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明代是中国西南边疆和云南民族社会发生划时代变迁的重要历史时期。明朝中后期,中央政府统治不力,边地土司纷争不断,缅甸洞吾王朝趁机北扩,侵占了明初设置的老挝、八百、木邦、孟密、蛮莫、孟艮、古剌、底马撒等土司地区。明代中缅边疆的变迁,对统一多民族国家的形成和发展产生了深远的影响,奠定了今天中缅边疆的基本雏形。同时,长期的战乱,对当地经济社会造成了严重的破坏,并使包括百夷、峨昌、蒲人等在内的部分边疆民族成为缅甸控制下的居民,逐渐演化成今天意义上的跨境民族。  相似文献   
利用Excel进行比拟正交异性板法荷载横向分布系数计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文通过整合比拟正交异性板法荷载横向分布系数的计算过程,利用常用的办公软件Excel,建立通用工作表计算模型,使得用比拟正交异性板法荷载横向分布系数计算快捷准确,具有较强的实用性,可供桥梁设计人员参考.  相似文献   
Process technology capabilities are becoming increasingly important as flexible manufacturing continues to be more prevalent, and as competition compels companies to provide expanded variety, at ever lower cost, so introducing plant and processes technological constraints. Model flexibility can also benefit from an appropriate production planning process, especially concerning mixed-model assembly lines, since it can facilitate master scheduling and line balancing activities, which are essential aspects of flexibility. Robust and practical planning approaches have to take into account two different aspects: the first consists in ensuring that the elaborated aggregate plan can be disaggregated into at least one detailed feasible plan for the realised demand, whereas the second in ensuring that this detailed plan is feasible at the operational level. This article faces the model flexibility challenge, reviewing and discussing the planning problem of a real world assembly manufacturing system, producing high volume and a variety of agricultural tractors and machines, analysing and resolving some important issues related to technological, organisational and managerial constraints. This article illustrates the implementation of an Advanced Planning System integrated with a mixed integer-programming model, which is solved by a new iterative heuristic approach capable of achieving interesting planning improvements for model-flexibility management.  相似文献   
The literature on job scheduling recognizes the importance of due date performance criteria such as mean tardiness and maximum tardiness. A number of studies test a large number of sequencing rules for these criteria in job shop and flow shop settings. The object of this present research is to examine the performance of some well-known priority rules in a flow shop with multiple processors. This study investigates the performance of ten priority rules in terms of mean and maximum tardiness. It examines the effects of problem characteristics, such as number of jobs, number of machines stages and number of parallel processors at each stage, and the performance of priority rules using regression analysis. The findings of the study suggest that the primary determinants of tardiness-based criteria are problem characteristics. In addition, both the regression analysis and the analysis of variance provide strong evidence of the strategy-effect. Finally, a detailed performance review of examined priority rules for various problem characteristics is presented.  相似文献   
党的群众路线是我们党在领导中国革命和建设伟大实践中的理论创造。群众观点和群众路线的理论基础和思想渊源来自于马克思主义的唯物史观和党的建设理论,其主旨是解决党的性质、宗旨及党和群众的关系问题。党的群众路线本身就构成了一个完整的体系,体现为历史观、价值观、认识论和方法论的统一。群众路线在不同的历史阶段有着不同的表现形式,并随着时代的发展在当今被赋予了“为民务实清廉”的新的实践特征和政治内涵。贯彻群众路线,必须体现坚持正确的政治路线和政治方向、坚持深入实际搞好调查研究、坚持正确的领导方法和工作方法、坚持正确把握和对待群众的意见、坚决抵制各种形式的歪风邪气等基本要求。  相似文献   
In passing the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010, Congress created a legislative mandate for the Veterans Administration (VA) to strengthen its program of support services for caregivers of veterans. As part of this expansion, the VA implemented a nationwide toll-free telephone Caregiver Support Line (CSL). The CSL is a single point of entry system to link caregivers to national and local services to support care of a veteran. This article describes the CSL and its role in supporting aging veterans and their caregivers, discusses social workers’ contributions to its development and implementation, and reports utilization data.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the issues of efficient flow control techniques for jobs in assembly lines. We propose a queuing theoretic approach for efficient flow control of jobs. An assembly line performance measure (ALPM) is used as the measure of performance for each assembly line and is denned as the ratio of throughput to total average delay of an assembly line (AL). A performance product criterion (PPC) is used as the performance measure of a cluster of ALs. It is shown that the performance product criterion has a unique maximum in throughput space. Two algorithms are presented to find the maximum of the performance product criterion in two different cases of assembly line environment. In the first algorithm, we attempt to maximize the performance product criterion with respect to the throughputs of the assembly lines in the entire throughput space. The second algorithm maximizes the performance product criterion when the sum of the throughputs of the ALs is fixed. Numerical examples are given as illustrations of the algorithms.  相似文献   
A cellular bucket brigade is a way to coordinate workers along an aisle with work content on both sides. Each worker in a cellular bucket brigade works on one side of the aisle when he proceeds in one direction, and he works on the other side when he proceeds in the reverse direction. Although the cellular bucket brigade eliminates the unproductive walk‐back, it requires more hand‐offs to assemble a product than a traditional (serial) bucket brigade. These hand‐offs may waste significant production capacity as each of them requires an exchange of work, which can be complicated and time‐consuming in practice. This motivates us to investigate the impact of hand‐off times on the cellular bucket brigade's performance. We identify sufficient conditions to ensure no workers are idle in the long run and for the system to self‐balance in a model with hand‐off times. Our results suggest that even with significant hand‐off times, the cellular bucket brigade can remain substantially (about 50%) more productive than the traditional bucket brigade especially if the team size is small and the workers’ work velocities are close to their walk velocity.  相似文献   
目的:弄清粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性的遗传规律,选育优良水稻品种。方法:3个杂交组合的亲本、杂种F1代和杂种F2代研究了待测粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性的遗传规律。结果:G2410亲籼并与籼稻的亲缘关系较远,是粳型亲籼系。粳型亲籼系花粉育性和小穗育性受多基因控制,在一个具体组合中,常受1-2个主基因和多个微效多基因控制,各主基因之间的遗传力大小常有不同,控制小穗育性的基因数比控制花粉育性的基因数更多。  相似文献   
中国古代绘画首先是笔墨、线条的艺术 ,正是笔力、用墨和线条造就了中国画独特的气韵和每个画家不同的风格。其次 ,中国画取“散点透视”的方法塑造形象 ,且不受空间、时间和事物实际比例的限制 ,更加自由、灵动。最后 ,中国画是把书法、诗歌、题款、钤印与装裱等综合在一起的一门综合艺术  相似文献   
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