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In her presentation entitled “No Mind Reading Necessary: Conducting Evidence-Based Electronic Resource Marketing and Outreach” at the North Carolina Serials Conference April 2019, Kate Hill discussed marketing research strategies and outreach tools used to increase online users’ access to electronic resources and primary resources. In an effort to connect users to seldom-used resources, Jackson Library collaborated with university partners to develop surveys to identify the information-seeking behavior of its users and apply the gathered marketing research to strategically plan outreach activities.  相似文献   

We urgently need a new global solidarity movement, but it will not be shaped like the old ones, with failing solidarity when it is most needed or at the service of anti-imperialist regimes. What we need, urgently, is a global movement for a just transition, combining social and environmental justice, as well as a strong movement against re-emerging fascism, in North and South.  相似文献   

This article draws upon insight from a study of those involved in introducing deliberative policy analysis in Thailand at the city scale and presents lessons for both policy practitioners and scholars. The design of each deliberative forum differed, depending on lessons learned from previous forums and the consensus that emerged as a result of deliberation amongst forum facilitators. The underlying principle of this kind of deliberative design is to make deliberative processes authentic, by avoiding coercion, inclusive, by engaging stakeholders who bring forth different ideas, and impactful. To make these forums more exciting, deliberative practices are often linked to other attractive discourses, such as those surrounding smart cities, creative spaces and inclusive development. The case of Thailand sheds light on emerging challenges involved in the practice of deliberative policy analysis in the context of both national political regimes that are not democracies and those in the East.  相似文献   

This paper considers the optimization problems for a consecutive-2-out-of-n:G system where n is considered to be fixed or random. When the number of components is constant, the optimal number of components and the optimal replacement time are discussed by minimizing the expected cost rates. Furthermore, we focus on the above discussions again when n is a random variable. We give an approximate value of MTTF and propose the preventive replacement policy, respectively.  相似文献   
公共经济体制作为处理公共经济中各方面当事人之间责任分工、权力配置和利益分配的规则体系,其科学性高低,不仅对于公共经济生产力能否有效发挥、公共经济资源能否合理配置和整个公共经济体能否健康持续发展至关重要,而且还会对整个混合经济体的动力、活力和国际竞争力产生关键性作用。从公共经济学角度考察,国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的实质乃是公共经济管理的现代化,而公共经济体制的科学化是公共经济管理现代化的核心和基础,因而推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化需要完善的公共经济体制为根基。构建一整套系统完备的公共经济体制,更需要按照科学的功能目标和正确的指导原则加以统筹设计,才能取得良好的治理效果。  相似文献   
十六国时期少数民族所建政权的法律制度多循魏晋,但当时一些有为君主为了适应特殊情势的需要,在取舍中原汉制的基础上,又制定了一些新的法律制度,在行政、刑事、民事、经济、婚姻、司法等制度方面均有所建树,从而使十六国时期的法制在中华法制文明发展史上留下了自己的身影。  相似文献   
西夏的行政、军事机关,一般都兼有案件审判和督察复核职责。司法诉讼主要为刑事诉讼,即使民事案件,也是用刑事判断。对人犯的逮捕只需长官的指令,而不履行法律手续。法律上只有对逮捕人的督察,防其奸伪、贪纵、暴掠以及无故杀伤人犯,人犯拒捕反抗格杀勿论。  相似文献   
“政教合一制”是一种特有的政治制度,然而在对这一制度的判断标准上学界却有不同的意见,文章通过西藏地方和中世纪西欧“政教合一制”形成的比较,提出作者自己的判断标准。  相似文献   
基于系统分析视角,介绍三种主要的系统事故建模的新方法,即事故建模的系统性方法、形式化方法和事故分析、社会学和组织分析方法。总结了建模方法的长处及不足,提出了综合视角下的系统事故分析框架,同时指出系统系理论可用于社会技术系统事故建模,以及未来建模的发展趋势。  相似文献   
【目的/意义】随着世情、民情、国情、党情的深刻变化,我国已经进入中国特色社会主义新时代。新的历史发展方位对中国共产党的党员队伍素质提出了更高更新的要求,以习近平同志为核心的党中央在全党和全国范围内开展了“不忘初心,牢记使命”的主题教育活动。【设计/方法】要把教育活动转化为长效制度,就需要通过对历史的追溯、对现实的脉诊、对理论的发展、对实践的回应和对未来的勾勒,寻求构建中国共产党“不忘初心,牢记使命”长效制度的内在逻辑支撑和外在学理依据。【结论/发现】坚持历史、现实、理论、实践和未来五重逻辑有着巨大的现实意义,回答了构建“不忘初心,牢记使命”制度的历史必然性、现实人民性、理论科学性、革命实践性和未来发展性。阐述和贯彻五重逻辑将为新时代中国共产党建设“不忘初心,牢记使命”的制度提供不竭动力和注入崭新内涵。  相似文献   
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