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方颉琳 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2014,(1):75-83
公租房供给所属的给付行政领域有别于传统行政任务领域,对其“行政私法”特性应从行政法理上予以认真对待。而当前我国公租房法律规范因对于该领域“行政私法”特性及“公私交织”情形的无意识,基本上处于一种立法乱象。为革此乱象,须从法理上予以缕析、澄清。借助“双阶理论”的分析工具,公租房申请审核与租赁领域将展现为行政许可的公法行为与签订租赁合同的私法行为两阶段法律关系。该“前公+后私”法律关系格局的界定将使法律对特定情形下法律效果及其请求权行使情形的规定实现法治化与秩序化,即在公租房供给中实现“公私分立”,使“行政的归行政,私法的归私法”。同时,此种适度融入法理分析的新型立法理念应在今后立法中予以贯彻,以更好地实现法律规制。 相似文献
俞珍珍 《河北科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2009,9(1):51-56
通过比较我国适用传统民法制度与英美法系适用回复信托解决无效信托法律后果的不同效果,笔者认为我国目前关于信托无效之救济措施能部分替代回复信托的功能,但在平衡各方当事人间的关系上仍存在较大缺陷。对此,在信托非因目的违法而无效时,引入回复信托制度;在因目的违法而无效时,信托财产收归国家,当事人之间再根据过错分配权利义务关系。 相似文献
试析合同无效时返还财产的法律性质 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李伟 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》2003,2(3):51-55
依我国民法之规定 ,合同无效时 ,一方应当返还基于该合同所取得的给付。但这种返还财产的法律性质 ,既可以基于所有物返还请求权 ,又可以基于不当得利请求权 ,对此应如何理解 ,在理论上存在争议。本文在分析了此二项请求权行使特征的基础上 ,提出为有效保护合同当事人的利益 ,应当承认合同无效时返还财产是此二项请求权的竞合 相似文献
陈兵 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2010,31(4)
各国实体法上的不当得利差别很大,导致国际私法上的识别困难进而在冲突规范的适用上出现偏差。美国第二次《冲突法重述》"与不当得利返还之诉有最密切联系的法律"这种灵活开放的系属公式能彻底摆脱不当得利的识别困扰。但最密切联系原则会在一定程度上损害判决的前后一致性和可预见性。我国接受大陆法系立法例的影响,可以在考察美国模式的基础上,并结合大陆法系中其他法域的法律活动经验,设计出符合自身发展需要的涉外不当得利问题的冲突法适用规范。 相似文献
同一种语言中的增值称为语内语用增值,两种或两种以上语言之间发生的增值称为语际语用增值.语际语用增值主要包括两个步骤:一是译者将原语加工成完整的命题形式;二是用目的语将其编码成新的语义表征.本文以译例来说明两种机制的语际语用增值,即语法机制和语境机制. 相似文献
The global economic crisis has reignited interest in social policy and public spending on different types of social benefits. Public social spending‐to‐GDP ratios are often used to consider the magnitude of welfare systems in international perspective, but such comparisons alone give an incomplete picture of social effort across countries. This article looks at these different factors, before briefly considering the redistributive nature of tax/benefit systems in different member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD). The article also considers trends in social spending and compares spending in the late 2000s with the early 1990s when the previous economic crisis played out. The article ends by illustrating the profound effect the recent global economic crisis had on social spending trends across OECD countries. 相似文献
ABSTRACTLittle information is available about fathers-in-law and their relationship with their sons-in-law. The authors draw from a mixed-methods study of 35 fathers-in-law to describe how three fathers-in-law with highly positive son-in-law relationships and three fathers-in-law with difficult son-in-law relationships talk about those relationships. All three fathers-in-law with positive relationships are married, had good relationships with their parents-in-law, treat their sons-in-law like family members, have good relationships with their daughters, and believe their daughter and son-in-law are a good team. Some of these fathers-in-law worked through issues with their sons-in-law to a positive resolution. The three fathers-in-law with difficult relationships had varied relations with their parents-in-laws, are close with their own children but keep their sons-in-law at an emotional distance and often communicate with them through their children (the son-in-law’s spouse). One father-in-law believes his daughter and son-in-law are a good team. These fathers-in-law believe their sons-in-law show unsettling traits and have, as a result, grown more distant from them with time. Clinical implications and suggestions for future research are included. 相似文献
Afke J. M. B. Berkhout Nicolle P. G. Boumans Frans J. N. Nijhuis Gerard P. J. Van Breukelen Huda Huijer Abu-saad 《Work and stress》2003,17(4):337-353
This study evaluates the effects of the implementation of resident-oriented care on the job characteristics (job autonomy, job demands and social support) of nursing caregivers in three Dutch nursing homes. In a quasi-experimental design, experimental and control groups in both general and psychogeriatric wards were followed for up to 22 months, using a pre-test and two post-tests by means of written questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the intervention appeared to be partly successful. Last post-test regression analyses revealed significant increases in a number of design characteristics of resident-oriented care. Significant increases were noticed on resident assignment, the two variables measuring the nursing process and, in the psychogeriatric experimental group, on resident-oriented tasks (p≤.01). The effects on job characteristics were limited. An indicative increase was shown in contextual job autonomy in the experimental group (p≤.05). The qualitative data derived from the interviews showed that there was still a partly task-oriented division of labour. Further, the delegation of co-ordination tasks to nursing caregivers had not yet been properly achieved. The study concludes with some theoretical and methodological reflections in the light of the findings. 相似文献
我国学者大都认为善意第三人基于无偿行为而占有动产时,不应当成立善意取得。物权法也规定只有有偿才能成立善意取得。这实际上是对善意取得制度的一种误解,就善意取得的宗旨而言,应不以有偿为限,无偿亦可成立。在善意第三人成立无偿善意取得后,其与原所有权人的利益应当通过不当得利制度进行平衡。 相似文献
张蕾 《江苏教育学院学报》2008,(4):57-59
赤潮频发作为海洋的生态灾难,正在成为我国沿海经济可持续发展的一个制约因素,本文探讨了我国赤潮的形成原因、危害和防治措施. 相似文献