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跨国公司在东道国进行投资时,会倾向于在特定地区大量集中,借助由此带来的集聚效应和扩散效应,从而形成空间分布上的中心—外围结构。从跨国公司在国内的空间布局情况出发,研究了跨国公司中心—外围结构的形成动因、形成机制及主要类型,指出了跨国公司的中心—外围结构在促进区域合理分工、增强集聚效应、产生规模经济和提高企业自主创新能力等方面的重要作用。  相似文献   
汶川震灾发生后,不同的企业做出了不同的社会责任的危机响应,跨国公司的企业社会责任实践也受到普遍关注。跨国公司捐赠的法律规制可以分为两个方面的问题:跨国公司不捐赠关系着我国公司法规定的公司社会责任约束力问题;以及跨国公司捐赠后涉及公司法规定的董事和高管的忠实义务、注意义务问题。  相似文献   
3G牌照的发放意味着以数据业务为主体的通信时代的来临,电信企业间的竞争将更加白热化。电信企业销售费用持续上升,销售收入的增长幅度却逐年下降,传统的大众营销理念已不适应电信领域的变革,营销的创新对于电信企业显得尤为重要。有鉴于此,在明晰电信企业精准营销的概念和内涵的基础上,分析了我国电信企业进行精准营销的必要性,并对电信企业的3G市场进行了科学的分析,研究并提出了电信企业在3G时代进行精准营销的举措。  相似文献   
网络经济时代的竞争已不再是单个企业之间的竞争,而是企业合作网络之间的竞争,这是一种新的竞争形态——网络竞争。战略网络就是在这种背景下兴起和发展起来的新战略思想。讨论跨国公司从并购到构筑战略网络参与全球竞争模式的演化过程,认为战略网络的兴起和发展是适应全球经营环境的必然选择,跨国公司通过战略网络可以构筑全球竞争优势。  相似文献   
企业社会责任来源的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
责任、企业责任以及企业社会责任是系列相关概念。责任来源于自由、外部期望和不确定因素,自由意味着责任,期望引发责任,不确定因素直接导致责任产生,责任成就于能力和影响力。企业责任的来源同样如此,企业作为具有意向性的主体,拥有自由抉择的权利和丰富物质资源,决定了企业作为社会公民对社会负有责任。文章具体分析了企业社会责任的理论来源,从协调发展论、权力让渡论和规避国家干预论等角度比较充分地阐释了企业承担社会责任的理论依据。  相似文献   
This study examines the extent to which large corporations contribute to political candidates of similar ideology and party affiliation. Using a sample of 1596 dyads created by relations among 57 large U.S. manufacturing firms, four variables were found to be associated with similarity of ideological contributions, party contributions, or both: corporate headquarters location in the same state, market constraint relations between the industries in which the firms operate, the presence of director interlocks with the same financial institutions, and the extent to which the firms' primary operations were in highly concentrated industries. Members of the same industries, however, were no more likely to support candidates with similar ideologies or party affiliations than were firms in different industries. Moreover, the positive effect of geographical proximity appeared to be a result of firms' tendencies to contribute to candidates from their own state rather than a result of a geographically based ideological split within the business community.  相似文献   
跨国公司的本土化可以被理解为一个学习本土知识,尤其是本土的隐性知识的过程,在这个过程中,各种本土化策略其实是对相应的本土知识的组合在不同层次上的学习。相应的,各种本土化战略就是组织学习的外在的管理行为和学习过程。由此出发,跨国公司应该明确在本土化的过程中获得哪些知识,以及采用哪些相应的战略。  相似文献   
This article examines the premises of corporate solutions to gender inequality in the Global South. In feminist debates, businesses’ increasing emphasis on women’s empowerment has been discussed both in terms of increasing feminist impact and the co-optation of feminist demands. To explore the ideological effects of corporate gender practices, focus is placed on the Coca-Cola Company’s global “5by20” campaign, which has the stated aim to empower five million women as small-scale entrepreneurs around the world and, in a “win–win” fashion, to double sales by 2020. Based on interviews and participatory observations in Mexico, this article traces a particular narrative of empowerment, envisioned as a transition from dependency to self-sufficiency and threatened by psychological and cultural restraints rather than material conditions. It shows that self-help and positive thinking are essential affective drives, thus reinforcing market-based, individualized development strategies. In response to feminist debates, the article concludes that corporate gender practices can be seen as part of a neoliberal transposition of equality concerns from a political to an economic domain. In effect, when initiatives such as 5by20 promote the accumulation of “human capital” to enhance gender equality, they simultaneously work to legitimize the inequalities that are necessarily entailed in competitive capitalism.  相似文献   
全球化时代,跨国公司的直接投资在为发展中国家带来资金、技术和管理知识的同时,也将污染产业转移到发展中国家,从而带来了环境污染问题。我国是吸引外资最多的发展中国家,对跨国公司污染转移的监管责任重大。跨国公司污染转移具有隐蔽性、长期性、歧视性。关于跨国公司污染转移的动因,目前有污染避难所假说、环境成本转移说、市场失灵和政府失灵说。治理跨国公司污染转移的法律依据既有国际法层面的,也有国内法层面的。我国对跨国公司污染转移的治理存在诸多不足,既有国际法的强制力不足,也有国内立法规定不足,另外,还有外资审批的环保把关不严、环境信息公开制度不完善等。针对跨国公司污染转移法律治理的不足,我国应从以下几个方面予以完善:促进国际立法、完善国内相关立法、加强投资的环境审批和环保执法、完善环境信息公开制度、加快完善环境标准体系。  相似文献   
知识转移、企业边界与中国企业的跨国经营   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于知识的观点将企业看作专门从事知识的创造和内部转移的社会团体,其在内部转移知识及向外部企业转移知识的相对效率,决定了企业的边界。跨国经营是一个知识创造和转移的渐进过程,知识转移成本而非交易成本,能够更好地解释这一过程的演进机制。知识转移是企业成长问题的核心。构建一个与西方企业接轨的、高度流程化的、建立在IT系统上的知识体系,克服知识体系的难以编码性、难以传授性、结构性缺失和结构不对称,应当引起中国企业的重视。  相似文献   
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