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沈从文和萧红的抒情小说创作在现代文学史上独立新帜,又有各自的特点。作为抒情小说,他们的作品都具有浓郁的抒情性,淡化冲突和情节,并且放慢了叙事节奏。但在沈从文的笔下,我们更多的看到的是人性美好的一面,而萧红笔下的世界则让人触目惊心,这点也表现在了人物形象的塑造上。在作品中流露的情感,沈从文的显得平和、从容、含蓄,而萧红作品中的情感则激烈、外露一些,他们对笔下世界的不同情感关照同时也表现在景物的描写上。虽然有这许多不同,但两人的作品都贯穿着现代乡村的“常”与“变”。   相似文献   
正规集是对许多语言理论起核心作用的一类语言,研究正规集的性质有助于有限态文法的文法推断和句法分析的研究以及正规集的自动识别。在文献[1]的基础上对正规集的一些重要性质进行了详细讨论,完善了正规集的理论。  相似文献   
通过对安徽省16所普通高校的中国传统音乐教育现状的调查分析,发现中国传统音乐在普通高校的音乐课程中所占的比例以及大学生对中国传统音乐的态度和认知水平存在诸多问题,进而引发作者对普通高校的中国传统音乐教育现状的思考,并从课程设置、教学内容、教学计划和教学大纲等方面对中国传统音乐教育提出一些建设性构想与建议,进一步论述了如何更有效地利用普通高校这一优势文化阵地开展中国传统音乐教育,传承和创新中国灿烂悠久的音乐文化传统。  相似文献   
Individual education performance is usually influenced jointly by ability and background (family background). The relative share of these two factors forms the basic grounds for judgments of educational equity. Using sheaf coefficients, we compare the influence of these two mechanisms on the distribution of access to regular first degree higher education opportunities for institutions at different levels. Our findings show that both ability and family background have a marked influence. The higher the level of the institution, the greater the ability demanded of its students. The effect of family also increases significantly at this level, but ability always has a much stronger influence than family background. It can be seen that though family background is influential in the distribution of higher education opportunities in China today, ability fundamentally remains the dominant criterion, embodying the classic features of a meritocratic society “open to talent.”  相似文献   
康德先天图式与认识论革命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
娄永清  林昆勇 《创新》2007,2(2):102-107
康德自称在认识论上发动了“哥白尼式革命”,但他的论断名不符实。在笔者看来,认识论上的大革命始于对康德先天认知结构思想的否定,终于对它的否定之否定,而这一工作是由历代马克思主义者逐步完成的:他们应用历史的、实践的、辩证的观点,首先解决了认识的基础、能动性与矛盾性的问题,发现了认识运动的宏观规律,继而解决了先天认知结构和后天认知结构的关系问题,进一步揭示了认识活动的微观规律,最终完成了康德带头发动而无力推进的认识论变革与创新的伟大任务。  相似文献   
本文研究下述Cauchy问题(其中)广义解的唯一性问题,在一定条件下,得到了唯一性结论,并给出严格证明.  相似文献   
The authors study the asymptotic behaviour of the likelihood ratio statistic for testing homogeneity in the finite mixture models of a general parametric distribution family. They prove that the limiting distribution of this statistic is the squared supremum of a truncated standard Gaussian process. The autocorrelation function of the Gaussian process is explicitly presented. A re‐sampling procedure is recommended to obtain the asymptotic p‐value. Three kernel functions, normal, binomial and Poisson, are used in a simulation study which illustrates the procedure.  相似文献   

Extremal dependence analysis assesses the tendency of large values of components of a random vector to occur simultaneously. This kind of dependence information can be qualitatively different than what is given by correlation which averages over the total body of the joint distribution. Also, correlation may be completely inappropriate for heavy tailed data. We study the extremal dependence measure (EDM), a measure of the tendency of large values of components of a random vector to occur simultaneously and show consistency of an estimator of the EDM. We also show asymptotic normality of an idealized estimator in a restricted case of multivariate regular variation where scaling functions do not have to be estimated.  相似文献   
本文通过研究完整子半群来确定可换群的结构,主要结果:Ⅰ若T是可换群G的完整子半群,则T是阿基米德的当且仅当T的极大完整子半群.ⅡG是可换群,T∈Γ(G),则T是特殊的当且仅当,Ⅲ可换群G∈Jω∩Js,若{ST1,ST2…,STr},是一个Δ的一个浅显序子集,则以下等价:(1)=E0(2){T1,T2,…,Tn}是Γ(G)的一个极大浅显序子集.(3)Γ(G)的每一条根包含唯一的Ti.(4)G是每一个拯小完整子半群包含唯一的STi.  相似文献   
本文利用非线性泛函分析的锥理论,获得了一类算子迭代的比较定理,进而给出了一类算子迭代不等式的全连续解的存在性条件.  相似文献   
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