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鲁原 《阴山学刊》2001,14(1):48-50
许淇的散文在寻找自己,既是散文家的自己,又是散文的自己.通过对大自然的欣赏和回归探索人的生命的终极意义,把人生从繁冗的世事或社会的异化中解脱出来.文人的雅趣、诗画的情调、章法的严整、文笔的清丽,构成了许淇散文的风格.其志人散文常常在简约的文笔中突出人物命运的巨大跌宕,具有人生的悲怆感和苍凉感.  相似文献   
论借形   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹石珠 《云梦学刊》2001,22(6):108-110
借形是人们不太热悉的形貌修辞手段。它是以汉字的形体来描写事物的修辞方法,只利用汉字的形体却不利用字义。用作借形的材料不仅仅是汉字,也可以是拼音文字的字母,借形的心理基础是想象和联想,其修辞作用为形象生动、简省明白。  相似文献   
作为南朝骈文形式方面的一大重要特征,隶事与对偶、辞藻、声律、句式等共同成就了骈文的形式之美。南朝骈文隶事不仅数量多,而且方式也非常灵活。齐梁以前,隶事总数相对较少,技巧也较为粗浅。齐梁以后,隶事数量大增,技巧也由粗浅走向精湛。南朝骈文隶事既可充实文章内容,提高艺术表现力,又可装饰文章形式,增强审美性,在骈文追求形式美的过程中起到至关重要的作用。南朝骈文隶事有其深层次的文化动因,除尊经崇古的心态使然外,还受重形式的文学审美取向与重博学的社会文化风气的影响。  相似文献   
李小满 《学术探索》2015,(1):112-117
清代词家在推尊词体,将词论入诗教的过程中,对于词之女性书写的批评逐渐在词学体系内显现出独立发展的脉络。总体来看,词坛对女性词的批评离不开"情",闺情题材的本质化给予了女性词作者地位的合法性,形成女性词以婉丽为正宗的文体观念;清中期以后,对女性词的雅化要求渗透着妇德女教道德审视,却表明对女性词的批评开始剥离原本附着的男性欲望对象化符号和家国之思隐喻符号意义;随着晚清词坛论说焦点转向真情论,清代词家对女性词的批评转向关注女性个体命运,认可女性词作为抒发女性真实生活情感之文学载体地位。况周颐自成一体的女性词评论体系,表明女性词批评终于脱离符号化与象征化定位,实现了理论意义上的文体独立性。  相似文献   
谷鹏飞 《学术月刊》2012,(4):115-121
作为前现代社会身份认同的辅助形式,审美形式因其公共性精神本义而为上层阶级所据有;作为现代社会身份认同的主导形式,审美形式因其符号性价值而为人们所争夺。审美形式与身份认同由此呈现出如下递进关系:特定的社会群体通过特定的审美形式强化自己的群体属性,特定的审美形式经由特定的社会群体而提升自己的符号价值,审美形式由此超出美学而进入政治哲学题域,成为现代性身份认同的重要资源。但唯礼器信仰的前现代身份认同夸耀审美形式的公共性价值,舍弃其所蕴涵的自然生命根基;唯形式扮饰的现代性身份认同高扬审美形式的符号性价值,忽略其所深潜的公共性精神本义,二者均导致身份认同的危机。要解决这一危机,需要在现代社会生存论视野内,重返审美形式的源发性属性和自然生命根源,凸显审美形式的自律—他律性,以此建构自我—他者型的身份认同模式。  相似文献   
Analysis of Mayakovsky’s prose writings of the mid-1920s on the craft of satire reveals that he understood it to be a scientific discipline subject to strict cause-and-effect relationships: if the satirical treatment of a theme — any theme — is correct, then the piece will produce ‘involuntary laughter’ (neproizvol’nyi smekh). As an example, he puts forward his 1923 poem ‘Schematic of Laughter’ (Skhema smekha) — a text he claims contains no comic ideas, but only the correct satirical sharpening of discourse. As a barebones inventory of comic devices, the poem is a perfect place to begin an examination of Mayakovsky’s poetics of humour. But it is not alone; in a note to the 1925 poem ‘Shallow Philosophy in Deep Places’ (Melkaia filosofiia na glubokikh mestakh), Mayakovsky explains that it too is a ‘skeleton poem’ (stikh-skelet), just like the ‘Schematic’, and another compendium of humorous devices. Together, then, these poems represent the purest and most concentrated expression of Mayakovsky’s understanding of the mechanics of poetic humour. Sustained close reading of both poems reveals that his humorous devices, ranging from formal to narrative, all serve to establish and then deceive expectations in the reader.  相似文献   
陈炎 《河北学刊》2012,32(5):75-80
艺术的目的是要表达情感,而艺术的情感又不是抽象的概念和范畴所能够穷尽的,恰恰相反,具体的感性形式往往能够承载"只可意会、不可言传"的情感内容。于是,"形式"与"情感"便成为艺术作品不可或缺的两大元素。从符号学的角度上看,"形式"与"情感"犹如"能指"与"所指"的关系,但二者的关系又不是约定俗成的,而是建立在人生经验的基础之上。这种"准符号"的特点既为艺术作品的理解造成了多义性、模糊性的麻烦,又为艺术作品的欣赏提供了超越民族和地域的可能。  相似文献   
吴声西曲是六朝时期流行于南方民间的乐曲,由于统治者的喜好而被采入宫廷乐府,创作艺术上取得了进步。吴声西曲的发展过程为同属音乐文学的词体文学演进奠定了基础。词体文学在承续吴声西曲创制手法、结构形式、表现内容等层面的基础上不断完善,终演变成独立的文学样式。考索吴声西曲与词体文学间的关联与转换,或能将乐府与词之间潜在的勾连关系呈现得更加清晰、全面。  相似文献   
The present study aims at exploring whether aspects of urban form are associated with urban eco-efficiency in China. Quantitative indicators relating to urban form (form, compactness ratio, elongation ratio and population density) and urban eco-efficiency (resource efficiency, environmental efficiency and overall eco-efficiency) were selected and quantified using remote sensing and data envelopment analysis methods. The urban form aspects of form and compactness ratios were positively correlated with urban eco-efficiency and resource efficiency. Conversely, the urban elongation ratio exhibited negative correlations with urban eco-efficiency and resource efficiency. Regarding environmental efficiency, no significant correlation is found with compactness though a negative correlation is found with population density. These results indicate that, within China, designing cities to be compact may be lead to increases in eco-efficiency and resource efficiency, but if the population density is too high the increased pollution costs will result in a decrease in environmental efficiency.  相似文献   
We obtain the first four moments of scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions allowing for scale parameters. The first two moments of their quadratic forms are obtained using those moments. Previous studies derived the moments, but all relevant results do not allow for scale parameters. In particular, it is shown that the mean squared error becomes an unbiased estimator of σ2 with skewed and heavy-tailed errors. Two measures of multivariate skewness are calculated.  相似文献   
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