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Asymptotics of an alternative extreme-value estimator for the autocorrelation parameter in a first-order bifurcating autoregressive (BAR) process with non-gaussian innovations are derived. This contrasts with traditional estimators whose asymptotic behavior depends on the central part of the innovation distribution. Within any BAR model, the main concern is addressing the complex dependency between generations. The inability of traditional methods to handle this dependency motivated an alternative procedure. With the combination of an extreme-value approach and a clever blocking argument, the dependency issue within the BAR process was resolved, which in turn allowed us to derive the limiting distribution for the proposed estimator through the use of regular variation and non-stationary point processes. Finally, the implications of our extreme-value approach are discussed with an extensive simulation study that not only assesses the reliability of our proposed estimate but also presents the findings for a new estimator of an unknown location parameter θ and its implications.  相似文献   
We discuss some analogues of the lack of memory property, the strong lack of memory property and the almost lack of memory properties for the Gompertz distribution as applications of the integrated Cauchy functional equation.  相似文献   
本文通过研究完整子半群来确定可换群的结构,主要结果:Ⅰ若T是可换群G的完整子半群,则T是阿基米德的当且仅当T的极大完整子半群.ⅡG是可换群,T∈Γ(G),则T是特殊的当且仅当,Ⅲ可换群G∈Jω∩Js,若{ST1,ST2…,STr},是一个Δ的一个浅显序子集,则以下等价:(1)=E0(2){T1,T2,…,Tn}是Γ(G)的一个极大浅显序子集.(3)Γ(G)的每一条根包含唯一的Ti.(4)G是每一个拯小完整子半群包含唯一的STi.  相似文献   
本文利用非线性泛函分析的锥理论,获得了一类算子迭代的比较定理,进而给出了一类算子迭代不等式的全连续解的存在性条件.  相似文献   
Let {ξi} be an absolutely regular sequence of identically distributed random variables having common density function f(x). Let Hk(x,y) (k=1, 2,…) be a sequence of Borel-measurable functions and fn(x)=n?1(Hn(x,ξ1)+…+Hn(x,ξn)) the empirical density function. In this paper, the asymptotic property of the probability P(supx|fn(x)?f(x)|>ε) (n→∞) is studied.  相似文献   
A Galton-Watson process in varying environments (Zn), with essentially constant offspring means, i.e. E(Zn)/mn→α∈(0, ∞), and exactly two rates of growth is constructed. The underlying sample space Ω can be decomposed into parts A and B such that (Zn)n grows like 2non A and like mnon B (m > 4).  相似文献   
目前,大学生组织生活存在内容不够丰富、形式缺乏吸引力,成员沟通交流不足、缺乏民主互动氛围,组织生活缺少针对性和系统性等问题。借助网络平台可以便捷地运用党员教育资源,有效扩大党员教育的辐射度与受益面,从而增强组织生活的吸引力。因此,通过构建党建网络体系和党建教育信息库、网络党支部平台、网上党校平台、网上组织生活的在线交流平台等途径,可以行之有效地对大学生党员进行引导和教育。  相似文献   
Cauchy-Schwarz不等式是异于均值不等式的另一个重要不等式,不仅在数学分析、高等代数中应用比较广泛,在竞赛数学和工程实际计算中也有广泛的应用.研究Cauchy-Schwarz不等式的几种特殊形式,并分别给出了它们的证明,最后给出了Cauchy-Schwarz不等式的推广形式.  相似文献   
从国家法律与社会民意、规范思维与普通理性、法律事实与民意认定的事实之间的冲突详细论述了司法实践中经常出现的司法判决违背民意的情形,正确认识司法判决与民意冲突的原因,也是提高司法权威性和司法判决社会认同度的基础。  相似文献   
根据普通高校体育选项课教学大纲的要求,对分层教学组织形式和目标教学法进行了系统研究,认为二者的有机整合可以有效提高普通高校体育教学的效果。分层教学与目标教学有机整合是分层制订分别适合不同高校大学生的教学目标和考核目标,因材施教,因需指导,因层评价和动态组合等,是帮助学生提高体育学习效果的较好方法,能够让学生最大限度地发挥自身潜力,从而促进大学生身心健康的发展,并帮助他们养成终身体育意识和体育习惯。  相似文献   
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