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Under current conditions of accelerated socioenvironmental change in the Mediterranean forested landscapes, fire is one of the most critical and difficult risks to tackle within the region. This article summarizes the lessons learned from a project based on the participatory integration of qualitative local stakeholders' knowledge with expert GIS fire simulations carried out in the County of El Bages, Catalonia, Spain. First, in this article, a theoretical model--the forest fire circle--is presented in order to explain the reasons for the rise in the damage and frequency of forest fires in this Mediterranean area. Second, it describes the methodology developed and the stages followed during the project. Results show that: (1) the advocacy of old forest reactive management paradigm assumptions and practices based on uncontrolled forest succession can put vast wooded areas of the Mediterranean basin at critical risk; and (2) forest fire management approaches that ignore the crucial role of long-term prevention and local capacity building strategies have failed. In the final section, the content and the specific dimensions of the old reactive paradigm that has characterized forest fire risk management in Catalonia are discussed and contrasted with the possibly emerging preventative paradigm.  相似文献   
This article offers longitudinal data tracking people who did and did not attend a series of public meetings in an upstate New York rural community grappling with the expansion of an existing solid waste landfill and remediation of an adjacent inactive hazardous waste site. Before and after the public meetings, mailed questionnaires measured risk perceptions and perceived credibility of risk managers (here, the state government agencies and the responsible industry) conducting the meetings. Respondents at each measurement point included meeting attendees and nonattendees, with some fluctuation over time when attendees at one measurement point were nonattendees at the next and vice versa. The results from the first survey indicate that following the first two public meetings, attendees perceived greater risks from the waste sites than did nonattendees; attendees also perceived the risk managers as less credible. After the third public meeting, the results showed that attendees' risk perceptions remained steady; however, perceptions of government agency credibility significantly decreased. After the fourth public meeting, the survey found that attendees' risk perceptions were again not significantly different, whereas perceptions of government agency credibility increased significantly. The industry's credibility also increased, though only among attendees who had attended the most recent public meeting, not among attendees who had attended both the third and fourth public meetings. For nonattendees, risk perceptions and credibility ratings did not change. The discussion examines how distinctive characteristics of communication at each public meeting may have resulted in different effects and proposes hypotheses for future research.  相似文献   
公共利益的概念建构评析 ——行政伦理学的视角   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
文章系统地梳理了美国行政学理论发展过程中的“公共利益”观念的变迁;批判了诸种功利主义和技治主义行政学理论对于“公共利益”的片面甚至错误的看法;主张将“公共利益”取向视为行政人必备的一种精神,一种职业信仰和终极向往。  相似文献   
区域产品分类与选择是区域经济发展中最重要和最基础的工作.在产品选择与分类时,需要确定指标权系数和分类阈值等参数,这在实际应用中是比较困难的.针对这种情况,提出了一种信息不完全确定的区域产品模糊区间聚类方法.该方法构建了指标权系数信息不完全确定的最优模糊区间聚类模型,利用遗传算法和改进的FCM算法联合求解所得优化模型,得到指标权系数、最优聚类中心和最优划分,进而确定各产品所属类别.最后将该方法应用于某区域的产品分类和主导产品的确定中,实例计算说明该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   
目的:运用德尔菲法构建一套科学、可操作的公立医院绩效评价体系。方法:采用文献法研究国内外绩效评价理论,结合问卷结果形成初始量表。通过德尔菲法对指标进行两轮筛选及优化。结果:初步形成由“社会效益”、“质量安全”、“运行效益与效率”为基本结构的指标体系,包括3个一级指标、13个二级指标和72个三级指标。结论:该指标体系重点关注医院公益性及内涵质量,对公立医院绩效评价具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
采用嵌套Logit模型,基于江苏省病虫害统防统治试点地区630个水稻种植户的调研数据,对影响农户采纳包药防治服务与全承包防治服务的因素进行了比较分析。结果表明:在第一层次病虫害防治模式(统防统治与自防自治)采纳时,农户的病虫害防治效果认知是影响其防治模式采纳决策的重要因素。在第二层次病虫害防治方式选择时,用工补贴、宣传引导、雇工价格变异系数、服务价格、户主年龄、与农技员联系强度,对农户包药防治服务采纳决策有显著影响;用工补贴、雇工价格变异系数、户主年龄、留守劳动力人数、家庭收入水平和稻田规模,对农户全承包防治服务采纳决策有显著影响;提出应根据农户禀赋和所属地区特征提高服务供给的针对性,充分发挥村集体组织协调功能等政策建议。  相似文献   
新时代网络社会的不确定性、突变性等特征极大地颠覆了重大工程社会矛盾的阶段演化特性,对传统封闭性的社会矛盾化解机制设计提出了新挑战,具有多元非中心性的公众参与在应对该挑战中可发挥重要的引导作用。基于裂缝假说分析重大工程社会冲突困境,提出建立与公众参与水平相匹配的参与制度是困境化解的关键路径;将公众参与成熟度作为公众参与水平划分工具,按照低、中、高将其划分为3 个水平;引入网络化治理理论,建立与公众参与水平相匹配的公众参与机制,即形成“政府主导-社区参与”型、“政府引导-社会组织介入”型、“政府与社会组织协同合作”型机制,推动公众参与引导重大工程社会矛盾的自我疏导、自我治理和自我化解,形成全民共建共享的网络化治理新格局。  相似文献   
利益是公共政策分析的基本范畴,实现公共利益是教育政策制定最重要的目标。教育政策的利益分析包括利益主体分析、利益需求分析、利益实现方式分析以及利益结果分析四个方面。从利益分析的角度来看,择校问题实际上是由于优质教育资源供需矛盾而导致的,其中教育资源分配不均衡是根本原因。择校代表了一种个人的基本权利,体现的是个人利益。通过改革不合理的教育供给方式、增加教育服务供给,是治理择校问题、平衡公共利益和私人利益的有效途径。  相似文献   
党的十八、十九大均指出,生态文明建设功在当代、利在千秋。十九大进一步明确提出要构建“政府主导、社会协同、公众参与、法治保障”的生态文明建设新局面。《环境保护公众参与办法》的出台为公众参与环境保护提供了强有力的制度保障,但公众的参与程度与许多因素有关。在积极发动和鼓励公众参与生态文明建设的过程中,政府可发挥新媒体协商平台的作用,提高新媒体的回应能力,为公众参与生态文明建设提供保障;公众应借助新媒体互动平台的功能,进一步提升生态意识,践行生态行为,自觉维护生态环境;环保组织要发挥新媒体的聚焦作用,推动环保组织的成长壮大。  相似文献   
近年来,在网络通俗小说创作中涌现出大量的拟古世情小说。这类小说往往以宏大的故事布局和对优秀女主人公的塑造,吸引了众多阅读者的目光。这些女主人公群像,不仅反映出汉民族文化传统的审美眼光,也寄托了根源于以家族、财富为中心的社会价值期待,还与当下价值评判体系中的女性群体的自我期许相吻合。这些拟古世情小说在完成言情小说的爱情故事构形和实现娱情的休闲功能以外,也因为广大阅读群体逐渐步入或即将步入中产阶层而发生相应的变化,重新赋予女性作为稳定家庭、增长财富、养育子女、传承家风的核心力量的社会意义,她们洁身自好,对爱情专一,勇于面对困难,乐于奉献,担当责任,胸怀宽广。这些新型的“高大全”形象,表达出女性主义的新倾向:女性的成长和幸福的获得,更重要的在于女性内在的精神力量,与传统的气节、操守有关的人格因素,以及家教和门风。这使得网络平台的民间话语表达,具有更为包容传统以及融合其合理因素的价值取向,也与当下主流意识形态遥相呼应。  相似文献   
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