进生态文明建设。中国传统文化中蕴含着天人合一的生态和谐理念、珍爱生命的生态人文精神、物人平等的生态伦理思想和可持续发展的生态价值取向等深刻的生态伦理思想,为当代中国生态文明建设提供了重要借鉴。马克思主义生态观中关于人类来自于自然又依存于自然、人与自然具有相互影响与和谐统一关系的思想,强调自然界是人类生存和发展的基础、为人类社会延续提供了重要物质保障的论述,关于人既属于自然界又是自然界长期演进的产物、人类必须尊重自然、绝不能凌驾于自然界之上的观点,已成为中国特色社会主义生态文明建设的根本指导。当代中国在以习近平同志为核心的党中央带领下,积极顺应当今世界发展潮流,以马克思主义生态观为指引,吸收借鉴我国传统生态伦理思想的积极成分,在新时代的历史境遇中采取切实可行的科学路径,持续推进生态文明建设。一是树立生态文明理念、完善生态环境立法,为生态文明建设提供根本保障;二是倡导生态环境民主、提高民众参与意识,形成生态文明建设的巨大合力;三是提升政府生态服务能力、推动生态文明制度建设,为生态文明建设提供制度基础;四是优化国土资源开发、有效利用自然资源,为生态文明建设奠定基本前提;五是加强国际交流合作、积极借鉴学习,为共建人类生态命运共同体创造重要条件,真正走出一条独具特色的生态文明建设之路。  相似文献   
近年来,作为新型网络底层架构技术的区块链已经开始应用于社会治理领域,为国家治理能力现代化提供了新的着力点。人类面对灾疫的实践活动既是社会非常状态下的治理活动,又是道德意志驱动的伦理实践。区块链技术因其具有多维价值特征与灾疫治理的伦理目标高度契合,有望为现有灾疫治理体系进行赋能。同时,作为一项新兴的技术手段和灾疫治理架构,区块链赋能灾疫治理的伦理风险在于其可能超越了治理活动的边界。因此,需要警惕区块链技术对灾疫治理可能存在的价值偏离。  相似文献   
村落空间是村落历史的沉淀。不同于熟人社会研究的关系取向,文章引入空间生产的视角,基于南方村落的空间图式阐释熟人社会的空间秩序。“祠堂-阳宅”的平面空间图式定义了农民自然生命升华为道德生命的日常生活路径,而“庙宇-阴宅”的纵向空间图式定义了农民应对日常生活断裂的宗教生活模式。风水的空间实践镶嵌于村落空间图式,并促进了村落空间的结构化和立体化,而村落空间结构维系了村落熟人社会的公共性。可见,熟人社会的空间秩序是空间结构生产与社会秩序生产的统一。现代性力量逐渐抽离了村落空间的历史底蕴,释放了空间权利意识,导致村落空间结构破裂与熟人社会秩序紊乱。立足村庄社会的空间治理是突破村庄空间利益困局,实现乡村振兴的重要方式。  相似文献   
老子和孔子是我国古代阐道、弘道、体道的最伟大思想家.尽管他们的"道"有着互不相同的内涵和特点,但却始终贯穿着"和谐"意蕴;尽管他们的理想之道及体"道"之途互有差异,但他们都从"天下无道"的社会现实出发,致力于实现天、地、人和谐相处的"有道"社会.这对于我们今天以科学发展观为指导,构建社会主义和谐社会无疑具有重大的借鉴意义.如运用孔老道论促进经济建设、国防建设和文化建设的和谐发展,运用孔老关于天道、地道、人道相互和谐统一思想促进社会主义荣辱观、道德观建设,运用孔老之道协调科学精神与人文精神的和谐共进等.  相似文献   
创新大学生社会实践的思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在构建和谐社会的创新改革时代,社会实践已成为加强和改进大学生的思想政治教育、培养创新、创造和创业型人才的重要环节,但在组织保障、活动内容与专业知识结构、监测标准与评价体系、活动形式与成果消化、思想教育与能力培养等方面存在着一定的问题.社会实践应注意在加强组织领导、立足思想教育、创新内容形式、转换载体品味、对接市场需求、实施专业指导、总结评价标准、建立服务保障体系等方面全面创新,才能适应和谐社会对创新型人才培养的要求.  相似文献   
As canons for trustworthiness developed explicitly in the discourse of qualitative inquiry, the emphasis was on procedural matters rather than fundamentally relational ones. A nod was made to the relational in such strategies as “member checks” but the issues of how the evaluator actually relates to participants and to the larger communities of practice and discourse—matters subsumed under moral principles and ethical standards—were often marginalized. This chapter posits that the first consideration in designing and conducting rigorous evaluation inquiry, and in critiquing the results of any research, should be the study's trustworthiness. Judging a study's trustworthiness, however, should focus on much more than procedural matters; it should also rely on moral principles and ethical standards which specifically address how we relate to an evaluation's participants. Central to these considerations are cross-cultural sensibilities about the nuanced meanings associated with any principles and standards. The chapter provides a theoretical framework for this position and offers two illustrative examples in the form of dialogues.  相似文献   
Auctions provide an institutional solution to a social problem; they enable the legitimate pricing and exchange of goods where those goods are of uncertain value. In turn, auctions raise a number of social and organizational issues that are resolved within the interaction that arise in sales by auction. In this paper, we examine sales of fine art, antiques and objets d'art and explore the ways in which auctioneers mediate competition between buyers and establish a value for goods. In particular, we explore how bids are elicited, co-ordinated and revealed so as to rapidly escalate the price of goods in a transparent manner that enables the legitimate valuation and exchange of goods. In directing attention towards the significance of the social interaction, including talk, visual and material conduct, the paper contributes to the growing corpus of ethnographic studies of markets. It suggests that to understand the operation of markets and their outcomes, and to unpack issues of agency, trust and practice, we need to place the 'interaction order' at the heart of analytic agenda.  相似文献   
This paper examines some central themes about change in consumption behaviour through an empirical investigation of the practice of eating. It analyses patterns of food consumption in the UK using time diary data from 1975 and 2000. The practice of eating is decomposed into four component activities which are used to explore systematically the inter-relationships between social processes - such as commodification and temporal fragmentation - and ways of providing and consuming food. It charts the expansion of eating out, the degree to which it substitutes for other eating activities, and the implications of its development for social relations and the temporal organization of daily life. Analysis reveals that food consumption continues to be differentiated along established lines of social division, although the content of those divisions has changed and varies across components of the practice. Increasing commodification of the food chain is documented, but without appearing to have a corrosive impact on household organization or social relationships. While tendencies indicative of temporal fragmentation are revealed, counter-tendencies exist which suggest that the practice of eating is resilient to many forms of external pressure. Finally, the application of a practice-based analytical approach permits critical evaluation of theories of social transformation.  相似文献   
随着现代化教育改革的不断深化,高等学校对音乐文化教育和音乐专业的课程设置都进行了改革和创新:本文在借鉴以往音乐专业人才培养模式的基础上,行了大胆的改革和创新:一是重视专业基础和技能的培养;二是增加实践环节,提高动手能力;三是提高文化素养,培养综合素质较高的复合型人才。  相似文献   
While scholarly analysis of child protection and the media has grown substantially during the 1990s (Aldridge, 1994; Franklin and Parton, 1991; Kitzinger and Skidmore, 1995), studies have ignored a crucial dimension which forms the focus for discussion here. We wish to suggest that media reporting of children and child abuse may itself constitute an abusive activity. Media presentations of children and childhood, since press coverage of the Bulger case in 1993, have assumed a distinctive and sinister guise which, we argue, fundamentally revises the previously held perception of children and childhood. We suggest that this new understanding of childhood is damaging to children and, because of the impact of such media presentations on the public mood and policy climate, harms their interests. The discussion is in three parts. First, newspaper reporting of the Bulger case is analysed to reveal how coverage challenged the idea of childhood as a period of innocence and replaced it with a perception of childhood as essentially ‘evil’. Second, the characterization of Jake, the central figure in Alan Bleasdale's recent television dramaJake's Progress, is analysed to serve as an illustrative exemplar of this new construction of childhood. Finally, we consider the possible messages conveyed by such presentations to perpetrators and victims of abuse.  相似文献   
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