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Coefficient of tail dependence measures the strength of dependence in the tail of a bivariate distribution and it has been found useful in the risk management. In this paper, we derive the upper tail dependence coefficient for a random vector following the skew Laplace distribution and the skew Cauchy distribution, respectively. The result shows that skew Laplace distribution is asymptotically independent in upper tail, however, skew Cauchy distribution has asymptotic upper tail dependence.  相似文献   
E. Spjotvoll 《Statistics》2013,47(1):69-93
A review is given of random regression coefficients models. The emphasis is put on the problem of estimating the mean regression coefficients and the covariance matrix of the coefficients. Prediction of the individual random coefficients is not discussed. The main purpose of the review is to point to the practical aspects of the models and the problem of statistical inference in finite samples. Some problems for future research are indicated.  相似文献   
普通高等教育可持续发展框架——特区建设的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在解读地方政府热衷于“大学城”建设的原因以及普通高等教育发展中的体制性障碍———“政府失灵”的基础上,提出了搭建普通高等教育特区的设想,并建议将辽宁省大连市作为试点地区,通过机制创新,开辟全新的普通高等教育可持续发展之路。  相似文献   
对广东普通工科高等教育的办学效益问题,从结构布局效益、层次与规模效益进行了讨论,提出了提高办学效益的基本对策。  相似文献   
本文先介绍跳马步系列的有关概念及性质,然后用跳马步系列研究奇素数阶规则完美幻 方的个数。  相似文献   
鱼类的自然属性一旦和人类相联系就有了社会属性 ,两者的结合即产生了鱼文化。鱼文化在我国的历史上及人们的饮食、风俗、美术等方面都有各种表现。在表现为各种生熟海鲜的同时反映出了鱼的馔食文化 ,在表现为各种鱼祭鱼信仰的同时演化出了鱼的风俗文化 ,在表现为各种图画造型的同时展现出了鱼的美术文化。探讨鱼文化的表现领域、规律属性等 ,对于挖掘民俗文化、建设和丰富人们的文化生活等 ,都有重要的文化史价值和现实意义  相似文献   
近些年来 ,有些学者主张将“五四”以后的汉字离析出来 ,称之为“现代汉字” ,并以它们为研究对象建立现代汉字学。从汉字发展演变和纯文字学的角度来看 ,“五四”前后的汉字并无质的不同 ,将“五四”以后的汉字单独离析出来 ,称之为“现代汉字” ,理由不够充分 ;而作为“现代汉字学”研究对象的“现代汉字” ,应该包括汉字楷书全部发展阶段中的所有楷书字形 ,这也是现代汉字教育的重要任务  相似文献   
This paper describes the sexual behaviors of 101 male clients with female street prostitutes. An earlier study (Freund, Leonard, & Lee, 1989) was limited to sexual behaviors of street prostitutes themselves. Interviews were given by 62% of the clients approached. The clients were mature men (mean = 39.8 years), long‐term residents of Camden, NJ (mean = 19.2 years), and currently or previously married (78/101). Racial composition was similar to the general population of the area, 65% white, 33% black, 2% Asian. Clients reported a mean of 5.3 years of using prostitution, with 81% having been clients of Camden prostitutes for more than a year. Most were regular (or repeat) clients; 93% monthly or more frequently, and 63% weekly or more frequently. About one‐half (55%) reported sex with the same prostitute or same small group of prostitutes. The primary meeting place was the street (78/101) and 43% of the sexual encounters took place in the clients' cars. Ejaculation into the vagina was most frequently reported (43/101), followed by ejaculation into the mouth (39/101) Reports of condom use were substantial; 72% for vaginal and 33% for oral intercourse (mean = 58% of encounters).  相似文献   
康德先天图式与认识论革命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
娄永清  林昆勇 《创新》2007,2(2):102-107
康德自称在认识论上发动了“哥白尼式革命”,但他的论断名不符实。在笔者看来,认识论上的大革命始于对康德先天认知结构思想的否定,终于对它的否定之否定,而这一工作是由历代马克思主义者逐步完成的:他们应用历史的、实践的、辩证的观点,首先解决了认识的基础、能动性与矛盾性的问题,发现了认识运动的宏观规律,继而解决了先天认知结构和后天认知结构的关系问题,进一步揭示了认识活动的微观规律,最终完成了康德带头发动而无力推进的认识论变革与创新的伟大任务。  相似文献   
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