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与贸易有关的环境措施在GATT/WTO法律层面持续引起学者们对贸易与环境问题的激烈争论。而气候变化博弈中,WTO成员方采取应对气候变化的单边措施,可能违反了WTO的非歧视原则和其他若干规则。对从未做出碳减排承诺的国家进口的产品征收反补贴税可能违反SCM协定,TRIPs协定很难成功适用于气候友好型技术的转让与应用之中,这都是气候变化下WTO争端问题凸显的主因。本文通过探讨碳关税等应对气候变化措施与WTO的一致性,对GATT/WTO关于贸易与环境的争端解决案例进行解读,探寻气候变化下WTO争端解决的未来走向,对我国频发的贸易摩擦提出应对策略。  相似文献   
This paper uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the relationship between work-family conflict and six work outcomes: performance, turnover, absenteeism, organizational commitment, job involvement, and burnout. Also reviewed are studies on the effects of employer (work-family) policies aimed at reducing such conflict. Policies to aid employees in managing work and family roles can be expensive, and studies show that they are often marginally effective. The review shows that relationships between work-family policies and organizational effectiveness is mixed and their connection to work-family conflict often under-examined. Work-family conflict is a critical link that may shed light on policy impacts. Suggestions on how future studies can build bridges between practitioners and academics and more clearly examine organizational effectiveness links are provided.  相似文献   
灾荒容易诱发社会冲突,乾隆朝中期,顺天府通州发生了一起乡民告赈案,面对灾情,地方社会、地方官、皇帝分别采取了不同的处置措施。身处社会底层的普通民众采取群体告赈的方式,谋求生存权利;州县官在处理告赈事件的过程中,面临着来自地方社会与皇权的双重压力;乾隆帝以维护统治为首要原则,采取宽严相济的策略,及时调整赈济政策,缓和官民矛盾,从而到达秩序控制的根本目的。告赈案反映了清代国家与地方社会的多方互动关系。  相似文献   
社会转型时期的价值冲突与价值导向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今,我国正处于社会主义市场经济转型时期。人们的价值观念发生了深刻的变化,各种价值矛盾和价值冲突以激烈的方式突出出来,现在我们面临的主要价值冲突有道德与功利、经济发展与环境建设、效率与公平的矛盾等。在现实生活中,人们的价值取向是多元的,此时,建构以马克思主义社会价值观念体系和以社会主义为基本内容的价值导向有利于我国社会的稳定和展。  相似文献   
Second-, third-, fifth-, and sixth- grade children evaluated two hypothetical target peers in three provocation scenarios which differed as to the intent of a provocative act (Ambiguous, Accidental, Hostile). In addition to age and gender, evaluator-victim relationship was manipulated with children portrayed as being in a best friend, an acquaintance, or an enemy relationship with the victim, while the agent of the provocation was an unfamiliar peer. Evaluations were assessed in terms of attributions of aggressor's intentions, behavior response of the victim, evaluator's liking for victim, and evaluator's affect. Results indicated that older children evaluated aggressor's intentions and victim's behavior response more negatively than did younger children. Further, attributions of aggressor's intent significantly predicted the victim's subsequent behavioral response. Evaluator's affect was reported to be more negative when evaluating hostile provocation compared to accidental or ambiguous provocation and evaluators in acquaintance and enemy relationships with the victim reported liking the victim more after the provocation than before it occurred. Results are discussed in terms of the social relational and social situational influences on children's evaluations of peer interactions and the need to integrate these contextual factors in children's person perception research.  相似文献   
地方政府购买公益性法律服务既是深化服务型政府建设、转变政府职能之需要,也是贯彻落实党的十八届三中、四中、五中全会和十九大报告精神之具体体现。从实践来看,项目招标制和项目资助制业已成为地方政府购买公益性法律服务的主要方式,但是,公益性法律社团发育程度低、服务购买范围模糊、保障机制不健全,以及政府监管能力薄弱等因素日益对地方政府购买公益性法律服务构成严峻挑战。为此,建议从购买方式的选择、购买范围的界定、保障机制的夯实、法律服务社团的培育,以及政府监管能力的强化等方面入手,构建综合性的政策框架,以推动地方政府购买公益性法律服务朝着健康有序的方向发展。  相似文献   
从渠道冲突、渠道协作(共同制定计划和共同解决问题)入手,探讨渠道多元化对制造商-经销商之间合作关系的影响。通过对477份调查问卷所得数据进行统计分析,实证研究表明:①渠道多元化会增加制造商-经销商之间的冲突;②渠道多元化会促进双方的协作水平;③渠道多元化对制造商-经销商之间的合作关系有“双刃剑”效应,即渠道多元化会激化渠道冲突从而降低制造商对合作的满意度,同时会促进渠道协作从而提升制造商对合作的满意度。  相似文献   
以1996~2020年Web of Science核心合集数据库中团队冲突在管理学研究中的文献为研究对象,运用Citespace等可视化科学工具绘制了团队冲突研究关键词共现图谱和战略坐标图,系统分析了团队冲突管理研究内容的内在关联与发展脉络,并绘制了团队冲突管理研究的热点趋势主线框架。研究结果发现:团队内部冲突、信任、绩效、战略性决策是团队冲突管理研究的热点。在未来的研究中,探究不同类型冲突间的转化过程及边界条件是明晰团队冲突结构及作用机制的突破口;结合其他冲突类型及团队生命周期各阶段展开对团队冲突与绩效影响关系的讨论是对团队冲突影响结果的有益探索;辨识高层管理团队成员间的信任障碍问题、虚拟团队中的快速信任机制是信任与冲突关系研究的重点议题;探究不同冲突管理策略组合运用的作用机理是找到冲突解决方案的关键一环。  相似文献   
Theoretical work in linguistics, mathematics, and physics has created changes in academic problem formulation. This meta-analysis presents the nature of the new academic environment using precepts from New Historicism to suggest connections with the New Economy. The marketplace is often the court of last appeal in conflict resolution. This can be as basic as determining a fair price for a goose in a farmers' market to the disposition of pension funds in an international merger. Economist Lawrence Summers provides insights into theory and practice. Game theory leads from John Nash's equilibrium point to modeling in economics. A University of Chicago economist discusses the application of market reforms to Chile. He worked with Chilean economists called The Chicago Boys. A call for unification, which includes economics, follows.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between anger‐based marital conflict and the development of an anger organization in children between the ages of 4 and 8 years old. Anger organization was defined as an adversarial approach to relationships demonstrated through (a) short‐term anger expressions during social interaction and (b) aggression in relationships. Seventy‐one children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, their mothers, and their teachers participated in the study. Mothers completed questionnaires on anger‐based marital conflict and on children's aggression. Sociometric ratings of anger and aggression were obtained from peers. Teachers supplied reports of children's aggression. Children's short‐term emotional expression and the circumstances that elicited emotions were observed during peer interaction. Anger‐based marital conflict was found to be strongly associated with peer, maternal, and teacher reports of aggression, but not with reports of internalizing symptomatology. Anger‐based marital conflict was also associated with short‐term anger expressions, but not with short‐term expressions of sadness. I argue that children develop an emotional organization in which anger predominates when they are exposed to high levels of anger‐based marital conflict.  相似文献   
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