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This research examines the sentencing outcomes of convicted child sexual offenders from data collected over an eight year period. Multiple regression and nominal log linear regression are used to examine length of prison sentence, length of probation sentence, and whether the convicted offender is actually sent to prison or to probation. While many independent variables appear to be related to sentence outcome, they fall into three categories: characteristics of the offender, characteristics of the victim, and characteristics of the crime. Additionally, while many variables appear related at the bivariate level, when multivariate analysis is applied, fewer variables remain significant, and these are mostly from the characteristics of the offense.  相似文献   
With the increased focus on rehabilitation, county probation agencies may contract with community-based programs to provide treatment services. Forensic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (F-CBT) is often used in group work to address probation client risk factors and prevent recidivism. This study examined demographic and risk factors of 534 adult probation clients referred to an F-CBT program to determine predictors of program intake, participation, and completion. Results showed that probation type, higher risk neighborhood of residence, and recidivism risk score were predictors of intake completion, but only recidivism risk scores predicted program completion. Implications and methods to increase program engagement are discussed.  相似文献   
我国现行的非监禁刑罚制度亟待完善。一方面,在管制刑中可引入社区监管的内容;缓刑的形式町更丰富,放宽其适用条件,扩大其适用后果,以促进其在司法实践中的广泛适用;通过假释观念的转变、适用条件的放宽、假释权的重新配置以及假释程序的完善等措施的同步推进,充分发挥假释在实现刑罚目的上的特殊功用。另一方面,还可增新的非监禁刑罚制度,如社区劳动等。  相似文献   
目前中国刑法对缓刑的定位并未充分反映其法律属性,从应然的角度出发,确有必要将缓刑设立为刑种。无论是否将缓刑设立为刑种,都不会对累犯的成立与否产生影响。中国的定罪模式与国情不同于国外,国外对轻罪广泛适用缓刑的做法对中国的借鉴意义在于中国需要改变以往对违反治安管理等一般违法行为的反应方式,主要应当考虑对一般违法行为处罚的轻缓化、非监禁化,而不是一味强调对轻罪处罚的轻缓化、非监禁化、大幅度提高缓刑适用率。不过,中国可以借鉴国外经验,考虑在刑事诉讼法中增设缓予起诉制度,在非刑罚处理方法中增设刑罚的暂缓宣告制度,以充分发挥刑法的威慑力。  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to develop an interpretative model regarding the institutional and instrumental frameworks of the social construction of the profession of probation counsellor in N.E. Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The research was conducted after a major penal reform in both countries, which significantly changed the function of the probation system, which is very new. The research was conducted through individual and group interviews with the probation counsellors and other people involved in applying non-custodial punishments. The data analysis starts from the Grounded Theory method. The most important results have targeted the modifications of the regulatory frameworks of probation, a fact which leads to a series of problems related especially to the inadequacies between the different normative frameworks applied, the case overloads and the partial inadequacy of the models of practice based on the experience of other states (especially the U.K. and Norway) to the Romanian and Moldavian reality. The research highlights a mixed model of probation with elements of restorative justice, which interferes with the retributive model, and with the model of justice centred on human rights.  相似文献   
少年观护制度在帮助触法少年改过迁善、回归社会方面的成效显著,被西方各国借鉴和发展。我国在十年前开始进行暂缓起诉、司法分流的探索,特别是新《刑事诉讼法修正案》对"附条件不起诉"作出了明确规定,成为建立少年观护制度的契机。当然,由于认识的局限性以及观护制度本身的局限性,特别是少年观护专门立法的缺失以及社会工作者的缺位,建构我国的少年观护制度还会遇到很多难题。因此,需要尽快制定专门的少年观护法,加快建设社会工作者队伍,在少年观护过程中着重培育社会力量。  相似文献   
This article aims to explore the effects of the transition toward risk analysis in terms of the work of practitioners within the criminal justice system, particularly the probation service of England and Wales, and allied professions such as social work. The focus here will be on the impact this shift from traditional casework methods to risk assessment has had in terms of the image of the organisation, the image of the offender, and the impact on practice and interventions. It will be argued that the main effect is the deskilling of the practitioner. During this process practitioners have lost their therapeutic role oriented to the whole person and their biography. They have lost the ability to tolerate ambiguity or suspend judgment. This article will argue that they have become ‘Taylorised’ deskilled or re‐skilled in order to accommodate those competencies embodied within risk assessment applying rules and criteria laid down by centralising bureaucracy. However this new practitioner's role will be shown to be full of contradictions.  相似文献   
缓刑制度的设立对于预防犯罪、矫正罪犯、实现刑罚的个别化中起着十分重要的作用,作为一种集刑罚社会化、个别化、人道化、经济化于一身的刑罚制度,符合刑罚制度的基本发展趋势和人类文明进步的潮流,也充分体现了“以人为本”的精神。但在长期的司法实践中也暴露出一些问题和缺陷。具体而言对缓刑适用条件的规定应当进一步明确化、具体化,加强缓刑监督组织,改革和完善缓刑监督考察规定、执行制度。  相似文献   
韩国社区服务令及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国的社区服务令是缓刑的一种附加处置,现在已经作为惩治犯罪的选择性措施而在韩国广泛适用。对韩国社区服务令制度进行充分研究对我国刑罚制度改革和完善,构建我国的社区服务令制度有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
高校毕业生就业见习制度的实证调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校毕业生在当前就业形势下被界定为就业弱势群体,为缓解这一群体的就业压力,高校毕业生就业见习制度应运而生,其制度价值在于提升高校毕业生就业竞争力,从而缓解这一社会问题。然而,该制度的实际运行不乏有与现有法律法规相冲突之处,见习制度参与主体双方法律关系难以界定引发的见习期报酬保障、见习期间争议解决途径难以确定,都是亟待解决的问题。建立在对成都地区高校毕业生就业见习制度实施情况为调查对象,进行实证分析的基础上,为该制度的规范化运作提供理论支持和参考。  相似文献   
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